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A tiny library to get predicates from example data.

Can be used to match maps by examples. To find all persons whose name includes "Bob" you could write

(def persons [{:name "Bob" :age 31} {:name "Al" :age 32} {:name "Cory" :age 44}])

(filter (like {:name "Bob"}) persons)
=> ({:name "Bob" :age 31})


Simply add the following entry to your :dependencies:

[ebenbild "0.1.1"]

Ebenbild consists of two core functions: like and like?.

  • (like arg) returns a predicate that matches look-a-likes of the given arg.
  • (like? arg compare-to) generates a predicate using (like arg) and calls it on compare-to. When using a predicate more than one time you should use like instead of like?.

So what are look-a-likes?

Depending on the given arg, like will generate predicates that match as follows:

  • Fn assumes that it's already a predicate and just returns it.
    • (like? even? 4) => true
    • (like? even? 5) => false
  • String matches all strings that includes the given string.
    • (like? "AB" "elvABuunre") => true
    • (like? "AB" "CANRIBAean") => false
  • Pattern matches if the pattern matches.
    • (like? #"[a-z]" "a") => true
    • (like? #"[a-z]" "az") => false
  • Keyword matches the same keyword, if given no namespace matches all keywords with the same name
    • (like? :a :a) => true
    • (like? :a/a :a) => false
    • (like? :a :a/a) => true
    • (like? :a/a :a/a) => true
  • Map calls like on all vals (recursively) and matches another map if all keys are contained and their vals match.
    • (like? {:a "A"} {:a "BAB" :b 123}) => true
    • (like? {:a {:b "A"}} {:a {:b "LAL" :c 1}}) => true
    • (like? {:a 1} {:a "A"}) => false
  • IPersistentVector calls like on all entries (recursively) and matches any sequential with the same number of elements where all entries match the corresponding predicate.
    • (like? [1 2 3] '(1 2 3)) => true
    • (like? ["1" {:a 1} ["A"]] ["A1A" {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} ["XA"]]) => true
    • (like? [1 2] [1 2 3]) => false
  • ANY (a symbol in the core namespace), will always return true.
    • (like? ANY 1) => true
    • (like? ANY "Foo") => true
  • everything else will fall back to a equality check using =.

You can extend like by extending the EbenbildPred Protocol.

Other functions

Ebenbild provides some functions often used with like.

  • (unlike x) the complement of (like x)
  • (like-one x y z ...) returns a predicate that matches if any given data is a look-a-like
  • (like-all x y z ...) returns a predicate that matches if all given data is a look-a-like

Properties of ebenbild predicates

The following properties should hold for every predicate created with like. Please create an issue if you find some edge case that doesn't.

  1. Identity: (like? x x)/((like x) x) is always true.
    1. with the exception of functions and regexes
  2. Just Predicates: The predicate always returns true or false
  3. Failsafe: The predicate throws no errors.

Further notices

Because like/unlike/like-one/like-all returns predicates and (like predicate) returns the predicate itself, you can nest different like. For example

(like {:Type (like-one :simple :complex))

returns a predicate that matches every map that has a :Type key with either :simple or :complex as the value.

Because like-one/like-all are functions (unlike clojure.core or/and) you can apply them on seqs of data to get a predictate that matches look-a-likes for one or all of them.


Copyright © 2017 Albrecht Schmidt

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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