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Shadow CLJS

For shadow-cljs users, the easiest way to get portal setup is via a preload. It allows you to inject a namespace for instrumentation during development.


This guide will focus on ClojureScript in the context of a web browser, but shadow-cljs supports other JavaScript environments.

portal.web vs portal.shadow.remote

This first question you need to answer is, do you want Portal hosted by the web page itself or do you want to send values to a remote instance using the remote-api?

The pros and cons of portal.web are:

  • ✅ Access to native browser JavaScript objects
  • ✅ Register commands in the browser JavaScript context
  • ❌ State is linked to the browser page, so everything is cleared on page reload
  • ❌ Can't be used within an editor extension

The pros and cons of portal.shadow.remote are:

  • ✅ Values are persisted across page refreshes
  • ✅ Can manipulate data in a runtime where you might have more powerful tools
  • ❌ Native objects are serialized via pretty-print so you tend to have less leverage


You can run both types at the same time without any issues.


With that in mind, let's get started. In your shadow-cljs.edn file, you need to add the following bit of configuration:

;; shadow-cljs.edn
  {:target :browser
   :build-hooks [(portal.shadow.remote/hook)]
   :devtools {:preloads [portal.shadow.preload]}}}}

Or if you would like to pass options to portal.api/start:

;; shadow-cljs.edn
  {:target :browser
   :build-hooks [(portal.shadow.remote/hook {:port 1234})]
   :devtools {:preloads [portal.shadow.preload]}}}}

To define a custom preload change the configured preload to your custom namespace.

Web Setup

A basic setup with portal.web is as follows:

(ns my-app.portal.setup
  (:require [portal.web :as p]))

;; Allows options to be propagated across page reloads
(p/set-defaults! {:theme :portal.colors/gruvbox})

(add-tap p/submit)


To quickly open the Portal UI, you can use the ctrl | cmd + shift + o shortcut from the parent page.

Remote Setup

A basic setup with portal.shadow.remote is as follows:

(ns my-app.portal.setup
  (:require [portal.shadow.remote :as p]))

(add-tap p/submit)

Custom Setup

For a more comprehensive setup, try the following which leverages both and some additional bits from other guides:

(ns my-app.portal.setup
  (:require [portal.shadow.remote :as r]
            [portal.web :as p]))

(defn- submit [value]
  (p/submit value)
  (r/submit value))

(defn- error->data [ex]
   (when-let [data (.-data ex)]
     {:data data})
   {:runtime :portal
    :cause   (.-message ex)
    :via     [{:type    (symbol (.-name (type ex)))
               :message (.-message ex)}]
    :stack   (.-stack ex)}))

(defn- async-submit [value]
    (instance? js/Promise value)
    (-> value
        (.then async-submit)
        (.catch (fn [error]
                  (async-submit error)
                  (throw error))))

    (instance? js/Error value)
    (submit (error->data value))

    (submit value)))

(add-tap async-submit)

(defn- error-handler [event]
  (tap> (or (.-error event) (.-reason event))))

(.addEventListener js/window "error" error-handler)
(.addEventListener js/window "unhandledrejection" error-handler)

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