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(add-link resource rel m)

Adds a link to a resource. If the rel is already present, the values will form a vector.

Adds a link to a resource. If the rel is already present,
the values will form a vector.
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(add-links resource & args)

Adds each rel->link to the resource

Adds each rel->link to the resource
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(add-properties resource & args)

Takes a map, or key->value pairs. It adds each key->value pair to the resource. If the key is already present, it will be overwritten.

Takes a map, or key->value pairs. It adds each key->value pair to the
resource. If the key is already present, it will be overwritten.
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(add-property resource rel r)

Adds a new property to the resource. If the key is already present, it will be overwritten.

Adds a new property to the resource. If the key is already
present, it will be overwritten.
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(add-resource resource key r)

Adds an embedded resource to the resource. If the key is already present, the values will form a vector.

Adds an embedded resource to the resource. If the key is
already present, the values will form a vector.
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(add-resources resource & args)

Adds each key->resource pair to the resource. If the same key is used, the values will form a vector.

Adds each key->resource pair to the resource. If the same key
is used, the values will form a vector.
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(get-href resource key)

Gets a href within a resource

Gets a href within a resource
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(get-in-properties resource keys)

Navigates through the keys in properties

Navigates through the keys in properties
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(get-link resource key)

Gets a link from a resource

Gets a link from a resource
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(get-property resource key)

Gets an property from a resource

Gets an property from a resource
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(get-resource resource key)

Gets an embedded resource from a resource

Gets an embedded resource from a resource
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(links resource)

Gets a map of all the links in the resource

Gets a map of all the links in the resource
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(new-resource self)

Creates a new HAL resource

Creates a new HAL resource
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(properties resource)

Gets all the properties from a resource as a map

Gets all the properties from a resource as a map
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(resources resource)

Gets all the embedded resources as a map

Gets all the embedded resources as a map
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