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Change Log



Released 2025-03-10.


  • Add thrown? and thrown-with-msg? to lazytest.experimental.interfaces.clojure-test. (See #18)



  • Remove splint from CI until Splint supports Clojure 1.10.


Released 2024-11-26.

  • Add defexpect and expecting to lazytest.extensions.expectations. Reduce code generated by expectations/expect, pass metadata through all generated code to make line numbers match correctly.


  • Add splint to CI.


Released 2024-11-21.


  • around context macro is now called once for all children. (See #12.)
  • Update Expectations v2 port to allow for easier updating in the future and support all non-test definition functions/macros. (See #10 and #11.)


  • Added .editorconfig


Released 2024-11-19.


  • Can now pass in paths as cli arguments, not just through repeated --dir flags: clojure -M:dev:test test/unit test/integration will look for tests in both test/unit and test/integration.
  • Documentation in docs/ and in the lazytest.core docstring.
  • Exclude lazytest.core/defdescribe from :clojure-lsp/unused-public-var linter.


  • Removed Malli dependency as it's no longer used.
  • Support doc tests where the expected value is a function:
(+ 1 1)
=> int?

is rewritten as (expect (int? (+ 1 1))).

  • Give lazytest.core/throws-with-msg? and lazytest.core/causes-with-msg? better errors when the class matches but the regex doesn't.
  • Switch from :test metadata to :lazytest/test metadata. It's longer, but it no longer clashes with clojure.test's internals so you can run lazytest over clojure.test tests without them being marked as passing tests. (See #4.)
  • Clarify :output and :reporter: :output is from the CLI or from a caller of the lazytest.repl functions, and :reporter is the function created/referenced from :output.
  • Move namespace filtering to lazytest.filter/filter-tree and out of lazytest.main.


  • cljdoc links in (See #1.)


Released 2024-10-21.


  • Add support for Expectations v2 in lazytest.extensions.expectations. Only ports over expect and related helpers.
  • Add rudimentary test-doc support, which allows for specifying markdown files to parse and treat as tests for the purposes of test runs.
  • --md FILE is how to specify markdown files to parse and treat as Lazytest tests.


Released 2024-10-15.

Wrote better documentation for lazytest.core, highlighting the primary vars and their use cases.

Added generic support for skipping test cases or suites with :skip metadata.

(describe "many cases"
  (it "will be skipped"
    {:skip true}
    (expect (= 1 2)))
  (it "will be ran"
    (expect (= 1 1))))


  • lazytest.runner/run-test-suite: For running a suite value instead of running a namespace or a var.
  • lazytest.core/update-children: An intended-for-internal-use function useful in defining suites and test-cases.
  • Support :skip metadata on suites and test-cases.


  • lazytest.core/it and lazytest.core/expect-it return nil if within *context*.
  • lazytest.experimental.interfaces.midje/fact no longer wraps it in a describe.
  • lazytest.core/defdescribe ignores *context*, allowing it to be nested.


Released 2024-10-09.


  • Added the lazytest.core aliases to the readme.
  • Added a note about the experimental to the readme.
  • Hide some of the helper functions from the docs.


Released 2024-10-09.


  • Add 4 "interfaces", namespaces of alternative top-level vars to define test suites and test cases: clojure.test, Midje, QUnit, and xUnit. This allows for writing tests in a more comfortable API while still using Lazytest's machinery. See each namespace's docstring for further details.
  • Add popular aliases for lazytest.core vars:
    • describe -> context
    • it -> specify
    • expect -> should


  • Change documentation from :lazytest/suite to :lazytest/ns-suite for namespace-defined suites.
  • Clean up reporters checking types instead of :type.


Released 2024-10-03.


  • Rewrite internals to use nested maps instead of nested sequences and functions. Suites (and :lazytest/runs and :lazytest/nses) have :children, which can be other suites or test cases.
  • Deprecated given in favor of let.


