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(attach-queue action-spec)

Attaches a queue and an appender to the action spec. The queue-name is required, the queue-path and roll-cycle are optional. roll-cycle option can be :twenty-minutely, :six-hourly, :four-hourly, :fast-daily, :ten-minutely, :weekly, :five-minutely, :two-hourly, :half-hourly, :fast-hourly

Attaches a queue and an appender to the action spec.
The `queue-name` is required, the `queue-path` and `roll-cycle` are optional.
`roll-cycle` option can be :twenty-minutely, :six-hourly, :four-hourly, :fast-daily, :ten-minutely, :weekly, :five-minutely, :two-hourly, :half-hourly, :fast-hourly
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(write-into-queue {:collet.actions.queue/keys [appender] :keys [input]})

Writes the input to the queue. Input can be a single message or a sequence of messages. Message should a Clojure map.

Writes the input to the queue.
Input can be a single message or a sequence of messages.
Message should a Clojure map.
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