(address name & {:keys [street street2 city-state phone email]})
Formats an address
Formats an address
(alert {:keys [kind onClose] :as props} & children)
Renders an alert.
Props can contain normal DOM props, and additionally:
kind - The kind of alert: :info, :success, :warning, or :danger. Defaults to :danger
onClose - What to do when the close button is pressed. If nil, close will not be rendered.
Renders an alert. Props can contain normal DOM props, and additionally: kind - The kind of alert: :info, :success, :warning, or :danger. Defaults to `:danger`. onClose - What to do when the close button is pressed. If nil, close will not be rendered.
(badge props & children)
Wraps children in an (inline) bootstrap badge.
props are standard DOM props.
Wraps children in an (inline) bootstrap badge. props are standard DOM props.
A CSS classname for a contextual danger background color
A CSS classname for a contextual danger background color
A CSS classname for a contextual info background color
A CSS classname for a contextual info background color
A CSS classname for a contextual primary background color
A CSS classname for a contextual primary background color
A CSS classname for a contextual success background color
A CSS classname for a contextual success background color
A CSS classname for a contextual warning background color
A CSS classname for a contextual warning background color
(breadcrumb-item label)
(breadcrumb-item label onClick)
Define a breadcrumb.
label - The label to show. You should internationalize this yourself. onClick - A function. What to do when the item is clicked. Not needed for the last item.
Define a breadcrumb. label - The label to show. You should internationalize this yourself. onClick - A function. What to do when the item is clicked. Not needed for the last item.
(breadcrumbs props & items)
props - Properties to place on the top-level ol
items - a list of breadcrumb-item
props - Properties to place on the top-level `ol`. items - a list of breadcrumb-item
(button {:keys [kind size as-block] :as attrs} & children)
Render a button with optional styling
kind - Optional. One of :primary, :success, :info, :warning, or :danger. Defaults to none (default). size - Optional. One of :xs, :sm, or :lg. Defaults to a normal size. as-block - Optional. Boolean. When true makes the button a block element.
Render a button with optional styling kind - Optional. One of :primary, :success, :info, :warning, or :danger. Defaults to none (default). size - Optional. One of :xs, :sm, or :lg. Defaults to a normal size. as-block - Optional. Boolean. When true makes the button a block element.
(button-group {:keys [size kind] :as attrs} & children)
Groups nested buttons together in a horizontal row.
- (optional) can be :xs, :sm, or :lg.
- (optional) can be :vertical or :justified
Groups nested buttons together in a horizontal row. `size` - (optional) can be :xs, :sm, or :lg. `kind` - (optional) can be :vertical or :justified
(button-toolbar attrs & children)
Groups button groups together as a toolbar, and a bit of space between each group
Groups button groups together as a toolbar, and a bit of space between each group
(caption props & children)
Renders content that has padding and a lightened color for the font.
Renders content that has padding and a lightened color for the font.
(carousel-ident props-or-id)
A CSS class for centering a block element
A CSS class for centering a block element
A CSS class used on the PARENT to clear floats within that parent.
A CSS class used on the PARENT to clear floats within that parent.
(close-button attrs)
(col {:keys [className xs sm md lg xs-offset sm-offset md-offset lg-offset]
:as props}
Output a div that represents a column in the 12-column responsive grid.
Any React props are allowed. The following special one pertain to the column:
xs The width of the column on xs screens sm The width of the column on sm screens md The width of the column on md screens lg The width of the column on lg screens xs-offset The offset of the column on xs screens sm-offset The offset of the column on sm screens md-offset The offset of the column on md screens lg-offset The offset of the column on lg screens
Output a div that represents a column in the 12-column responsive grid. Any React props are allowed. The following special one pertain to the column: xs The width of the column on xs screens sm The width of the column on sm screens md The width of the column on md screens lg The width of the column on lg screens xs-offset The offset of the column on xs screens sm-offset The offset of the column on sm screens md-offset The offset of the column on md screens lg-offset The offset of the column on lg screens
(collapse-ident id-or-props)
(container attrs & children)
Top-level container for bootstrap grid content. This is a responsive fixed-width container. See also container-fluid.
