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EXPERIMENTAL. COULD BE CHANGED AT ANY TIME. Please share usage reports at

An adaption of the built-in clojure.test framework. testing works the same way as clojure.test/testing, so it does not support metadata selection like lazytest.core/describe. thrown? and thrown-with-msg? must be required to be used as is does not support clojure.test/assert-expr.

Supported clojure.test vars:


(ns noahtheduke.example-test
   [lazytest.experimental.interfaces.clojure-test :refer [deftest are is testing]]))

(deftest deftest-test
  (is true "expect works inside")
  (testing "testing works"
    (is (= 7 (+ 3 4)) "is works"))
  (testing "are works"
    (are [x y] (= x y)
      2 (+ 1 1)
      4 (* 2 2))))
EXPERIMENTAL. COULD BE CHANGED AT ANY TIME. Please share usage reports at

An adaption of the built-in `clojure.test` framework. [[testing]] works the same way as `clojure.test/testing`, so it does not support metadata selection like [[lazytest.core/describe]]. [[thrown?]] and [[thrown-with-msg?]] must be required to be used as [[is]] does not support `clojure.test/assert-expr`.

Supported `clojure.test` vars:
* [[deftest]]
* [[testing]]
* [[is]]
* [[are]]
* [[thrown?]]
* [[thrown-with-msg?]]

(ns noahtheduke.example-test
   [lazytest.experimental.interfaces.clojure-test :refer [deftest are is testing]]))

(deftest deftest-test
  (is true "expect works inside")
  (testing "testing works"
    (is (= 7 (+ 3 4)) "is works"))
  (testing "are works"
    (are [x y] (= x y)
      2 (+ 1 1)
      4 (* 2 2))))
raw docstring


(are argv expr & args)

Adapted from clojure.test/are.

Adapted from `clojure.test/are`.
sourceraw docstring


(deftest test-name & body)

Adapted from clojure.test/deftest.

Adapted from `clojure.test/deftest`.
sourceraw docstring


(is form)
(is form msg)

Adapted from clojure.test/is.

Adapted from `clojure.test/is`.
sourceraw docstring


(testing doc & body)

Adapted from clojure.test/testing.

Adapted from `clojure.test/testing`.
sourceraw docstring


(thrown-with-msg? c re expr)

Adapted from clojure.test/thrown-with-msg?.

Adapted from `clojure.test/thrown-with-msg?`.
sourceraw docstring


(thrown? c expr)

Adapted from clojure.test/thrown?.

Adapted from `clojure.test/thrown?`.
sourceraw docstring

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