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  • Upgraded dependencies
  • Recompiled server test runner to work with Fulcro 2.7+


  • Made fulcro spec events not propagate to clojure test reporter, so test runners don't see the events.


  • Updated dependencies
  • Ported to defsc (finally)
  • Fixed a few glicthes that seemed to be affecting rendering


  • Added spec-checking provided! and when-mocking!


  • Upgrade to Clojure 1.9, Clojurescript 1.10
  • Removed use of clojure future spec
  • One bug fix to work with new DOM


  • Fixed error on startup related to selectors
  • Change assertions internals to not side-effect in a setup macro.


  • Fixed bug with server-side test rendering. A multimethod was expected by the back-end but we were passing a fn.


  • Fixed an expression that refused to compile in shadow-cljs


  • Removed dependency on timbre


  • Upgraded to use Fulcro 2.x.


  • Fixed clj test running to include stack trace on unexpected throws


  • bugfix: client renderer tried to connect to server test websocket


  • Fixed bug in server renderer due to networking change (beta7 is broken for server-in-browser)


  • Renamed to fulcro-spec
  • Ported to clojure.spec.alpha
  • Adding ability to render clojure tests in the browser!
  • WIP: when-mocking & provided will use clojure.spec.alpha to verify the :args passed to mocks, the :ret value you specify, and their relationship if a :fn spec if they exist.
  • Adding selectors to the specification macro
    • They emit meta data on the deftest var so they are compatible with anything, but also wrap the body so that fulcro-spec can properly run just the selected tests.
  • Fixed minor bug in renderer that could cause failure to start
  • Backported to Clojure 1.8. Should now work in 1.8 and 1.9


Lots of bug/issue fixes:

  • gh-6 -> fixed by work in gh-17
  • gh-8 -> using edn/read-string on "[" m "]" or falling back to just the message itself
  • gh-10 -> using js/alert for now
  • gh-11 -> by adding fix-str which handles nil and empty string as special cases
  • gh-13 -> adding test selector support in specification macro
  • gh-16 -> by wrapping the generated mock code in do-report's
  • gh-17 -> by using (& tweaking) diff/patch in the edn renderer
  • gh-18 -> can now capture varargs in a stub!
  • gh-21 -> added history to stubs for use in debugging when the stub is not called the required number of times
  • gh-21 -> improved messaging for when a stub is called with invalid arguments (ie: count mismatch or failing literal)
  • gh-21 -> reporting failing arguments when a stub is called too many times
  • gh-21 -> when validating stubs, failures will contain in their ex-data, the whole script, and each step will now also have history, (for cases when you are mocking a function with multiple steps, eg: =1x=> ... =2x=>)
  • gh-23 -> =throws=> now additionally supports a symbol, OR a map with optional keys: :ex-type :regex :fn
  • gh-25 -> added pending & passing filters
  • gh-28 -> using clojure.spec to parse provided & when-mocking
  • gh-32 -> fixing broken conform

Assorted fixes/improvements:

  • added exception handling to diff rendering
  • fixing stub arg validation to allow for no literals
  • fixing weird bug with diff patch where different size vectors crash the patch fn


  • Fixed bug with diff algorithm, see github issue #3


  • Fixed bug with diff algorithm, see github issue #2


  • Updated to work with React 15 and Om 36

0.3.6 - April 22, 2016

  • Added fulcro-spec.reporters.terminal/merge-cfg!
    • No arguments will print the valid keys, and if you pass it a map it will verify that you are only modifying existing key-value pairs.
  • Adding gensym to the symbol specification generates for deftest.
    • Conflicts with specification names & any other vars are now impossible
  • Can now configure pprint print-level & print-depth using fulcro-spec.reporters.terminal/merge-cfg!


  • Added support for new macros:
    • when-mocking: Just like provided, but without output (no string parameter)
    • component: Alias for behavior. Makes specs read better.
  • behavior macro now supports :manual-test as a body, which will indicate that the test requires a human to do the steps.

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