Top-level container for bootstrap grid content. This is a responsive fixed-width container. See also container-fluid.
(container-fluid attrs & children)
Top-level container for bootstrap grid content. This is a responsive full-width container. See also container.
Top-level container for bootstrap grid content. This is a responsive full-width container. See also container.
(dropdown id label items)
Creates a dropdown's state. Create items with dropdown-item or dropdown-divider.
Creates a dropdown's state. Create items with dropdown-item or dropdown-divider.
(dropdown-divider id)
Creates a divider between items. Must have a unique ID
Creates a divider between items. Must have a unique ID
(dropdown-ident id-or-props)
(dropdown-item id label)
Define the state for an item of a dropdown.
Define the state for an item of a dropdown.
(dropdown-item-ident id-or-props)
(form-horizontal attrs & children)
Set up a container for labeled inputs (which should have :split) to render the labels beside the fields.
Set up a container for labeled inputs (which should have :split) to render the labels beside the fields.
(get-abs-position ele)
Get a map (with the keys :left and :top) that has the absolute position of the given DOM element.
Get a map (with the keys :left and :top) that has the absolute position of the given DOM element.
(glyphicon {:keys [size] :or {size "10pt"} :as attrs} icon)
Render a glyphicon in a span. Legal icon names are in b/glyph-icons.
attrs will be added to the span's attributes.
size - The size of the icon font. Defaults to 10pt.
Render a glyphicon in a span. Legal icon names are in b/glyph-icons. attrs will be added to the span's attributes. size - The size of the icon font. Defaults to 10pt.
A CSS class for BLOCK-level elements. Element is not in flow.
A CSS class for BLOCK-level elements. Element is not in flow.
A CSS class to hide the element according to screen size
A CSS class to hide the element according to screen size
A CSS class to hide the element according to screen size
A CSS class to hide the element according to screen size
A CSS class to hide the element according to screen size
A CSS class to hide the element according to screen size
A CSS class to hide the element according to screen size
A CSS class to hide the element according to screen size
(img {:keys [is-responsive shape] :as attrs})
Render an img tag with bootstrap classes.
is-responsive - Boolean. Marks the image so that it scales to its container. shape - Optional. One of :rounded, :circle, or :thumbnail
All other normal react attributes (including className) are allowed.
Render an img tag with bootstrap classes. is-responsive - Boolean. Marks the image so that it scales to its container. shape - Optional. One of :rounded, :circle, or :thumbnail All other normal react attributes (including className) are allowed.
(inline-ul attrs & children)
Render an inline unordered list
Render an inline unordered list
A CSS class for BLOCK-level elements. Element still affects flow.
A CSS class for BLOCK-level elements. Element still affects flow.
(jumbotron props & children)
Wraps children in a jumbotron
Wraps children in a jumbotron
(label {:keys [kind] :as props :or {kind :default}} & children)
Wraps children in an (inline) bootstrap label.
props are standard DOM props, with support for the additional:
kind - One of :primary, :success, :warning, :info, :danger. Defaults to :default.
Wraps children in an (inline) bootstrap label. props are standard DOM props, with support for the additional: kind - One of :primary, :success, :warning, :info, :danger. Defaults to :default.
(labeled-input {:keys [id type className placeholder split help warning error
success input-generator]
:as attrs}
An input with a label. All of the attrs apply to the input itself. You must supply a type and id for the field to work correctly. DO NOT USE for checkbox or radio.
The additional attributes are supported:
:split - A number from 1 to 11. The number of sm
columns to allocate to the field label. If not specified, the
label will be above the input. The parent must use the .form-horizontal
:help - A string. If supplied, displayed as the help text for the field. NOT shown if warning, error, or success are set.
:input-generator An (optional) function of props -> input
to be called to generate the DOM input. It will receive a clj map
of properties and should return an input that has those minimum properties. It can, of course, augment those.
