MACROS for generating CLJS code. See dom.cljs
MACROS for generating CLJS code. See dom.cljs
Client-side DOM macros and functions. For isomorphic (server) support, see also fulcro.client.dom-server
Client-side DOM macros and functions. For isomorphic (server) support, see also fulcro.client.dom-server
(a & args)
(abbr & args)
(address & args)
(area & args)
(article & args)
(aside & args)
(audio & args)
(b & args)
(base & args)
(bdi & args)
(bdo & args)
(big & args)
(blockquote & args)
(body & args)
(br & args)
(button & args)
(canvas & args)
(caption & args)
(circle & args)
(cite & args)
(clipPath & args)
(clj-map->js-object m)
Recursively convert a map to a JS object. For use in macro expansion.
Recursively convert a map to a JS object. For use in macro expansion.
(code & args)
(col & args)
(colgroup & args)
(convert-props props)
Given props, which can be nil, a js-obj or a clj map: returns a js object.
Given props, which can be nil, a js-obj or a clj map: returns a js object.
(create-element tag)
(create-element tag opts)
(create-element tag opts & children)
Create a DOM element for which there exists no corresponding function.
Useful to create DOM elements not included in React.DOM. Equivalent
to calling js/React.createElement
Create a DOM element for which there exists no corresponding function. Useful to create DOM elements not included in React.DOM. Equivalent to calling `js/React.createElement`
(data & args)
(datalist & args)
(dd & args)
(defs & args)
(del & args)
(details & args)
(dfn & args)
(dialog & args)
(div & args)
(dl & args)
(dt & args)
(element? x)
Returns true if the given arg is a react element.
Returns true if the given arg is a react element.
(ellipse & args)
(em & args)
(embed & args)
(fieldset & args)
(figcaption & args)
(figure & args)
(footer & args)
(form & args)
(g & args)
(gen-client-dom-fns create-element-sym)
(gen-dom-macro emitter name)
(gen-dom-macros emitter)
(h1 & args)
(h2 & args)
(h3 & args)
(h4 & args)
(h5 & args)
(h6 & args)
(head & args)
(header & args)
(hr & args)
(html & args)
(i & args)
(iframe & args)
(img & args)
(input & args)
(ins & args)
(kbd & args)
(keygen & args)
(label & args)
(legend & args)
(li & args)
(line & args)
(linearGradient & args)
(link & args)
(macro-create-element type args)
(macro-create-element type args csskw)
Used internally by element generation.
Used internally by element generation.
(macro-create-element* arr)
Used internally by the DOM element generation.
Used internally by the DOM element generation.
(macro-create-wrapped-form-element opts)
Used internally by element generation.
Used internally by element generation.
(main & args)
(map & args)
(mark & args)
(mask & args)
(menu & args)
(menuitem & args)
(meta & args)
(meter & args)
(nav & args)
(node component)
(node component name)
Returns the dom node associated with a component's React ref.
Returns the dom node associated with a component's React ref.
(noscript & args)
(object & args)
(ol & args)
(optgroup & args)
(option & args)
(output & args)
(p & args)
(param & args)
(path & args)
(pattern & args)
(picture & args)
(polygon & args)
(polyline & args)
(pre & args)
(progress & args)
(q & args)
(radialGradient & args)
(rect & args)
(render-to-str c)
Equivalent to React.renderToString
Equivalent to React.renderToString
(rp & args)
(rt & args)
(ruby & args)
(s & args)
(samp & args)
(script & args)
(section & args)
(select & args)
(small & args)
(source & args)
(span & args)
(stop & args)
(strong & args)
(style & args)
(sub & args)
(summary & args)
(sup & args)
(svg & args)
(syntax-error and-form ex)
Format a DOM syntax error
Format a DOM syntax error
(table & args)
(tbody & args)
(td & args)
(text & args)
(textarea & args)
(tfoot & args)
(th & args)
(thead & args)
(time & args)
(title & args)
(tr & args)
(track & args)
(tspan & args)
(u & args)
(ul & args)
(use & args)
(var & args)
(video & args)
(wbr & args)
(wrap-form-element element)
Low-level form input, with no syntactic sugar. Used internally by DOM macros
Low-level form input, with no syntactic sugar. Used internally by DOM macros
Low-level form input, with no syntactic sugar. Used internally by DOM macros
Low-level form input, with no syntactic sugar. Used internally by DOM macros
Low-level form input, with no syntactic sugar. Used internally by DOM macros
Low-level form input, with no syntactic sugar. Used internally by DOM macros
Low-level form input, with no syntactic sugar. Used internally by DOM macros
Low-level form input, with no syntactic sugar. Used internally by DOM macros
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