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(build-error response)



(delete navigator link)
(delete navigator link params)

Delete content of a link in an API.

Delete content of a link in an API.
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(discover href)
(discover href settings)
(discover href params settings)

Starts a conversation with an API. Use this on the discovery endpoint.

Starts a conversation with an API. Use this on the discovery endpoint.
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(failed? response)


(focus navigator key-or-keys)

Focuses navigator on embedded resource.

Focuses navigator on embedded resource.
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(follow-redirect navigator)

Fetches the url of the location header

Fetches the url of the location header
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(get navigator link)
(get navigator link params)

Fetches the contents of a link in an API.

Fetches the contents of a link in an API.
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(get-header navigator header)

Retrieves a specified header from the response

Retrieves a specified header from the response
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(head navigator link)
(head navigator link params)

Performs a HEAD request against a link in an API.

Performs a HEAD request against a link in an API.
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(location navigator)

Gets the current location of the navigator

Gets the current location of the navigator
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(patch navigator link body)
(patch navigator link params body)

Patch content to a link in an API.

Patch content to a link in an API.
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(post navigator link body)
(post navigator link params body)

Posts content to a link in an API.

Posts content to a link in an API.
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(put navigator link body)
(put navigator link params body)

Puts content to a link in an API.

Puts content to a link in an API.
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(resource navigator)

Gets the resource from the navigator

Gets the resource from the navigator
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(response navigator)

Gets the last response from the navigator

Gets the last response from the navigator
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(resume resource)
(resume resource settings)

Resumes a conversation with an API. Your resource needs a self link for this to work. If your self link is not absolute, you can pass an absolute url in the :resume-from key in the settings parameter.

Resumes a conversation with an API. Your resource needs a self
link for this to work. If your self link is not absolute, you
can pass an absolute url in the :resume-from key in the settings
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(set-header navigator header-key header-value)

Sets a header for all subsequent calls

Sets a header for all subsequent calls
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(settings navigator)

Gets the navigation settings

Gets the navigation settings
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(status navigator)

Gets the status code from the last response from the navigator

Gets the status code from the last response from the navigator
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