You should only ever supply zero or one of the following: :warning - A boolean or string. If set as a string, that content replaces the help text. :error - A boolean or string. If set as a string, that content replaces the help text. :success - A boolean or string. If set as a string, that content replaces the help text.
An input with a label. All of the attrs apply to the input itself. You must supply a type and id for the field to work correctly. DO NOT USE for checkbox or radio. The additional attributes are supported: :split - A number from 1 to 11. The number of `sm` columns to allocate to the field label. If not specified, the label will be above the input. The parent must use the `.form-horizontal` class. :help - A string. If supplied, displayed as the help text for the field. NOT shown if warning, error, or success are set. :input-generator An (optional) function of `props -> input` to be called to generate the DOM input. It will receive a clj map of properties and should return an input that has those minimum properties. It can, of course, augment those. You should only ever supply zero or one of the following: :warning - A boolean or string. If set as a string, that content replaces the help text. :error - A boolean or string. If set as a string, that content replaces the help text. :success - A boolean or string. If set as a string, that content replaces the help text.
(lead attrs & children)
Generates a lead paragraph with an increased font size.
Generates a lead paragraph with an increased font size.
(modal-ident props-or-id)
Get the ident for a modal with the given props or ID
Get the ident for a modal with the given props or ID
(nav id kind layout active-link-id links)
Creates a navigation control.
or dropdown
instances.Creates a navigation control. - kind - One of :tabs or :pills - layout - One of :normal, :stacked or :justified - active-link-id - Which of the nested links is the active one - links - A vector of `nav-link` or `dropdown` instances.
(nav-ident id-or-props)
(nav-link id label disabled?)
Creates a navigation link. ID must be globally unique. The label will be run through tr-unsafe
, so it can be
Creates a navigation link. ID must be globally unique. The label will be run through `tr-unsafe`, so it can be internationalized.
(nav-link-ident id-or-props)
(pager props & children)
A light next/previous pair of controls. Use pager-next
and pager-previous
as the children of this.
A light next/previous pair of controls. Use `pager-next` and `pager-previous` as the children of this.
(pager-next {:keys [onClick disabled]} & label-children)
Render a next button in a pager
Render a next button in a pager
(pager-previous {:keys [onClick disabled]} & label-children)
Render a previous button in a pager
Render a previous button in a pager
(pagination {:keys [size] :as props} & pagination-entries)
Render a pagination control.
props - A map of properties.
size - One of :sm or :lg
pagination-entries - One or more pagination-entry
Render a pagination control. props - A map of properties. size - One of :sm or :lg pagination-entries - One or more `pagination-entry`
(pagination-entry {:keys [label disabled active onClick] :as props})
Create an entry in a pagination control. Forward and back buttons can be rendered at either end with any label, but the fulcro.ui.html-entities/raqao and laqao defs give a nicely sized font-based arrow.
Create an entry in a pagination control. Forward and back buttons can be rendered at either end with any label, but the fulcro.ui.html-entities/raqao and laqao defs give a nicely sized font-based arrow.
(panel {:keys [kind] :or {kind :default} :as props} & children)
Render a panel. Use panel-heading
, panel-title
, panel-body
, and panel-footer
for elements of the panel.
:kind is one of :primary, :success, :info, :warning, or :danger
Render a panel. Use `panel-heading`, `panel-title`, `panel-body`, and `panel-footer` for elements of the panel. :kind is one of :primary, :success, :info, :warning, or :danger
(panel-body props & children)
Render children in the body of a panel. Not needed for tables or list groups. Should come after (optional) panel-heading.
Render children in the body of a panel. Not needed for tables or list groups. Should come after (optional) panel-heading.
(panel-footer props & children)
Render children in a footer of a panel.
Render children in a footer of a panel.
(panel-group props & children)
A wrapper for panels that visually groups them together.
A wrapper for panels that visually groups them together.
(panel-heading props & children)
Render a heading area in a panel. Must be first. Optional.
Render a heading area in a panel. Must be first. Optional.
(panel-title props & children)
Render a title in a panel. Must be in a panel-heading
Render a title in a panel. Must be in a `panel-heading`.
