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1. Why?

The standard clojure.test library is "good enough" for many testing tasks, and has great IDE integration (at least for Clojure). Fulcro-spec can help in a few distinct ways:

  1. As a helper library to add clarity and convenience to certain testing tasks.

  2. As a standardized wrapper that allows you to work with Clojure and Clojurescript tests in the same way.

  3. As a wrapper library that augments how you write and run your tests.

In the former case you continue to use deftest, is, are, and other clojure.test features, but also use things like fulcro-spec’s provided macro to isolate units of code.

In the latter case you adopt more of the macros to get some additional advantages:

  • More expressiveness around what your tests are meant to test.

  • More expressive test output.

  • Clearer data diffs on assertion failures (in both clj and cljs).

  • Test output control, rendering, and refresh with a browser interface.

2. Usage

  • Make sure your clojure(script) versions are at or above "1.9.x".

  • Add [fulcrologic/fulcro-spec "x.y.z"] to your :dependencies.

  • Make sure you have at least one test file, eg: test/your-ns/arithmetic_spec.cljc, that uses fulcro-spec.core:

(ns your-ns.arithmetic-spec
    [fulcro-spec.core :refer [specification behavior component assertions]]))

(specification "arithmetic"
  (component "addition"
    (behavior "is commutative"
        "description of the assertion(s). A string can be followed by 1+ arrow triples:"
        (+ 13 42) => (+ 42 13)
        (+ 1 5) => 6
        "Another assertion"
        (+ 1 1) => 2))))

The specification macro is just deftest, but it allows you to use a string instead of a symbol (it optionally also allows tests to be tagged for filtering). The component and behavior are roughly an alias for testing, but will indent within a Fulcro Spec reporter (so you get an outline view).

The assertions macro rewrites REPL-like expressions into clojure.test/is calls, but supports some shorthands for common checks (e.g. =throws⇒ can be used to expression the emission of an exception). It allows groups of assertions to include a description that will also be emitted (in outline form) in the reporter.

The above test is nearly equivalent to:

(ns your-ns.arithmetic-spec
    [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]))

(deftest arithmetic
  (testing "addition"
    (testing "is commutative"
      (testing "description of the assertion(s). A string can be followed by 1+ arrow triples:"
        (is (= (+ 13 42) (+ 42 13)))
        (is (= (+ 1 5) 6)))
      (testing "Another assertion"
        (is (= (+ 1 1) 2))))))

In fact, if you are used to testing with your REPL, you may choose to use deftest instead, since editor integration often looks for the deftest symbol itself:

(ns your-ns.arithmetic-spec
    [clojure.test :refer [deftest]]
    [fulcro-spec.core :refer [specification behavior component assertions]]))

;; Ok to mix and match. This form is easier to use with REPL integration
(deftest arithmetic
    "description of the assertion(s). A string can be followed by 1+ arrow triples:"
    (+ 13 42) => (+ 42 13)
    (+ 1 5) => 6
    "Another assertion"
    (+ 1 1) => 2))

2.1. Exceptions

You can check for thrown exceptions with =throws⇒, which accepts a few different forms on the right-hand side. The easiest and most useful is a map with a :regex key for checking the message in the exception:

(ns your-ns.arithmetic-spec
    [fulcro-spec.core :refer [specification behavior component assertions]]))

(specification "arithmetic"
    (f 22) =throws=> {:regex #"something in exception message"}))

See the main docs for further details.

2.2. Mocking

Testing units of code in isolation is a critical aspect of sustainable testing, and is in fact the majority of the reason that fulcro-spec exists. It is not uncommon to continue to write tests with clojure.test/deftest and clojure.test/is because IDE’s like Cursive support them very well (though you lose the usefulness of fulcro spec’s improved reporter). However, dealing with isolating your code typically involves a lot of hassle and boilerplate.

Isolating a unit of code is where fulcro-spec really shines. Say you wanted to test this bit of code:

(defn save-data! [data]
    (let [derived-data (xform data)]
      (write! derived-data))
    (catch Exception e

There are a number of things going on here, some of them out of our control. We would argue that unit tests for this function should never cause xform or write! to actually be called, since they are not the logic under test. Those functions should have their own tests that verify they work. Having dozens of failures when a single thing is wrong is the "cascading failure" problem, and it can make your tests much less useful for quickly figuring out exactly what got broken. (Of course, this kind of isolation isn’t very useful if you don’t test the other pieces).

