(attributes path)
shows all attributes for a given path
(attributes "project.clj") ;; {:owner "chris", ;; :group "staff", ;; :permissions "rw-r--r--", ;; :file-key "(dev=1000004,ino=2351455)", ;; :ino 2351455, ;; :is-regular-file true. ;; :is-directory false, :uid 501, ;; :is-other false, :mode 33188, :size 4342, ;; :gid 20, :ctime 1476755481000, ;; :nlink 1, ;; :last-access-time 1476755481000, ;; :is-symbolic-link false, ;; :last-modified-time 1476755481000, ;; :creation-time 1472282953000, ;; :dev 16777220, :rdev 0} => map
shows all attributes for a given path (attributes "project.clj") ;; {:owner "chris", ;; :group "staff", ;; :permissions "rw-r--r--", ;; :file-key "(dev=1000004,ino=2351455)", ;; :ino 2351455, ;; :is-regular-file true. ;; :is-directory false, :uid 501, ;; :is-other false, :mode 33188, :size 4342, ;; :gid 20, :ctime 1476755481000, ;; :nlink 1, ;; :last-access-time 1476755481000, ;; :is-symbolic-link false, ;; :last-modified-time 1476755481000, ;; :creation-time 1472282953000, ;; :dev 16777220, :rdev 0} => map
(copy source target)
(copy source target opts)
copies all specified files from one to another
(copy "src" ".src" {:include [".clj"]}) => map?
(delete ".src")
copies all specified files from one to another (copy "src" ".src" {:include [".clj"]}) => map? (delete ".src")
(copy-into source target)
(copy-into source target opts)
copies a single file to a destination
(copy-into "src/hara/io/file" "dev/scratch/hara.io.file") => vector?
(delete "dev/scratch/hara.io.file")
copies a single file to a destination (copy-into "src/hara/io/file" "dev/scratch/hara.io.file") => vector? (delete "dev/scratch/hara.io.file")
(copy-single source target)
(copy-single source target opts)
copies a single file to a destination
(copy-single "project.clj" "dev/scratch/project.clj.bak" {:options #{:replace-existing}}) => (path "." "dev/scratch/project.clj.bak")
(delete "dev/scratch/project.clj.bak")
copies a single file to a destination (copy-single "project.clj" "dev/scratch/project.clj.bak" {:options #{:replace-existing}}) => (path "." "dev/scratch/project.clj.bak") (delete "dev/scratch/project.clj.bak")
(create-directory path)
(create-directory path attrs)
creates a directory on the filesystem
(do (create-directory "dev/scratch/.hello/.world/.foo") (directory? "dev/scratch/.hello/.world/.foo")) => true
(delete "dev/scratch/.hello")
creates a directory on the filesystem (do (create-directory "dev/scratch/.hello/.world/.foo") (directory? "dev/scratch/.hello/.world/.foo")) => true (delete "dev/scratch/.hello")
(create-symlink path link-to)
(create-symlink path link-to attrs)
creates a symlink to another file
(do (create-symlink "dev/scratch/project.lnk" "project.clj") (link? "dev/scratch/project.lnk")) => true
creates a symlink to another file (do (create-symlink "dev/scratch/project.lnk" "project.clj") (link? "dev/scratch/project.lnk")) => true
(create-tmpdir prefix)
creates a temp directory on the filesystem
(create-tmpdir) ;;=> #path:"/var/folders/d6/yrjldmsd4jd1h0nm970wmzl40000gn/T/4870108199331749225"
creates a temp directory on the filesystem (create-tmpdir) ;;=> #path:"/var/folders/d6/yrjldmsd4jd1h0nm970wmzl40000gn/T/4870108199331749225"
creates a tempory file
(create-tmpfile) ;;#file:"/var/folders/rc/4nxjl26j50gffnkgm65ll8gr0000gp/T/tmp2270822955686495575" => java.io.File
creates a tempory file (create-tmpfile) ;;#file:"/var/folders/rc/4nxjl26j50gffnkgm65ll8gr0000gp/T/tmp2270822955686495575" => java.io.File
(delete root)
(delete root opts)
copies all specified files from one to another
(do (copy "src/hara/test.clj" ".src/hara/test.clj") (delete ".src" {:include ["test.clj"]})) => #{(str (path ".src/hara/test.clj"))}
(delete ".src") => set?
copies all specified files from one to another (do (copy "src/hara/test.clj" ".src/hara/test.clj") (delete ".src" {:include ["test.clj"]})) => #{(str (path ".src/hara/test.clj"))} (delete ".src") => set?