(plain-ul attrs & children)
Render an unstyled unordered list
Render an unstyled unordered list
(progress-bar {:keys [current kind animated?] :or {kind :info} :as props})
Render's a progress bar from an input of the current progress (a number from 0 to 100).
:current - The current value of progress (0 to 100) :animated? - Should the bar have a striped animation? :kind - One of :success, :warning, :danger, or :info
Any classname or other properties included will be placed on the top-level div of the progress bar.
Render's a progress bar from an input of the current progress (a number from 0 to 100). :current - The current value of progress (0 to 100) :animated? - Should the bar have a striped animation? :kind - One of :success, :warning, :danger, or :info Any classname or other properties included will be placed on the top-level div of the progress bar.
(quotation {:keys [align credit source] :as attrs} & children)
Render a block quotation with optional citation and source.
align - :right or :left (default) credit - The name of the person. source - The place where it was said/written, you supply the joining preposition. children - The DOM element(s) (typicaly a p) that represent the body of the quotation
Render a block quotation with optional citation and source. align - :right or :left (default) credit - The name of the person. source - The place where it was said/written, you supply the joining preposition. children - The DOM element(s) (typicaly a p) that represent the body of the quotation
(renderLayer this)
(row props & children)
Generate a layout row. This is a div container for a row in a 12-wide grid responsive layout.
Rows should contain layout columns generated with the col
function of this namespace.
The properties are normal DOM attributes as a cljs map and can include standard React DOM properties.
Generate a layout row. This is a div container for a row in a 12-wide grid responsive layout. Rows should contain layout columns generated with the `col` function of this namespace. The properties are normal DOM attributes as a cljs map and can include standard React DOM properties.
(set-active-nav-link* state-map nav-id link-id)
(set-dropdown-item-active* state-map dropdown-id item-id)
A CSS class for BLOCK-level elements. Element affects flow and is visible.
A CSS class for BLOCK-level elements. Element affects flow and is visible.
(table {:keys [className styles] :as attrs} & children)
Renders a table. attrs can contain any normal react attributes, including :className.
Extended attributes that you can include are:
styles - A set of one or more of: #{:striped :bordered :condensed :hover}
Renders a table. attrs can contain any normal react attributes, including :className. Extended attributes that you can include are: styles - A set of one or more of: #{:striped :bordered :condensed :hover}
A css transform that will change encosed text to capitalized text.
A css transform that will change encosed text to capitalized text.
A CSS class for Center aligned text.
A CSS class for Center aligned text.
A CSS classname for a danger text color
A CSS classname for a danger text color
A CSS classname for a info text color
A CSS classname for a info text color
A css transform that will change encosed text to lowercased text.
A css transform that will change encosed text to lowercased text.
A CSS classname for a primary text color
A CSS classname for a primary text color
A CSS class for Right aligned text.
A CSS class for Right aligned text.
A CSS classname for a success text color
A CSS classname for a success text color
A css transform that will change encosed text to uppercased text.
A css transform that will change encosed text to uppercased text.
A CSS classname for a warning text color
A CSS classname for a warning text color
(thumbnail props & children)
Renders a box around content. Typically used to double-box and image or generate Pinterest-style blocks.
Renders a box around content. Typically used to double-box and image or generate Pinterest-style blocks.
Render a carousel item. Props can include src and alt for the image. If children are supplied, they will be treated as the caption.
Render a carousel item. Props can include src and alt for the image. If children are supplied, they will be treated as the caption.
Render a collapse component that can height-animate in/out children. The props should be state from the
app database initialized with get-initial-state
of a Collapse component,
and the children should be the elements you want to show/hide. Each component should have a unique
(application-wide) ID. Use the toggle-collapse
and set-collapse
mutations to open/close.
Render a collapse component that can height-animate in/out children. The props should be state from the app database initialized with `get-initial-state` of a Collapse component, and the children should be the elements you want to show/hide. Each component should have a unique (application-wide) ID. Use the `toggle-collapse` and `set-collapse` mutations to open/close.
