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{:title "Caching" :sequence 4 :base-ns immutant.caching :description "Flexible caching and memoization using a linearly-scalable data grid"}

Immutant caching is provided by Infinispan, the distributed features of which are available when deployed to a WildFly cluster. But even in "local mode", i.e. not in a cluster but locally embedded within your app, Infinispan caches offer features such as eviction, expiration, persistence, and transactions that aren't available in typical ConcurrentMap implementations.

This guide will explore the [[immutant.caching]] namespace, which provides access to Infinispan, whether your app is deployed to a WildFly cluster or not. The API has changed quite a bit from 1.x, which we'll point out as we go along.

Creation and Configuration

Caches are created, started, and referenced using the [[immutant.caching/cache]] function. It accepts a number of optional configuration arguments, but the only required one is a name, since every cache must be uniquely named. If you pass the name of a cache that already exists, a reference to the existing cache will be returned, effectively ignoring any additional config options you might pass. So two Immutant cache instances with the same name will be backed by the same Infinispan cache.

If you wish to reconfigure an existing cache, you must stop it first by calling [[immutant.caching/stop]]. This is a significant change from 1.x, which included create, lookup, and lookup-or-create functions, but no stop. In 2.x, those have been replaced by cache and stop.

Infinispan is a veritable morass of enterprisey configuration. Immutant tries to strike a convention/configuration balance by representing the more common options as keywords passed to the cache function, while still supporting the more esoteric config via [[immutant.caching/builder]] and Java interop.

See the [[immutant.caching/cache]] apidoc for a list of its supported options, passed as either an explicit map or "kwargs" (keyword arguments).

Example Usage

The following examples are taken from the Immutant Feature Demo which you can clone and run locally at a REPL if you're a "follow along" type.

Caches are inherently mutable. In 1.x, we provided a Mutable protocol, the functions of which merely invoked the corresponding ConcurrentMap methods implemented by the Infinispan caches. In 2.x, Mutable has been removed, as we felt it offered little value over the simple Java interop Clojure provides anyway.


Because they implement java.util.Map, Clojure's core functions are all you need to read data from an Immutant cache.

  (def bar (immutant.caching/cache "bar"))
  (.putAll bar {:a 1, :b {:c 3, :d 4}})

  ;; Use get to obtain associated values
  (get bar :a)                            ;=> 1
  (get bar :x)                            ;=> nil
  (get bar :x 42)                         ;=> 42

  ;; Symbols look up their value
  (:a bar)                                ;=> 1
  (:x bar 42)                             ;=> 42

  ;; Nested structures work as you would expect
  (get-in bar [:b :c])                    ;=> 3

  ;; Use find to return entries
  (find bar :a)                           ;=> [:a 1]

  ;; Use contains? to check membership
  (contains? bar :a)                      ;=> true
  (contains? bar :x)                      ;=> false


In addition to Java interop, [[immutant.caching/swap-in!]] may be used to cache entries atomically, providing a consistent view of the cache to callers. Internally, it uses the ConcurrentMap methods, replace to swap values with existing entries, and putIfAbsent when the entry doesn't exist.

  (def foo (cache "foo"))

  (swap-in! foo :a (fnil inc 0))         ;=> 1
  (swap-in! foo :b (constantly "foo"))   ;=> "foo"
  (swap-in! foo :a inc)                  ;=> 2

Of course, plain ol' interop works, too:

  ;; Put an entry in the cache
  (.put foo :a 1)

  ;; Add all the entries in the map to the cache
  (.putAll foo {:b 2, :c 3})

  ;; Put it in only if key is not already present
  (.putIfAbsent foo :b 6)               ;=> 2
  (.putIfAbsent foo :d 4)               ;=> nil

  ;; Put it in only if key is already present
  (.replace foo :e 5)                   ;=> nil
  (.replace foo :b 6)                   ;=> 2

  ;; Replace for specific key and value (compare-and-set)
  (.replace foo :b 2 0)                 ;=> false
  (.replace foo :b 6 0)                 ;=> true


Cache entries can be explicitly deleted using Java interop, but they can also be subject to automatic expiration and eviction.

  ;; Removing a missing key is harmless
  (.remove baz :missing)                  ;=> nil

  ;; Removing an existing key returns its value
  (.remove baz :b)                        ;=> 2

  ;; If value is passed, both must match for remove to succeed
  (.remove baz :c 2)                      ;=> false
  (.remove baz :c 3)                      ;=> true

  ;; Clear all entries
  (.clear baz)


By default, cached entries never expire, but you can trigger expiration by passing the :ttl (time-to-live) and/or :idle options to the cache function. Their units are milliseconds, but can also be represented as a keyword or a vector of multiplier/keyword pairs, e.g. [1 :week, 4 :days, 2 :hours, 30 :minutes, 59 :seconds]. Both singular and plural keywords are valid.

If :ttl is specified, entries will be automatically deleted after that amount of time elapses, starting from when the entry was added. Effectively, this is the entry's "maximum lifespan". If :idle is specified, the entry is deleted after the time elapses, but the "timer" is reset each time the entry is accessed. If both are specified, whichever elapses first "wins" and triggers expiration.