(directory? path)
checks whether a file is a directory
(directory? "src") => true
(directory? "project.clj") => false
checks whether a file is a directory (directory? "src") => true (directory? "project.clj") => false
(empty-directory? path)
checks if a directory is empty, returns true if both are true
(empty-directory? ".") => false
checks if a directory is empty, returns true if both are true (empty-directory? ".") => false
(executable? path)
checks whether a file is executable
(executable? "project.clj") => false
(executable? "/usr/bin/whoami") => true
checks whether a file is executable (executable? "project.clj") => false (executable? "/usr/bin/whoami") => true
(exists? path)
checks whether a file exists
(exists? "project.clj") => true
(exists? "NON.EXISTENT") => false
checks whether a file exists (exists? "project.clj") => true (exists? "NON.EXISTENT") => false
(file path)
returns the input as a file
(file "project.clj") => java.io.File
returns the input as a file (file "project.clj") => java.io.File
(file->ns ns)
converts a file string to an ns string
(file->ns "hara/io/file_test") => "hara.io.file-test"
converts a file string to an ns string (file->ns "hara/io/file_test") => "hara.io.file-test"
(file-name x)
returns the last section of the path
(str (file-name "src/hara")) => "hara"
returns the last section of the path (str (file-name "src/hara")) => "hara"
(file-system x)
returns the filesystem governing the path
(file-system ".") ;; #object[sun.nio.fs.MacOSXFileSystem 0x512a9870 "sun.nio.fs.MacOSXFileSystem@512a9870"] => java.nio.file.FileSystem
returns the filesystem governing the path (file-system ".") ;; #object[sun.nio.fs.MacOSXFileSystem 0x512a9870 "sun.nio.fs.MacOSXFileSystem@512a9870"] => java.nio.file.FileSystem
(file-type file)
encodes the type of file as a keyword
(file-type "hello.clj") => :clj
(file-type "hello.java") => :java
encodes the type of file as a keyword (file-type "hello.clj") => :clj (file-type "hello.java") => :java
(file? path)
checks whether a file is not a link or directory
(file? "project.clj") => true
(file? "src") => false
checks whether a file is not a link or directory (file? "project.clj") => true (file? "src") => false
(hidden? path)
checks whether a file is hidden
(hidden? ".gitignore") => true
(hidden? "project.clj") => false
checks whether a file is hidden (hidden? ".gitignore") => true (hidden? "project.clj") => false
(input-stream path)
(input-stream path opts)
opens a file as an input-stream
(input-stream "project.clj")
opens a file as an input-stream (input-stream "project.clj")
(input-stream? x)
checks if object is an input-stream
(input-stream? (input-stream "project.clj"))
checks if object is an input-stream (input-stream? (input-stream "project.clj"))
(link? path)
checks whether a file is a link
(link? "project.clj") => false
(link? (create-symlink "project.lnk" "project.clj")) => true (delete "project.lnk")
checks whether a file is a link (link? "project.clj") => false (link? (create-symlink "project.lnk" "project.clj")) => true (delete "project.lnk")
(list root)
(list root opts)
lists the files and attributes for a given directory
(list "src") => {"/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src" "rwxr-xr-x/d", "/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara" "rwxr-xr-x/d"}
(list "../hara/src/hara/io" {:recursive true}) => {"/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/io" "rwxr-xr-x/d", "/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/io/file/reader.clj" "rw-r--r--/-", "/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/io/project.clj" "rw-r--r--/-", "/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/io/file/filter.clj" "rw-r--r--/-", ... ... "/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/io/file/path.clj" "rw-r--r--/-", "/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/io/file/walk.clj" "rw-r--r--/-", "/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/io/file.clj" "rw-r--r--/-"}