Another issue is that if we actually run write! then it is very hard for us to control it…​we can’t easily force it to throw an exception so we can test that part of `save-data!’s logic.

When we want a true unit test for save-data! we need to be able to take control of these other functions. Fulcro spec includes macros that can help: provided, when-mocking, provided!, and when-mocking!. They all have the same basic shape:

(deftest save-data!-test
  (testing "Returns false on internal exceptions"
    (provided "The write! throws an exception"
      (write! d) =1x=> (throw (ex-info "" {:data-passed d}))

      (save-data! {}) => false)))

The provided macro takes 1 or more "arrow triples", and then any amount of code to run with mocks in place. Each "arrow triple" does the following:

  1. Verifies that the function is called the number of times specified in the arrow (e.g =10x⇒ means it MUST be called exactly 10 times).

  2. Captures arguments into the argument symbols (e.g. d in the example above)

  3. Makes the captured symbols available on the right-hand side (e.g. in this example we send it in the exception)

  4. Evaluates the right-hand side (a single expression) as the mock, which can make further assertions (e.g. check captured args)

  5. Verifies order (and number) of calls (order is only checked for function invocations of the same function)

Thus, you can spell out fairly complicated "scripts":

  (provided "f is called 3+ times"
    (f x) =1x=> (do
                    "arg is even on the first call"
                    (even? x) => true)
    (f x) =1x=> (do
                    "arg is odd on the second call"
                    (odd? x) => true)
    (f x) => 9


runs (g) with f mocked out. It implies that during the execution of g that f will be called at least 3 times (an arrow without a number means "one or more times" and will capture the remaining calls). The first call’s parameter is checked to see if it is even, and that mock then returns 42. The second call checks for an odd argument and returns 44. The final call(s) don’t check their args, and all return 9.

The difference between provided and when-mocking is that the latter does not accept a descriptive string and does not generate output, whereas the former does.

In Clojure(script) it is easy to fool yourself by making a mock that does impossible things and misleads you with passing tests that make no logical sense in the real program.

The provided! and when-mocking! alternatives add an additional level of sanity checking: They will check that your mocks are called with and return values that conform to the original function’s Clojure Spec. This is a very important bit of glue. If your mock returns data that is impossible for the real function to ever return, then it is a clear sign that you are forgetting how that function works, and will lead you to write a test that passes for very bad reasons:

(def f [a] (+ 1 a))

(def g [a]
  (str a (f a))

(deftest g-test
  (testing "g combines args with (f args)"
      (f a) => "22"

      (g "Hi ") => "Hi 22")))

The above test passes, but it is clearly not right. f Will never ever return a string, and the input of "Hi " is also an unacceptable thing to pass to + inside of `f'. Now, when your functions are close together you might notice this without any aid, but as soon as things get spread out then the chance of you making this kind of error becomes more probable, and your tests become less trustworthy and useful.

Using the ! forms will look for (and enforce) the Clojure specs on the mocked functions (it does not instrument anything, it literally checks the args and return values in the stubbed logic by looking up the spec on the original function):

;; Add this
(s/fdef f
  :args (s/cat :a int?)
  :ret int?)

(deftest g-test
  (testing "g combines args with (f args)"
    ;; Change to using the `!` form
      (f a) => "22"

      (g "Hi ") => "Hi 22")))

With the above two changes you now get a failing test, and the error message will tell you when your mock either receives an incorrect argument, or returns a non-conforming result.

2.2.2. Limitations of Mocking

The mocking system uses with-redefs internally. Thus, anything that cannot be clearly redefined at runtime cannot be mocked. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Macros: Macros expand at compile time. There is no way to "circumvent them" at test runtime.

  • Inlined functions: An inlined function is replaced with it’s body at compile time.

  • Java artifacts: Java does not participate in Clojure’s dynamism. You must still use something like Mockito (or clojure thin wrappers).

A workaround the works well for many things is to just wrap the problem call in a standard function.

