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(?assoc m & kvs)

Same as clojure.core/assoc, but skip the assoc if v is nil

Same as clojure.core/assoc, but skip the assoc if v is nil
sourceraw docstring


(?conj coll & xs)

Same as conj, but skip the conj if v is falsey

Same as conj, but skip the conj if v is falsey
sourceraw docstring


(?hash-map & keyvals)

Creates a hash-map from all key value pairs where value is not nil.

Creates a hash-map from all key value pairs where value is not nil.
sourceraw docstring


(?move-in m from to)

Moves a value in nested assoc structure, if it is not nil.

Moves a value in nested assoc structure, if it is not nil.
sourceraw docstring


(?update m k f & args)

Performs a clojure.core/update if the original or resulting value is truthy, otherwise dissoc key.

Performs a clojure.core/update if the original or resulting value is truthy,
otherwise dissoc key.
sourceraw docstring


(?update-in m [k & ks] f & args)

Performs a clojure.core/update-in if the original or resulting value is truthy, otherwise dissoc key.

Performs a clojure.core/update-in if the original or resulting value is
truthy, otherwise dissoc key.
sourceraw docstring




(as-long s)


(ascii s)

Ensures all characters in the given string are converted to ASCII. For example: ā->a.

Ensures all characters in the given string are converted to ASCII.
For example: ā->a.
sourceraw docstring


(assoc-first m k)

Replaces value of key k in map m with the first value sequence first item from map given key to resultant map.

Replaces value of key `k` in map `m` with the first value  sequence
first item from map given key to resultant map.
sourceraw docstring


(byte-buffer->byte-vector bb)


(byte-buffer->hex-string byte-buffer)


(copy-in m from to)


(deep-merge & values)

Deep merge two maps

Deep merge two maps
sourceraw docstring


(def-name sym)

Returns human readable name of defined symbol (such as def or defn).

Returns human readable name of defined symbol (such as def or defn).
sourceraw docstring


(dissoc-in m [k & ks])


(dq s)

Converts single quotes to double quotes.

Converts single quotes to double quotes.
sourceraw docstring


(ellapsed-time time-bookmark)

Returns ellapsed time in milliseconds since the time bookmark.

Returns ellapsed time in milliseconds since the time bookmark.
sourceraw docstring


(filter-indexed pred coll)


(fn-name meta-name args & body)


(format-opt-prec n precision)


(idx-of collection item)

Similar to .indexOf, but works with lazy collections as well.

Similar to .indexOf, but works with lazy collections as well.
sourceraw docstring


(if->> cnd & threads)

Using if + ->> inside ->> threads Takes a single condition and one or more forms that will be executed if the condition is true. An else block can be passed in by separating forms with :else keyword. Contition can take the initial value as argument, it needs to be referenced as '%' (eg, (some-condition %) (->> (range 10) (if->> false (filter odd?) (map inc) :else (filter even?) (map dec))) => (-1 1 3 5 7)

Using if + ->> inside ->> threads
Takes a single condition and one or more forms that
will be executed if the condition is true.
An else block can be passed in by separating forms with :else keyword.
 Contition can take the initial value as argument, it needs to be
 referenced as '%' (eg, (some-condition %)
(->> (range 10) (if->> false
                       (filter odd?) (map inc)
                       :else (filter even?) (map dec)))
=> (-1 1 3 5 7)
sourceraw docstring


(if-cljs then else)

Return then if we are generating cljs code and else for Clojure code.

Return then if we are generating cljs code and else for Clojure code.
sourceraw docstring


(index-by kf coll)
(index-by kf vf coll)

Returns a map of the values in coll indexed by the result of applying kf. A value mapping function vf can be provided too.

Returns a map of the values in coll indexed by the result of applying kf.
A value mapping function vf can be provided too.
sourceraw docstring


(insert-at s idx i)

Returns the sequence s with the item i inserted at 0-based index idx.

Returns the sequence s with the item i inserted at 0-based index idx.
sourceraw docstring


(juxt-partition pred coll & fns)

Takes a predicate function, a collection and one ore more (fn predicate coll) functions that will be applied to the given collection. Example: (juxt-partition odd? [1 2 3 4] filter remove) => [(1 3) (2 4)].

Takes a predicate function, a collection and one ore more
(fn predicate coll) functions that will be applied to the given collection.
Example: (juxt-partition odd? [1 2 3 4] filter remove) => [(1 3) (2 4)].
sourceraw docstring


(map-map key-fn m)
(map-map key-fn value-fn m)


(map-value value-fn m)


(mapply f & args)


(mname obj)

Meta name for the object.

Meta name for the object.
sourceraw docstring


(move-in m from to)

Moves a value in nested assoc structure.

