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(cond+ & clauses)

Cond on steroids.

Define new variables between conditions:

(cond+ false :false :let [x 1] (= 1 x) (str x)) ; => "1"

Insert imperative code:

(cond+ (= 1 a) :false :do (println a) ; will print 1 :else :true)

Declare variables inside conditions, just like if+:

(cond+ (and (= 1 1) :let [x 2, y (+ x 1)] (> y x)) [x y]) ;; => [2 3]

Cond on steroids.

Define new variables between conditions:

    false   :false
    :let    [x 1]
    (= 1 x) (str x)) ; => "1"

Insert imperative code:

    (= 1 a) :false
    :do     (println a) ; will print 1
    :else   :true)

Declare variables inside conditions, just like if+:

      (= 1 1)
      :let [x 2, y (+ x 1)]
      (> y x))
    [x y]) ;; => [2 3]
sourceraw docstring


(if+ cond then)
(if+ cond then else)

Allows sharing local variables between condition and then clause.

Use :let [...] form (not nested!) inside and condition and its bindings will be visible in later and clauses and inside then branch:

(if+ (and (= 1 2) ;; same :let syntax as in doseq/for :let [x 3 y (+ x 4)] ;; x and y visible downstream (> y x))

;; “then” branch: x and y visible here!
(+ x y 5)

;; “else” branch: no x nor y
Allows sharing local variables between condition and then clause.
Use `:let [...]` form (not nested!) inside `and` condition and its bindings
will be visible in later `and` clauses and inside `then` branch:

  (if+ (and
         (= 1 2)
         ;; same :let syntax as in doseq/for
         :let [x 3
               y (+ x 4)]
         ;; x and y visible downstream
         (> y x))
    ;; “then” branch: x and y visible here!
    (+ x y 5)
    ;; “else” branch: no x nor y
sourceraw docstring


(when+ cond & body)

Allows sharing local variables between condition and body clause.

Use :let [...] form (not nested!) inside and condition and its bindings will be visible in later and clauses and inside body:

(when+ (and (= 1 2) ;; same :let syntax as in doseq/for :let [x 3 y (+ x 4)] ;; x and y visible downstream (> y x))

;; “then” branch: x and y visible here!
(+ x y 5))
Allows sharing local variables between condition and body clause.
Use `:let [...]` form (not nested!) inside `and` condition and its bindings
will be visible in later `and` clauses and inside body:

  (when+ (and
           (= 1 2)
           ;; same :let syntax as in doseq/for
           :let [x 3
                 y (+ x 4)]
           ;; x and y visible downstream
           (> y x))
    ;; “then” branch: x and y visible here!
    (+ x y 5))
sourceraw docstring

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