lists the files and attributes for a given directory (list "src") => {"/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src" "rwxr-xr-x/d", "/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara" "rwxr-xr-x/d"} (list "../hara/src/hara/io" {:recursive true}) => {"/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/io" "rwxr-xr-x/d", "/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/io/file/reader.clj" "rw-r--r--/-", "/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/io/project.clj" "rw-r--r--/-", "/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/io/file/filter.clj" "rw-r--r--/-", ... ... "/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/io/file/path.clj" "rw-r--r--/-", "/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/io/file/walk.clj" "rw-r--r--/-", "/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/io/file.clj" "rw-r--r--/-"}
(move source target)
(move source target opts)
moves a file or directory
(do (move "shortlist" ".shortlist") (move ".shortlist" "shortlist"))
(move ".non-existent" ".moved") => {}
moves a file or directory (do (move "shortlist" ".shortlist") (move ".shortlist" "shortlist")) (move ".non-existent" ".moved") => {}
(ns->file ns)
converts an ns string to a file string
(ns->file 'hara.io.file-test) => "hara/io/file_test"
converts an ns string to a file string (ns->file 'hara.io.file-test) => "hara/io/file_test"
(nth-segment x i)
returns the nth segment of a given path
(str (nth-segment "/usr/local/bin" 1)) => "local"
returns the nth segment of a given path (str (nth-segment "/usr/local/bin" 1)) => "local"
(option k)
shows all options for file operations
(option) => (contains [:atomic-move :create-new :skip-siblings :read :continue :create :terminate :copy-attributes :append :truncate-existing :sync :follow-links :delete-on-close :write :dsync :replace-existing :sparse :nofollow-links :skip-subtree])
(option :read) => java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption/READ
shows all options for file operations (option) => (contains [:atomic-move :create-new :skip-siblings :read :continue :create :terminate :copy-attributes :append :truncate-existing :sync :follow-links :delete-on-close :write :dsync :replace-existing :sparse :nofollow-links :skip-subtree]) (option :read) => java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption/READ
(output-stream path)
(output-stream path opts)
opens a file as an output-stream
(output-stream "project.clj")
opens a file as an output-stream (output-stream "project.clj")
(output-stream? x)
checks if object is an output-stream
(output-stream? (output-stream "project.clj"))
checks if object is an output-stream (output-stream? (output-stream "project.clj"))
(parent path)
returns the parent of the path
(str (parent "/hello/world.html")) => "/hello"
returns the parent of the path (str (parent "/hello/world.html")) => "/hello"
(path x)
(path s & more)
creates a `java.nio.file.Path object
(path "project.clj") ;;=> #path:"/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/project.clj"
(path (path "project.clj")) ;; idempotent ;;=> #path:"/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/project.clj"
(path "~") ;; tilda ;;=> #path:"/Users/chris"
(path "src" "hara/time.clj") ;; multiple arguments ;;=> #path:"/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/time.clj"
(path ["src" "hara" "time.clj"]) ;; vector ;;=> #path:"/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/time.clj"
(path (java.io.File. ;; java.io.File object "src/hara/time.clj")) ;;=> #path:"/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/time.clj"
(path (java.net.URI. ;; java.net.URI object "file:///Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/project.clj")) ;;=> #path:"/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/project.clj"
creates a `java.nio.file.Path object (path "project.clj") ;;=> #path:"/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/project.clj" (path (path "project.clj")) ;; idempotent ;;=> #path:"/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/project.clj" (path "~") ;; tilda ;;=> #path:"/Users/chris" (path "src" "hara/time.clj") ;; multiple arguments ;;=> #path:"/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/time.clj" (path ["src" "hara" "time.clj"]) ;; vector ;;=> #path:"/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/time.clj" (path (java.io.File. ;; java.io.File object "src/hara/time.clj")) ;;=> #path:"/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/src/hara/time.clj" (path (java.net.URI. ;; java.net.URI object "file:///Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/project.clj")) ;;=> #path:"/Users/chris/Development/chit/hara/project.clj"
(path? x)
checks to see if the object is of type Path
(path? (path "/home")) => true