It's possible to vary the :ttl and :idle times among entries in a single cache using the [[with-expiration]] function:

  (def baz (cache "baz", :ttl [5 :minutes], :idle [1 :minute]))
  (.putAll baz {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
  (let [c (with-expiration baz :ttl [1 :hour] :idle [20 :minutes])]
    (swap-in! c :a dec)


To avoid memory exhaustion, you can include the :max-entries option to [[immutant.caching/cache]] as well as the :eviction policy to determine which entries to evict. And if the :persist option is set, evicted entries are not deleted but rather flushed to disk so that the entries in memory are always a finite subset of those on disk.

The default eviction policy is :lirs, which is an optimized version of :lru (Least Recently Used).

  (def baz (cache "baz", :max-entries 3))
  (.putAll baz {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
  (:a baz)                              ;=> 1
  (select-keys baz [:b :c])             ;=> {:c 3, :b 2}
  (.put baz :d 4)
  (:a baz)                              ;=> nil

Event Notification

Infinispan provides an API for registering callback functions to be notified when specific events occur during the lifecycle of a cache. Unfortunately, this API relies exclusively on Java annotations, which are awkward in Clojure (as well as Java, if we're being honest) and certainly work against Clojure's more dynamic nature.

Therefore, Immutant provides [[add-listener!]] to map single-arity callback functions to one or more event types using Clojure keywords rather than annotations. For example, to print an event whenever an entry is either visited or modified in the baz cache:

  (def result (add-listener! baz prn :cache-entry-visited

  (= (set result) (.getListeners c))    ;=> true
  (swap-in! baz :b inc)
  (doseq [i result] (.removeListener c i))

Note that we still use Java interop to query/remove listeners attached to the cache.


Cache entries are not encoded by default, but may be decorated with a codec using the [[with-codec]] function. The provided codecs are :edn and :json (the latter requires you to depend on cheshire), and you can also use any other codecs you may have registered. The codec will be automatically applied anytime an entry is written/read to/from the cache.

Encoding entries is typically necessary only when non-clojure clients are sharing your cache. And if you wish to store nil keys or values, a codec is required.

  (def baz (cache "baz"))
  (def encoded (with-codec baz :edn))

  (.put encoded :a {:b 42})
  (:a encoded)                          ;=> {:b 42}

  ;; Access via non-encoded caches still possible
  (get baz :a)                          ;=> nil
  (get baz ":a")                        ;=> "{:b 42}"


In Immutant 1.x, the caching namespace included a memo function that enabled memoization backed by an Infinispan cache. This forced a transitive dependency on specific versions of core.memoize and core.cache that occasionally conflicted with other libraries.

In 2.x, we moved memo to its own namespace, [[immutant.caching.core-memoize]], along with a corresponding [[immutant.caching.core-cache]], with no dependencies on core.memoize and core.cache. So if you wish to call memo, your app must declare a dependency on core.memoize.

Here's a contrived example showing how memoization incurs the expense of calling a slow function only once:

  (defn slow-fn [& _]
    (Thread/sleep 5000)

  ;; Other than the function to be memoized, arguments are the same as
  ;; for the cache function.
  (def memoized-fn (memo slow-fn "memo", :ttl [5 :minutes]))

  ;; Invoking the memoized function fills the cache with the result
  ;; from the slow function the first time it is called.
  (memoized-fn 1 2 3)                     ;=> 42

  ;; Subsequent invocations with the same arguments return the result
  ;; from the cache, avoiding the overhead of the slow function


Each Infinispan cache operates in one of four modes. Normally, local mode is your only option, but when your app is deployed to a cluster, you get three more: invalidated, replicated, and distributed. These modes define how peers collaborate to replicate your data throughout the cluster. Further, you can choose whether this collaboration occurs asynchronous to the write.

In Immutant 1.x, there were two options, :mode and :sync, so to configure asynchronous distributed mode, for example, you would set :mode :distributed, :sync false. In 2.x, we've eliminated the :sync option, so instead you'd set :mode :dist-async.

  • :local - This is the only supported mode outside of a cluster
  • :dist-sync, :dist-async - This mode enables Infinispan caches to achieve "linear scalability". Cache entries are copied to a fixed number of peers (2, by default) regardless of the cluster size. Distribution uses a consistent hashing algorithm to determine which nodes will store a given entry.
  • :invalidation-sync, :invalidation-async - No data is actually shared among the cluster peers in this mode. Instead, notifications are sent to all nodes when data changes, causing them to evict their stale copies of the updated entry.
  • :repl-sync, :repl-async - In this mode, entries added to any peer will be copied to all other peers in the cluster, and can then be retrieved locally from any instance. This mode is probably impractical for clusters of any significant size. Infinispan recommends 10 as a reasonable upper bound on the number of replicated nodes.

The simplest way to take advantage of Infinispan's clustering capabilities is to deploy your app to a WildFly cluster.

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