(ui-dropdown props & {:keys [onSelect kind value stateful?] :as attrs})
Render a dropdown. The props are the state props of the dropdown. The additional by-name arguments:
onSelect - The function to call when a menu item is selected
stateful? - If set to true, the dropdown will remember the selection and show it.
kind - The kind of dropdown. See button
Render a dropdown. The props are the state props of the dropdown. The additional by-name arguments: onSelect - The function to call when a menu item is selected stateful? - If set to true, the dropdown will remember the selection and show it. kind - The kind of dropdown. See `button`.
(ui-dropdown-item props & {:keys [onSelect active?]})
Render a dropdown item. The props are the state props of the dropdown item. The additional by-name arguments:
onSelect - The function to call when a menu item is selected active? - render this item as active
Render a dropdown item. The props are the state props of the dropdown item. The additional by-name arguments: onSelect - The function to call when a menu item is selected active? - render this item as active
(ui-modal props & children)
Render a modal.
Modals are stateful. You must compose in initial state and a query. Modals also have IDs.
Modal content should include a ui-modal-title, ui-modal-body, and ui-modal-footer as children. The footer usually contains one or more buttons.
Use the prim/get-initial-state
function to pull a valid initial state for this component. The arguments are:
(prim/get-initial-state Modal {:id ID :sz SZ :backdrop BOOLEAN})
where the id is required (and must be unique among modals, and :sz
is optional and must be :sm
or :lg
. The
:backdrop option is boolean, and indicates you want a backdrop that blocks the UI. The :keyboard
defaults to true and enables removal of the dialog with ESC
When rendering the modal, it typically looks something like this:
(b/ui-modal modal
(b/ui-modal-title nil
(dom/b nil "WARNING!"))
(b/ui-modal-body nil
(dom/p {:className b/text-danger} "Stuff went sideways."))
(b/ui-modal-footer nil
(b/button {:onClick #(prim/transact! this `[(b/hide-modal {:id :warning-modal})])} "Bummer!"))))))
NOTE: The grid (row
and col
) can be used within the modal body without a container
See the developer's guide for an example in the N15-Twitter-Bootstrap-Components section.
Available mudations: b/show-modal
and b/hide-modal
Render a modal. Modals are stateful. You must compose in initial state and a query. Modals also have IDs. Modal content should include a ui-modal-title, ui-modal-body, and ui-modal-footer as children. The footer usually contains one or more buttons. Use the `prim/get-initial-state` function to pull a valid initial state for this component. The arguments are: `(prim/get-initial-state Modal {:id ID :sz SZ :backdrop BOOLEAN})` where the id is required (and must be unique among modals, and `:sz` is optional and must be `:sm` or `:lg`. The :backdrop option is boolean, and indicates you want a backdrop that blocks the UI. The `:keyboard` option defaults to true and enables removal of the dialog with `ESC`. When rendering the modal, it typically looks something like this: ```` (b/ui-modal modal (b/ui-modal-title nil (dom/b nil "WARNING!")) (b/ui-modal-body nil (dom/p {:className b/text-danger} "Stuff went sideways.")) (b/ui-modal-footer nil (b/button {:onClick #(prim/transact! this `[(b/hide-modal {:id :warning-modal})])} "Bummer!")))))) ```` NOTE: The grid (`row` and `col`) can be used within the modal body *without* a `container`. See the developer's guide for an example in the N15-Twitter-Bootstrap-Components section. Available mudations: `b/show-modal` and `b/hide-modal`.
(ui-nav props & {:keys [onSelect]})
Render a nav, which should have state declared with nav
props - a cljs map of the data props onSelect - an optional named parameter to supply a function that is called when navigation is done.
Render a nav, which should have state declared with `nav`. props - a cljs map of the data props onSelect - an optional named parameter to supply a function that is called when navigation is done.
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
A responsive CSS class to show element according to screen size
(well {:keys [size] :as props} & children)
Inset content.
size - Optional to increase or decrease size. Can be :sm or :lg
Inset content. size - Optional to increase or decrease size. Can be :sm or :lg
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