2.3. Testing Macros

This isn’t really a feature of the library, but is just a note about how to test macros in Clojure in general. Macros are expanded at compile-time, so testing them in a runtime environment will not work. However, there is a very easy workaround: Realize that a macro is nothing more than a special function that picks up unevaluated forms, and returns a replacement for them. The fact that it runs at compile time is the inconvenient part.

The solution is quite simple: Write a true function that does the form maniputions, and call that from the macro. You can then easily test that the macro does what you expect:

(defn the-macro* [form]
     (output-form "hello"))

(defmacro the-macro [form]
  (the-macro* form))


(specification "The macro"
  (behavior "does some stuff"
      (the-macro* '(f 2)) => `(clojure.core/do (ns-of-f/f 2) (other-ns/output-form "hello")))))

3. Using the Fulcro Spec Runner/Reporter

Fulcro spec includes runners and reporters that can control and output your tests. They are optional, but often quite useful.

3.1. Clojure In The Terminal

  • Add [com.jakemccrary/lein-test-refresh "x.y.z"] to your :plugins.

  • Add the following to your project.clj configuration:

    :test-refresh {:report fulcro-spec.reporters.terminal/fulcro-report}
  • Run lein test-refresh in your command-line, et voila! You should see something like:

Using reporter: fulcro-spec.reporters.terminal/fulcro-report
*************** Running tests ***************
:reloading (your-ns.arithmetic-spec)
Running tests for: (your-ns.arithmetic-spec)

Testing your-ns.arithmetic-spec
     is commutative

Ran 1 tests containing 1 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.

Failed 0 of 1 assertions
Finished at 17:32:43.925 (run time: 0.01s)
Make sure you make the test fail to check that error reporting is working before moving on to another section.
Error refreshing environment: Could not locate clojure/spec__init.class or clojure/spec.clj on classpath.

Make sure you have clojure(script) versions above "1.9.x".

Error refreshing environment: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: clj does not exist, compiling:(fulcro_spec/watch.clj:1:1)

Add an :exclusions [org.clojure/tools.namespace] for tools.namespace on lein-test-refresh
(and any other projects that use it, which you can check using lein deps :tree or boot -pd),
as fulcro-spec requires "0.3.x" for clojurescript support, but lein-test-refresh doesn’t need that itself.

3.2. Clojure In The Browser

  • Create a dev/clj/user.clj file that contains:

(ns clj.user
    [fulcro-spec.selectors :as sel]
    [fulcro-spec.suite :as suite])

(suite/def-test-suite my-test-suite
  {:config {:port 8888} (2)
   :test-paths ["test"]
   :source-paths ["src"]}
  {:available #{:focused :unit :integration}
   :default #{::sel/none :focused :unit}})

(my-test-suite) (1)
1Starts the test suite, note that it will stop any pre-existing test suite first, so it’s safe to call this whenever (eg: hot code reload).
2You can now goto localhost:8888/fulcro-spec-server-tests.html
  • Make sure the "dev" folder is in your :source-paths, if you are using lein that’s probably just a :profiles {:dev {:source-paths ["dev"]}}.

  • Add clj.user to your :repl-options {:init-ns clj.user}, which again if using lein probably goes in your :profiles {:dev #_…​}

3.3. CLJS In The Browser

  • Add [figwheel-sidecar "x.y.z"] to your dev time dependencies (latest releases).

    • Add [com.cemerick/piggieback "x.y.z"] to your dev time dependencies (latest version).

    • Add :nrepl-middleware [cemerick.piggieback/wrap-cljs-repl] to your :repl-options.

  • Add [org.clojure/clojurescript "x.y.z"] as a normal dependencies (latest releases).

  • Add to your /dev/clj/user.clj:

  [com.stuartsierra.component :as cp]
  [figwheel-sidecar.system :as fsys]

(defn start-figwheel [build-ids]
  (-> (fsys/fetch-config)
    (assoc-in [:data :build-ids] build-ids)
    fsys/figwheel-system cp/start fsys/cljs-repl))
  • Create a /dev/cljs/user.cljs

(ns cljs.user
    your-ns.arithmetic-spec (1)
    [fulcro-spec.selectors :as sel]
    [fulcro-spec.suite :as suite]))

