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{:title "Migration" :sequence 0.1 :toc false :description "Immutant 1.1 -> 2.0 migration guide"}

This guide aims to ease the transition from Immutant 1.x to 2.x.

General Changes

The biggest changes in 2.x are the ability to use Immutant libraries embedded in a standard Clojure application, and the ability to deploy an application to an unmodified WildFly container if you need container/cluster functionality.

For details, see the Installation Guide, and pay close attention to the way Immutant applications are now initialized (via a standard -main function instead of the Immutant-specific initialization process from 1.x). Also note that the lein-immutant plugin is now only needed if you need to create a WAR file to deploy to WildFly.

API Changes

Structure: each section covers a namespace. If the namespace has been renamed, that will be reflected by old namespace -> new namespace. If a namespace has been removed, it's marked with a ~~strikethrough~~.

This list includes all of the Immutant 1.1 namespaces, some of which were/are for internal use only.

immutant.cache -> [[immutant.caching]]

The Mutable interface is gone. To put something in an Immutant cache, you can use either the new immutant.caching/swap-in! or java interop (org.infinispan.Cache extends ConcurrentMap and therefore Map). To insert entries with various ttl/idle values, use the new with-expiration function.

Both lookup and create have been collapsed into cache, which behaves like the old lookup-or-create. To force the creation of an existing cache, you must stop the running one. Otherwise, cache will just return it.

Caches are no longer transactional by default, and if set to be so, require a locking mode to be selected (optimistic by default).

core.cache and core.memoize are no longer transitive dependencies of immutant.caching. To extend an immutant cache to core's CacheProtocol, add org.clojure/core.cache to your project's deps and require immutant.caching.core-cache.

The memo function has been moved to immutant.caching.core-memoize which you should only require after adding org.clojure/core.memoize to your project's deps.

Some option keys and values have changed:

  • :sync has been collapsed into :mode to match org.infinispan.configuration.cache/CacheMode, so the possible values of :mode are now:
    • :local
    • :repl-sync
    • :repl-async
    • :invalidation-sync
    • :invalidation-async
    • :dist-sync
    • :dist-async
  • :tx -> :transactional
  • :encoding is gone, replaced with the with-codec fn
  • :seed is gone
  • :config is now :configuration





The :text codec was removed. The default supplied codecs in 2.x are: :none, :edn, and :json. :fressian can be enabled by calling immutant.codecs.fressian/register-fressian-codec.


Now resides in org.immutant/core, with a slightly simpler interface.

Used for dev inside the container, but you can get all these same facilities with standard tools outside of the container with 2.x, and we're no longer exposing the project map, so this wouldn't be very useful inside the container with 2.x. -> [[immutant.scheduling]]

The API is similar. schedule now takes a map or kwargs, and there are now helpers for each option that help you generate that map. A cronspec is no longer a top-level arg, but instead is specified in the map using the :cron key. A name is no longer required, but an optional id can be provided to allow you to reschedule the job.

The set-scheduler-options is now handled by passing additional options to schedule. If different scheduler options are given on different schedule calls, new schedulers are created.

If you need access to the raw quartz scheduler, use [[immutant.scheduling.quartz/quartz-scheduler]]. -> immutant.scheduling.internal



Has a similar API, except around destination creation and passing. Fns now take destination objects instead of strings, and the destination objects must be created via queue and topic. Connections and sessions have been replaced with contexts, available from context.

unlisten and stop have been merged in to stop. message-seq is no more.



Merged with immutant.messaging.internal.


Brought over with a few changes.


Brought over, but with a drastically different API.

immutant.pipeline -> [[immutant.messaging.pipeline]]

The API is unchanged, other than renaming the namespace.


The registry was used to store application config and the parsed lein project map. We no longer provide those inside Immutant, so the registry is no longer needed for that. You could also use the registry to look up items in the application server's internal registry. That functionality is still available via [[immutant.wildfly/get-from-service-registry]].

immutant.repl -> immutant.wildfly.repl

Still there, but with a different API. It's now only used inside the container.






Split across three namespaces:

  • [[immutant.util]] - fns appropriate for app use
  • immutant.internal.util - fns used by Immutant itself, and not intended for app use
  • [[immutant.wildfly]] - in-container specific functions


  • start is now run
  • start-servlet is also now run
  • current-servlet-request currently has no analogue


Obviated by [[immutant.web.middleware/wrap-session]].




Contains only wrap-development, wrap-session, and wrap-websocket.

immutant.xa -> [[immutant.transactions]]

Listeners are no longer automatically enlisted participants in an XA transaction. Within the handler fn, you must now explicitly define a transaction using one of the macros in [[immutant.transactions]]. If an exception escapes that body, the tx will be rolled back, and if the exception bubbles out of the handler, the message will be queued for redelivery. But the rollback of the tx has no relationship to redelivery, which is only triggered by the exception.

Messaging connections, now called contexts, are no longer XA by default, so you must set the :xa? option to true when you create your own contexts to pass to the messaging functions. If you don't pass your own contexts, those functions will create an XA capable context only if within an active transaction as defined by the scoping macros.

The immutant.xa/datasource function has been removed, as it would be impractical to support it outside of the app server. It's still possible to include SQL datasources within an XA transaction inside WildFly by configuring them there and referring to them by JNDI name. It is also possible to manipulate a non-XA SQL datasource within an XA transaction as long as 1) it's the only non-XA resource and 2) it is operated on last. This "trick" relies on an exception being thrown if the datasource operation fails, hence causing the other XA participants, e.g. messaging destinations or caches, to roll back.

immutant.xa.transaction -> immutant.transactions.scope

All the scope macros, analogous to the JEE Transaction attribute annotations, have been moved to [[immutant.transactions.scope]]. The [[immutant.transactions/transaction]] macro is an alias for [[immutant.transactions.scope/required]], just as in Immutant 1.x.

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