  • Add macros before and after, and support :context in suite metadata. This allows for writing fixture-like code that can be reused across multiple suites or tests:
(defdescribe context-test
  (let [state (volatile! [])]
    (describe "it runs both"
      {:context [(before (vswap! state conj :before))
                 (after (vswap! state conj :after))]}
      (expect-it "temp" true))
    (expect-it "tracks correctly"
      (= [:before :after] @state))))
  • Add the macro around, which works like a clojure.test fixture:
(describe "it works"
  {:context [(around [f]
               (binding [*foo* 100]
  • Add macros before-each and after-each, which are run before/after each nested test case.

  • Add function set-ns-context! which sets the current namespace's context to be the given vector. Works like clojure.test/use-fixture.


  • Changed primary branch from master to main.
  • Disconnected Github fork from original Lazytest repo.


Released 2024-09-20.


  • --watch cli flag will run under "Watch mode", which uses clj-reload to check for changes in local classpath, and then reruns the provided or default test suite. Includes --delay NUM which allows for changing the number of milliseconds between checking changes.


Released 2024-08-28.

  • Target java 11 as unnecessary to target later versions.


Released 2024-08-28.


  • Merge metadata on defdescribe var into describe attr-map. Fixes --include and --exclude filtering on var metadata instead of attr-map.


Released 2024-08-19.


  • -n, --namespace NS cli flag to specify namespaces that will be tested.
  • -v, --var VAR cli flag to specify vars that will be tested.
  • Support :test metadata on vars. Handles functions, test cases, and test suites, converting them to test suites or using them directly. They're treated in the reporter as test vars, using the defn's var. (See for examples.)


Released 2024-08-08.


  • --exclude and --include cli flags for metadata selection. --include works like ^:focus but is arbitrary metadata.


  • Added "Usage" to README, listing cli options.
  • Print correct version in --help output.


Released 2024-06-26.

  • Cleaned up README, added Editor Integration section.


Released 2024-06-18.

  • Rename test-case-result keys to match clojure.test and other test language's runners:
    • :form -> :expected
    • :result -> :actual
  • Collapse :fail and :error into :fail. If reporters want to differentiate, they can by checking if :thrown is an ExpectationFailed. (See clojure-test reporter for an example.)
  • Add (message, reason) constructor arity to ExpectationFailed to better match both AssertionError and ExceptionInfo.
  • Catch ExpectationFailed in expect, rethrow with updated :message, instead of passing msg into each assert-expr like in clojure.test.
  • Catch other Throwables in expect, wrap in ExpectationFailed as :caught data.
  • Simplify how :messages are tracked.
  • Require a docstring expression from describe, it and expect-it.
  • Add *color* dynamic var (set to lazytest.colorize system env, default to true) and make colorize? rely on it.
  • Move all relevant test case information into result object.
  • Move all relevant suite information into result object.
  • Filter suites/test cases when running a single var.
  • Add support for nubank/matcher-combinators.
  • Sort test vars by line and column before running.
  • Rewrite runner to use type-based multimethod with report hooks.
  • Rewrite reporters to use new report hooks, allow for multiple hooks to be combined:
    • focused prints if there's any focused tests.
    • summary prints "Ran x test cases, N failures, Y errors".
    • results prints failed and errored test cases, expected values, etc.
    • dots prints . for passing test case, and F for failure. Namespaces wrap test cases in parentheses: (..F.) Includes focused, results, and summary.
    • nested prints each suite and test case on a new line, and indents each suite. Includes focused, results, and summary.
    • clojure-test attempts to mimic clojure.test's basic output.
    • debug prints "Running X" and "Done with X" for all test sequences and print the direct result of all test cases.
  • Add tests for reporters.


Released 2024-06-09.

Updated original code to use deps.edn,, and other modern tooling.

Big changes

  • Remove all maven-specific and leiningen-specific code.
  • Remove clojure.test-like api.
  • Remove random sampling code.
  • Remove dependency-tracking and reloading and autotest code.
  • Remove clojure 1.3 test code examples.
  • Add CLI api.
  • Change external API to use a single namespace (lazytest.core).
  • Change external API macros and functions to work better with modern tooling (use vars, etc).

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