Same as clojure.walk but does not recreate data structures if result of transform funcion is identical
Same as clojure.walk but does not recreate data structures if result of transform funcion is identical
(keywordize-keys m)
Recursively transforms all map keys from strings to keywords.
Recursively transforms all map keys from strings to keywords.
(postwalk f form)
Performs a depth-first, post-order traversal of form. Calls f on each sub-form, uses f's return value in place of the original. Recognizes all Clojure data structures. Consumes seqs as with doall.
Performs a depth-first, post-order traversal of form. Calls f on each sub-form, uses f's return value in place of the original. Recognizes all Clojure data structures. Consumes seqs as with doall.
(postwalk-replace smap form)
Recursively transforms form by replacing keys in smap with their values. Like clojure/replace but works on any data structure. Does replacement at the leaves of the tree first.
Recursively transforms form by replacing keys in smap with their values. Like clojure/replace but works on any data structure. Does replacement at the leaves of the tree first.
(prewalk f form)
Like postwalk, but does pre-order traversal.
Like postwalk, but does pre-order traversal.
(prewalk-replace smap form)
Recursively transforms form by replacing keys in smap with their values. Like clojure/replace but works on any data structure. Does replacement at the root of the tree first.
Recursively transforms form by replacing keys in smap with their values. Like clojure/replace but works on any data structure. Does replacement at the root of the tree first.
(stringify-keys m)
Recursively transforms all map keys from keywords to strings.
Recursively transforms all map keys from keywords to strings.
(walk inner outer form)
Traverses form, an arbitrary data structure. inner and outer are functions. Applies inner to each element of form, building up a data structure of the same type, then applies outer to the result. Recognizes all Clojure data structures. Consumes seqs as with doall.
This version uses transients and reduce instead of seq where possible and tries not to re-create collections if nothing inside changed (identical?)
Traverses form, an arbitrary data structure. inner and outer are functions. Applies inner to each element of form, building up a data structure of the same type, then applies outer to the result. Recognizes all Clojure data structures. Consumes seqs as with doall. This version uses transients and reduce instead of seq where possible and tries not to re-create collections if nothing inside changed (identical?)
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