Top-level namespace for running simulations.
Top-level namespace for running simulations.
(expand-test test)
Expands a test with default options.
Expands a test with default options.
(run test)
Takes test parameters and returns a test with a completed :history field. Parameters are a map of:
{; Database parameters :db One of :si, :prefix, etc: the name of a DB
; Generator parameters :generator The name of the generator to use, e.g. :list-append :key-count Number of distinct keys at any point :min-txn-length Minimum number of operations per txn :max-txn-length Maximum number of operations per txn :max-writes-per-key Maximum number of operations per key :concurrency Number of concurrent clients :limit Number of invocations to generate
; Randomness :seed A long: the random seed to use}
This function will load an earlier run from disk cache, if possible.
Takes test parameters and returns a test with a completed :history field. Parameters are a map of: {; Database parameters :db One of :si, :prefix, etc: the name of a DB ; Generator parameters :generator The name of the generator to use, e.g. :list-append :key-count Number of distinct keys at any point :min-txn-length Minimum number of operations per txn :max-txn-length Maximum number of operations per txn :max-writes-per-key Maximum number of operations per key :concurrency Number of concurrent clients :limit Number of invocations to generate ; Randomness :seed A long: the random seed to use} This function will load an earlier run from disk cache, if possible.
(run! test)
Like run, but actually runs the simulator instead of potentially loading from cache. Saves to cache as a side effect.
Like run, but actually runs the simulator instead of potentially loading from cache. Saves to cache as a side effect.
(with-rand seed & body)
Takes a seed long and evaluates body with an RNG initialized to that seed.
Takes a seed long and evaluates body with an RNG initialized to that seed.
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