checks to see if the object is of type Path (path? (path "/home")) => true
(permissions path)
returns the permissions for a given file
(permissions "src") => "rwxr-xr-x"
returns the permissions for a given file (permissions "src") => "rwxr-xr-x"
(read-all-bytes path)
opens a file and reads the contents as a byte array
(read-all-bytes "project.clj")
opens a file and reads the contents as a byte array (read-all-bytes "project.clj")
(read-all-lines path)
opens a file and reads the contents as an array of lines
(read-all-lines "project.clj")
opens a file and reads the contents as an array of lines (read-all-lines "project.clj")
(read-code path)
takes a file and returns a lazy seq of top-level forms
(->> (read-code "src/hara/io/file.clj") first (take 2)) => '(ns hara.io.file)
takes a file and returns a lazy seq of top-level forms (->> (read-code "src/hara/io/file.clj") first (take 2)) => '(ns hara.io.file)
(readable? path)
checks whether a file is readable
(readable? "project.clj") => true
checks whether a file is readable (readable? "project.clj") => true
(relativize path1 path2)
returns the relationship between two paths
(str (relativize "hello" "hello/world.html")) => "world.html"
returns the relationship between two paths (str (relativize "hello" "hello/world.html")) => "world.html"
(resource n)
(resource n loader)
accesses a url on the classpath
(resource "project.clj") => java.net.URL
accesses a url on the classpath (resource "project.clj") => java.net.URL
(root x)
returns the root path
(str (root "/usr/local/bin")) => "/"
returns the root path (str (root "/usr/local/bin")) => "/"
(section s & more)
path object without normalisation
(str (section "project.clj")) => "project.clj"
(str (section "src" "hara/time.clj")) => "src/hara/time.clj"
path object without normalisation (str (section "project.clj")) => "project.clj" (str (section "src" "hara/time.clj")) => "src/hara/time.clj"
(segment-count x)
returns the number of segments of a given path
(segment-count "/usr/local/bin") => 3
returns the number of segments of a given path (segment-count "/usr/local/bin") => 3
(select root)
(select root opts)
selects all the files in a directory
(->> (select "src/hara/io/file") (map #(relativize "src/hara" %)) (map str) (sort)) => ["io/file" "io/file/attribute.clj" "io/file/charset.clj" "io/file/common.clj" "io/file/filter.clj" "io/file/option.clj" "io/file/path.clj" "io/file/reader.clj" "io/file/walk.clj" "io/file/watch.clj" "io/file/writer.clj"]
selects all the files in a directory (->> (select "src/hara/io/file") (map #(relativize "src/hara" %)) (map str) (sort)) => ["io/file" "io/file/attribute.clj" "io/file/charset.clj" "io/file/common.clj" "io/file/filter.clj" "io/file/option.clj" "io/file/path.clj" "io/file/reader.clj" "io/file/walk.clj" "io/file/watch.clj" "io/file/writer.clj"]
(set-attributes path m)
sets all attributes for a given path
(set-attributes "project.clj" {:owner "chris", :group "staff", :permissions "rw-rw-rw-"}) ;;=> #path:"/Users/chris/Development/chit/lucidity/project.clj"
sets all attributes for a given path (set-attributes "project.clj" {:owner "chris", :group "staff", :permissions "rw-rw-rw-"}) ;;=> #path:"/Users/chris/Development/chit/lucidity/project.clj"
(shorthand path)
returns the shorthand string for a given entry
(shorthand "src") => "d"
(shorthand "project.clj") => "-"
returns the shorthand string for a given entry (shorthand "src") => "d" (shorthand "project.clj") => "-"
(subpath x start end)
returns the subpath of a given path
(str (subpath "/usr/local/bin/hello" 1 3)) => "local/bin"
returns the subpath of a given path (str (subpath "/usr/local/bin/hello" 1 3)) => "local/bin"
(writable? path)
checks whether a file is writable
(writable? "project.clj") => true
checks whether a file is writable (writable? "project.clj") => true
(write stream path)
(write stream path opts)
writes a stream to a path
(-> (java.io.FileInputStream. "project.clj") (write "project.clj" {:options #{:replace-existing}}))
writes a stream to a path (-> (java.io.FileInputStream. "project.clj") (write "project.clj" {:options #{:replace-existing}}))
(write-all-bytes path bytes)
(write-all-bytes path bytes opts)
writes a byte-array to file
(write-all-bytes "hello.txt" (.getBytes "Hello World"))
writes a byte-array to file (write-all-bytes "hello.txt" (.getBytes "Hello World"))
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