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A higher-level scheduler construct built on top of chime.schedule/chime-at & clojure.core/agent. Remembers actively scheduled jobs, until they finish, or are manually cancelled.

A higher-level scheduler construct built on top of `chime.schedule/chime-at` & `clojure.core/agent`.
Remembers actively scheduled jobs, until they finish, or are manually cancelled.
raw docstring


(chiming-agent {:keys [error-handler on-finished thread-factory]
                :or {error-handler c/default-error-handler}})

Returns an agent dressed up as a scheduler. Can be configured with an :error-handler (2args - job-id/error), and :on-finished (1arg - job-id) callback. The state of the agent is a map from job-id => chime-return, and it will grow/shrink as jobs are scheduled/un-scheduled (or finished). Use it as the first argument to all functions in this namespace.

Returns an `agent` dressed up as a scheduler.
Can be configured with an :error-handler (2args - job-id/error), and
:on-finished (1arg - job-id) callback. The state of the agent is
a map from job-id => chime-return, and it will grow/shrink
as jobs are scheduled/un-scheduled (or finished). Use it
as the first argument to all functions in this namespace.
sourceraw docstring


(schedule! scheduler id->job)

Given a <scheduler> and map from ids => [job-fn times-fn], registers each job-fn (1-arg - the time) to be run per the outcome of times-fn (no-arg).

Given a <scheduler> and map from ids => [job-fn times-fn],
registers each job-fn (1-arg - the time) to be run per the
outcome of times-fn (no-arg).
sourceraw docstring


(scheduled-ids scheduler)

Returns the ids of all the ongoing jobs of this <scheduler>, or nil if there aren't any.

Returns the ids of all the ongoing jobs of this <scheduler>,
or nil if there aren't any.
sourceraw docstring


(unschedule! scheduler)
(unschedule! scheduler ids)
(unschedule! scheduler dlay-millis ids)

Given a <scheduler>, gracefully un-schedules (per chime.schedule/shutdown!) the jobs referred to by <ids>. Triggers the :on-finished handler (see scheduler ctor).

Given a <scheduler>, gracefully un-schedules (per `chime.schedule/shutdown!`)
the jobs referred to by <ids>. Triggers the `:on-finished` handler
(see `scheduler` ctor).
sourceraw docstring


(unschedule-now! scheduler)
(unschedule-now! scheduler ids)
(unschedule-now! scheduler dlay-millis ids)

Like unschedule!, but uses chime.schedule/shutdown-now!.

Like `unschedule!`, but uses `chime.schedule/shutdown-now!`.
sourceraw docstring


(until-next-chime scheduler)

Returns a java.time.Duration representing the (time) distance from now (inclusive) until the next chime (exclusive) on this <scheduler>.

Returns a `java.time.Duration` representing the (time) distance
from now (inclusive) until the next chime (exclusive) on this <scheduler>.
sourceraw docstring


(upcoming-chime-at scheduler id)

Returns the next ZonedDateTime object when the job with <id> will chime.

Returns the next `ZonedDateTime` object
when the job with <id> will chime.
sourceraw docstring


(upcoming-chimes-at scheduler)

Returns a map from job-id => ZonedDateTime.

Returns a map from job-id => ZonedDateTime.
sourceraw docstring

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