A test CommonMark doc to exercise cljdoc formatting and features.
This document exists to compare basic features with AsciiDoctor. If you edit this doc please also edit its AsciiDoctor counterpart.
CommonMark is also supported in docstrings, have a look at cljdoc-exerciser namespace on cljdoc.org for some more examples.
I have a strong feeling that I might be headstrong.
If I use italics does that make things more gleanable?
Does this ~~strike~~ you as a ~~cross~~word?
My code
was encoded
Here we have some clojure code:
;; some sweet clojure code
(defn hello-earthling
"Greet an earthling in a believable way."
(println "Hello earthling " (uppercase name)))
If we specify Clojure-Repl
to CommonMark as our language, we can invoke special highlighting for a repl session:
user=> (require '[clojure.string :as string])
user=> (string/reverse "step on no pets")
"step on no pets"
user=> (reduce + 0 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6])
With code:
I am a code block
Quoted text.
Another paragraph in quote.
This local image should work on github and cljdoc.
Here's a remote image:
Local link: cljdoc asciidoc features
External link: GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec
Link to anchor: Anchored heading
Note: WikiLinks to api functions do not work here, they only work in doc strings.
Let's try referencing our APIs:
This is how a horizontal rule is rendered:
CommonMark tables are considered an extension to the CommonMark format.
Here is the most basic example:
Heading 1 | Heading 2 |
col1, row1 | col2, row1 |
col1, row2 | col2, row2 |
col1, row3 | col2, row3 |
col1, row4 | col2, row4 |
Basic alignment support is also available:
Right aligned col | Centered col | Left aligned Col |
am | is | any |
I | this | thing |
right? | centered? | left? |
GitHub flavored markdown supports emojis.
:space_invader: :apple: :space_invader: :tangerine: :space_invader:
And here we are.
CommonMark does not support admonitions
There is no support for in CommonMark for coloring or custom styling of text.
There is no support in CommonMark for drawings.
Can you improve this documentation?Edit on GitHub
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