(suite/def-test-suite on-load {:ns-regex #"your-ns\..*-spec"} (2)
  {:default #{::sel/none :focused}
   :available #{:focused :should-fail}})
1Ensures your tests are loaded so the test suite can find them
2Regex for finding just your tests from all the loaded namespaces.
  • (Optional) Create an HTML file for loading your tests in your resources/public folder. If you’re using the standard figwheel config, then you can also choose to load one that is provided in the JAR of Fulcro Spec.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <link href="css/fulcro-spec-styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
        <link href="css/fulcro-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
        <link id="favicon" rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href=""/>
        <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
        <div id="fulcro-spec-report">Loading "js/test/test.js", if you need to name that something else (conflicts?) make your own test html file</div>
        <script src="js/test/test.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

The HTML above is exactly the content of the built-in file fulcro-spec-client-tests.html.

:cljsbuild {:builds [

{:id "test"
 :source-paths ["src" "dev" "test"]
 :figwheel     {:on-jsload cljs.user/on-load}
 :compiler     {:main          cljs.user
                :output-to     "resources/public/js/test/test.js"
                :output-dir    "resources/public/js/test/out"
                :asset-path    "js/test/out"
                :optimizations :none}}

lein repl
#_=> (start-figwheel ["test"])
java.lang.RuntimeException: No such var: om/dispatch, compiling:(fulcro/client/mutations.cljc:8:1)

Means you have a conflicting org.omcljs/om versions, either resolve them by looking at lein deps :tree or bood -pd, or pin your version to the latest version or whatever version fulcro-spec is using.

  • Run the tests by loading your HTML file (or the one provided in the Fulcro Spec JAR). The default figwheel port is 3449, so the URL that should always work by default if you’ve named your javascript output js/test/test.js would be: http://localhost:3449/fulcro-spec-client-tests.html

4. Focusing in on Tests

Fulcro Spec allows you to tag specifications with arbitrary keywords that you define, and allows you to specify which of those are in your "default" set. This can allow you to separate integration tests, or simply focus in on the test you’re working on.

(specification "My Test" :focused

The selectors configuration shown earlier (:default and :available) are where you define which ones you start out with. The special keyword ::sel/none is for tests that have no tag. The browser-based UI will let you choose the selectors to run from the pull out menu in the upper-left corner.

4.1. For CI

  • Add lein-doo as both a test dependency and a plugin

    :dependencies [#_... [lein-doo "0.1.6" :scope "test"] #_...]
    :plugins [#_... [lein-doo "0.1.6"] #_...]
  • Add a :doo section to your project.clj

    :doo {:build "automated-tests"
          :paths {:karma "node_modules/karma/bin/karma"}}
  • Add a top level package.json containing at least:

      "devDependencies": {
        "karma": "^2.0.0",
        "karma-chrome-launcher": "^2.2.0",
        "karma-firefox-launcher": "^1.1.0",
        "karma-cljs-test": "^0.1.0"
  • Add a :cljsbuild for your CI tests, eg:

:cljsbuild {:builds [

{:id "automated-tests"
 :source-paths ["src" "test"]
 :compiler     {:output-to     "resources/private/js/unit-tests.js"
                :output-dir    "resources/private/js/unit-tests"
                :asset-path    "js/unit-tests"
                :main          fulcro-spec.all-tests
                :optimizations :none}}

  • Add a file that runs your tests

(ns your-ns.all-tests
    your-ns.arithmetic-spec ;; ensures tests are loaded so doo can find them
    [doo.runner :refer-macros [doo-all-tests]]))

(doo-all-tests #"fulcro-spec\..*-spec")
  • Run npm install & then lein doo chrome automated-tests once,

If you put the automated-tests build in a lein profile (eg: test),
you will have to prepend a with-profile test …​ in your command.
  • See doo itself for further details & as a fallback if this information is somehow out of date.

6. Development

This section is for the development of fulcro-spec itself.
If you wanted instructions on how to use fulcro-spec in your app/library, see Usage

6.1. CLJS In The Browser

lein repl
#_user=> (start-figwheel ["test"])

6.2. Clojure In The Terminal

lein test-refresh

6.4. CI Testing

To run the CLJ and CLJS tests on a CI server, it must have chrome, node, and npm installed.
Then you can simply use the Makefile:

make tests

or manually run:

npm install
lein test-cljs
lein test-clj

7. License

MIT License Copyright © 2015 NAVIS

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