(maximum this)
Returns the maximum x
Returns the maximum x
(minimum this)
Returns the minimum x
Returns the minimum x
(cell this coordinates)
Returns the cell identified by coordinates
, which must contain a label for each of the table's dimensions.
Returns the cell identified by `coordinates`, which must contain a label for each of the table's dimensions.
(margin-totals this)
Returns the totals for all levels of all factors
Returns the totals for all levels of all factors
(size this)
Returns the table extent in each dimension
Returns the table extent in each dimension
(grand-total this)
Returns the grand total
Returns the grand total
(measure this x)
Returns the value of a dependent variable at a given x
Returns the value of a dependent variable at a given x
(measure-with-significance this x alpha)
Returns the value of a dependent variable at a given x and significance level
Returns the value of a dependent variable at a given x and significance level
(lower this)
Returns the lower bound
Returns the lower bound
(upper this)
Returns the upper bound
Returns the upper bound
(parameters this)
Returns the learned parameters
Returns the learned parameters
(quantile this p)
Returns the x for a given cumulative probability
Returns the x for a given cumulative probability
(cdf this x)
Returns the cumulative probability for a given x
Returns the cumulative probability for a given x
(sample-1 this rng)
(sample-n this n rng)
(p-value this)
(p-value this alternative)
The p-value associated with this test result
The p-value associated with this test result
(significant? this alpha)
(significant? this alpha alternative)
Whether the result is significant at the given alpha
Whether the result is significant at the given alpha
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