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Here we look at cljdoc features for APIs

Here we look at cljdoc features for APIs
raw docstring


(exercise1 d e f)

Will someone ever link to me?

Will someone ever link to me?
sourceraw docstring



A docstring can contain CommonMark formatted text.


  1. one
  2. two
    • buckle
      • my
        • shoe


A quote

a nested quote

a very nested quote


If you want a paragraph to include a linebreak,
you can do that.


Tables are a CommonMark extension but supported by cljdoc

letspeanut butter100

Code blocks

(defn exercise
  "A docstring can contain CommonMark formatted text."
  (+ 4 5 6))


An external link to the CommonMark website.

If referencing a cljdoc article, use relative syntax so that the link will work locally during local testing. For example: the cljdoc-exerciser CommonMark features article.

There is an awkwardness here. If viewing from GitHub, I'd probably want to see the article from the GitHub repo rather than the cljdoc rendered version.


Wikilinks are a cljdoc extension and allow you to link to api functions. They only work in docstrings.

Let's link to the exercise1 function in this namespace.

**A docstring can contain CommonMark formatted text.**


1. one
2. two
    - buckle
        - my
          - shoe


> A quote
>> a nested quote
>>> a very nested quote


If you want a paragraph to include a linebreak, \
you can do that.


Tables are a CommonMark extension but supported by cljdoc

| Left     |  Centered     | Right |
| lets     | peanut butter |   100 |
| fill     | and           |    10 |
| this     | pickles       |     1 |

**Code blocks**

(defn exercise
  "A docstring can contain CommonMark formatted text."
  (+ 4 5 6))


An external link to [the CommonMark website](

If referencing a cljdoc article, use relative syntax so that the link will work locally during local testing.
For example: [the cljdoc-exerciser CommonMark features article](/d/lread/cljdoc-exerciser/CURRENT/doc/document-tests/commonmark-features).

There is an awkwardness here. If viewing from GitHub, I'd probably want to see the article from the GitHub repo rather
than the cljdoc rendered version.


Wikilinks are a cljdoc extension and allow you to link to api functions.
They only work in docstrings.

Let's link to the [[exercise1]] function in this namespace.
sourceraw docstring


(exercise3 x y z)

Linking to images might be of interest, I suppose.

Will one of my local images show up? I certainly hope so.

my local test image should appear here

An external image should work fine too:

an external image should appear here

Linking to images might be of interest, I suppose.

Will one of my local images show up? I certainly hope so.

![my local test image should appear here](images/test-image-1.png "my local test image text")

An external image should work fine too:

![an external image should appear here](
sourceraw docstring


(exercise4 a b c)

Using headings in a docstring might be ridiculous, but you can do it.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5

this is too much, I am heading home.

Using headings in a docstring might be ridiculous, but you can do it.

# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
this is too much, I am heading home.
sourceraw docstring

cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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