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(complete-multipart-upload s3-client bucket key upload-id parts)

Completes the multipart upload process.

Completes the multipart upload process.
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(initiate-multipart-upload s3-client bucket key)

Initiates the multipart upload process.

Initiates the multipart upload process.
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(invoke! client operation params)

Calls AWS invoke and captures the error message string and full response.

  • client (required) aws service client
  • operation (required) a keyword such as :GetObject
  • params (required) aws api request options
Calls AWS invoke and captures the error message string and full response.
- `client` (required) aws service client
- `operation` (required) a keyword such as :GetObject
- `params` (required) aws api request options
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(make-client api {:keys [aws-region aws-key aws-secret endpoint-override]})

Creates an AWS client for the S3 service.

Creates an AWS client for the S3 service.
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(multipart-upload s3-client bucket key is)

Uploads a file larger than 5GB to S3 using multipart upload. The file is split into parts of 50MB each. Options: :s3-client - the S3 client :bucket - the S3 bucket name :key - the S3 key name :is - the input stream of the file

Uploads a file larger than 5GB to S3 using multipart upload.
The file is split into parts of 50MB each.
:s3-client - the S3 client
:bucket - the S3 bucket name
:key    - the S3 key name
:is     - the input stream of the file
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(upload-file {:keys [aws-creds bucket format file-name input cat? csv-header?]
              :or {cat? false}})

Uploads a file to S3. Options: :aws-creds - the AWS credentials (region, key, secret) :bucket - the S3 bucket name :format - the format of the file (:json or :csv) :file-name - the name of the file :input - the data to write :csv-header? - if true, the CSV file will have a header row

Uploads a file to S3.
:aws-creds   - the AWS credentials (region, key, secret)
:bucket      - the S3 bucket name
:format      - the format of the file (:json or :csv)
:file-name   - the name of the file
:input       - the data to write
:csv-header? - if true, the CSV file will have a header row
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(upload-part s3-client bucket key upload-id part-number part-content)

Uploads a part of a file to S3.

Uploads a part of a file to S3.
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