Moves a value in nested assoc structure.
sourceraw docstring


(move-map-in m f from to)


(nest-> & threads)

Allows to sneak in ->s inside ->>s. (->> (range 3) (map inc) (nest-> (nth 1) inc) (str "x")) => x3

Allows to sneak in ->s inside ->>s.
(->> (range 3) (map inc) (nest-> (nth 1) inc) (str "x"))
=> x3
sourceraw docstring


(num->compact n & {:keys [prefix suffix]})


(number-or-string s)



Returns a vector containing a sequence that will read from the queue, and a function that inserts items into the queue.

Returns a vector containing a sequence that will read from the
queue, and a function that inserts items into the queue.
sourceraw docstring


(query-string m)


(re-quote s)

Returns a literal regex pattern for given string, similiar to Java's Pattern.quote.

Returns a literal regex pattern for given string, similiar to Java's Pattern.quote.
sourceraw docstring


(remap m mapping)

Remap keys of m based on mapping.

Remap keys of `m` based on `mapping`.
sourceraw docstring


(remove-at s idx)

Returns the sequence s with the element at 0-based index idx removed.

Returns the sequence s with the element at 0-based index idx removed.
sourceraw docstring


(remove-empty-val m)

Filter empty? values from map.

Filter empty? values from map.
sourceraw docstring


(remove-nil-val m)

Filter nil values from a map m.

Filter nil values from a map m.
sourceraw docstring


(remove-prefix s prefix)


(remove-suffix s suffix)


(replace-at s idx i)

Returns the sequence s with the item at 0-based index idx.

Returns the sequence s with the item at 0-based index idx.
sourceraw docstring


(replace-prefix s prefix new-prefix)


(some-when pred coll)

Similiar to some but returns matching value instead of predicates result.

Similiar to some but returns matching value instead of predicates result.
sourceraw docstring


(str-greater? this that)

Returns true if this is greater than that. Case insensitive.

Returns true if this is greater than that. Case insensitive.
sourceraw docstring


(str-smaller? this that)

Returns true if this is smaller than that. Case insensitive.

Returns true if this is smaller than that. Case insensitive.
sourceraw docstring


(strip s cs)

Takes a string s and a string cs. Removes all cs characters from s.

Takes a string s and a string cs. Removes all cs characters from s.
sourceraw docstring



Returns time bookmark (technically system time in nanoseconds). For use in concert with ellapsed-time to messure execution time of some code block.

Returns time bookmark (technically system time in nanoseconds).
For use in concert with ellapsed-time to messure execution time
of some code block.
sourceraw docstring


(update-first s m)
(update-first s m & args)

Updates first item in sequence s by applying mapping method m to it.

Updates first item in sequence s by applying mapping method m to it.
sourceraw docstring


(update-last s m)
(update-last s m & args)

Updates last item in sequence s by applying mapping method m to it.

Updates last item in sequence s by applying mapping method m to it.
sourceraw docstring



Generates UUID without dashes.

Generates UUID without dashes.
sourceraw docstring


(when-> thread cnd & threads)

Using when + -> inside -> threads Takes a single condition and multiple forms that will be executed like a normal -> if the condition is true. Contition can take the initial value as argument, it needs to be referenced as '%' (eg, (some-condition %) (-> "foobar" (upper-case) (when-> true (str "baz"))) => FOOBARbaz

Using when + -> inside -> threads
Takes a single condition and multiple forms that will be executed like a
normal -> if the condition is true.
Contition can take the initial value as argument, it needs to be
referenced as '%' (eg, (some-condition %)
(-> "foobar" (upper-case) (when-> true (str "baz")))
=> FOOBARbaz
sourceraw docstring


(when->> cnd & threads)

Using when + ->> inside ->> threads Takes a single condition and one or more forms that will be executed like a regular ->>, if condition is true. Will pass the initial value if condition is false. Contition can take the initial value as argument, it needs to be referenced as '%' (eg, (some-condition %) (->> (range 10) (map inc) (when->> true (filter even?))) => (2 4 6 8 10)

Using when + ->> inside ->> threads
Takes a single condition and one or more forms that will be executed
like a regular ->>, if condition is true.
Will pass the initial value if condition is false.
Contition can take the initial value as argument, it needs to be
referenced as '%' (eg, (some-condition %)
(->> (range 10) (map inc) (when->> true (filter even?)))
=> (2 4 6 8 10)
sourceraw docstring


(when->>-> cnd & threads)

Using when + -> inside ->> threads. Takes a single condition cnd and multiple forms that will be exectued as a regular ->>, if the condition is true (otherwise the initial value will be passed to next form). Contition can take the initial value as argument, it needs to be referenced as '%' (eg, (some-condition %) (->> (range 3) (map inc) (when->>-> (seq %) (into ["header"]))) => ("header" 1 2 3)

Using when + -> inside ->> threads.
 Takes a single condition cnd and multiple forms that will be exectued as
 a regular ->>, if the condition is true (otherwise the initial value
 will be passed to next form).
 Contition can take the initial value as argument, it needs to be
 referenced as '%' (eg, (some-condition %)
(->> (range 3) (map inc) (when->>-> (seq %) (into ["header"])))
=> ("header" 1 2 3)
sourceraw docstring


(with-mname meta-name body)

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