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Lightweight scheduling library.

Lightweight scheduling library.
raw docstring


(append-absolute! sched & times)

Assuming a mutable schedule which has not finished, appends the specified <times> to it. These should be after the last one already in.

Assuming a mutable schedule which has not finished,
appends the specified <times> to it. These should be
*after* the last one already in.
sourceraw docstring


(append-relative-to-last! sched offset-fn)

Assuming a mutable schedule which has not finished, appends the result of (offset-fn last-chime) into it.

Assuming a mutable schedule which has not finished,
appends the result of `(offset-fn last-chime)` into it.
sourceraw docstring


(chime-at times f)
(chime-at times
          {:keys [error-handler on-finished thread-factory clock drop-overruns?
           :or {error-handler default-error-handler
                thread-factory default-thread-factory
                clock times/*clock*
                mutable? false}})

Calls <f> with the current time, at every time in the <times> sequence.

(:require [chime.schedule :as chime])
(:import [java.time Instant])

(let [now (Instant/now)]
    [(.plusSeconds now 2)
     (.plusSeconds now 4)]
    (fn [time]
      (println "Chiming at" time)))

If one of those times is in the past (e.g. by accident), or a job spills over to the next time (i.e. overunning), it will (by default) be scheduled with no delay (i.e. 'push-forward' semantics). If you don't want that to happen, use the <drop-overruns?> option (i.e. 'catch-up' semantics).

Providing a custom <thread-factory> is supported, but optional (see default-thread-factory). Providing a custom <clock> is supported, but optional (see times/*clock*). Providing a custom (1-arg) error-handler is supported, but optional (see default-error-handler). Return truthy from this function to continue the schedule (the default), or falsy to shut it down.

Returns an AutoCloseable that you can .close in order to shutdown the schedule. You can also deref the return value to wait for the schedule to finish.

When the schedule is either manually closed or exhausted, the <on-finished> callback will be called.

Calls <f> with the current time, at every time in the <times> sequence.

(:require [chime.schedule :as chime])
(:import [java.time Instant])

(let [now (Instant/now)]
    [(.plusSeconds now 2)
     (.plusSeconds now 4)]
    (fn [time]
      (println "Chiming at" time)))

If one of those times is in the past (e.g. by accident), or a job spills over to
the next time (i.e. overunning), it will (by default) be scheduled with no delay
(i.e. 'push-forward' semantics). If you don't want that to happen, use the <drop-overruns?>
option (i.e. 'catch-up' semantics).

Providing a custom <thread-factory> is supported, but optional (see `default-thread-factory`).
Providing a custom <clock> is supported, but optional (see `times/*clock*`).
Providing a custom (1-arg) `error-handler` is supported, but optional (see `default-error-handler`).
Return truthy from this function to continue the schedule (the default), or falsy to shut it down.

Returns an AutoCloseable that you can `.close` in order to shutdown the schedule.
You can also deref the return value to wait for the schedule to finish.

When the schedule is either manually closed or exhausted, the <on-finished> callback will be called.
sourceraw docstring


(default-error-handler e)
(default-error-handler id e)


(finished? sched)

Returns true if the entire schedule has finished, false otherwise.

Returns true if the entire schedule has finished, false otherwise.
sourceraw docstring


(interruptable & body)

Like interruptable*, but for arbitrary code that doesn't care about the argument passed to job-fns.

Like `interruptable*`, but for arbitrary code that
doesn't care about the argument passed to job-fns.
sourceraw docstring


(interruptable* f)

Returns a function which wraps <f> with a Thread.isInterrupted() check. Worth considering when using shutdown-now! or skip-next!.

Returns a function which wraps <f>
with a `Thread.isInterrupted()` check.
Worth considering when using `shutdown-now!` or `skip-next!`.
sourceraw docstring


(next-at sched)
(next-at sched clock)

Returns the (future) ZonedDateTime when the next chime will occur, or nil if it has already started (with millisecond tolerance), or cancelled.

Returns the (future) `ZonedDateTime` when the next chime will occur,
or nil if it has already started (with millisecond tolerance), or cancelled.
sourceraw docstring


(shutdown! sched)

Gracefully closes the entire schedule (per pool.shutdown()). If the next task hasn't started yet, it will be cancelled, otherwise it will be allowed to finish.

Gracefully closes the entire schedule (per `pool.shutdown()`).
If the next task hasn't started yet, it will be cancelled,
otherwise it will be allowed to finish.
sourceraw docstring


(shutdown-now! sched)

Attempts a graceful shutdown (per shutdown!), but if the latest task is already happening attempts to interrupt it. Semantically equivalent to pool.shutdownNow().

Attempts a graceful shutdown (per `shutdown!`), but if the latest task
is already happening attempts to interrupt it. Semantically equivalent
to `pool.shutdownNow()`.
sourceraw docstring


(skip-next! sched)

Cancels the upcoming chime, potentially abruptly, as it may have already started. The rest of the schedule will remain unaffected, unless the interruption is handled by the error-handler (i.e. InterruptedException), and it returns falsy, or throws (the default one returns true). Returns true if already cancelled.

Cancels the upcoming chime, potentially abruptly,
as it may have already started. The rest of the schedule
will remain unaffected, unless the interruption is handled
by the error-handler (i.e. `InterruptedException`), and it
returns falsy, or throws (the default one returns true).
Returns true if already cancelled.
sourceraw docstring


(skip-next-n! sched n)

Cancels the next <n> tasks. Returns a vector of booleans (per skip-next!)

Cancels the next <n> tasks.
Returns a vector of booleans (per `skip-next!`)
sourceraw docstring


(skip-next?! sched)

Like skip-next!, but only if the upcoming task hasn't already started (with millisecond tolerance).

Like `skip-next!`, but only if the upcoming task
hasn't already started (with millisecond tolerance).
sourceraw docstring


(until-next sched)
(until-next sched time-unit)

Returns the remaining time (in millis by default) until the next non-cancelled chime.

Returns the remaining time (in millis by default)
until the next non-cancelled chime.
sourceraw docstring


(wait-for sched)
(wait-for sched timeout-ms timeout-val)

Blocking call for waiting until the schedule finishes, or the provided <timeout-ms> has elapsed. Useful as the last expression in with-open.

Blocking call for waiting until the schedule finishes,
or the provided <timeout-ms> has elapsed. Useful as the
last expression in `with-open`.
sourceraw docstring

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