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Takes databases and generators and runs them, producing histories.

Takes databases and generators and runs them, producing histories.
raw docstring


(brand-nth xs)

Rand-nth on a Bifurcan collection. Returns nil on empty colls.

Rand-nth on a Bifurcan collection. Returns nil on empty colls.
sourceraw docstring


(simulate test)

Takes a map with the following keys:

{:concurrency The number of concurrent clients :db The database to execute against :generator A sequence of invocations to perform}

Launches simulated clients with the given concurrency, which draw operations from the generator and apply them to the DB. Returns a Jepsen IHistory.

Deterministically random; uses data.generators/rnd.

Takes a map with the following keys:

{:concurrency   The number of concurrent clients
 :db            The database to execute against
 :generator     A sequence of invocations to perform}

Launches simulated clients with the given concurrency, which draw operations
from the generator and apply them to the DB. Returns a Jepsen IHistory.

Deterministically random; uses data.generators/*rnd*.
sourceraw docstring

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