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Notes on writing agent-based models in Clojure

Marshall Abrams

These remarks may be incomplete, and definitely are the result of my sometimes biased intuitions and unsystematic, un-thorough research---which may be outdated anyway.

What are ABMs?

"Agent-based model" (ABM) and "individual-based model" are used to that refer to simulations that usually involve a large number of interacting "agents", i.e. software entities whose behaviors are determined by (usually) relatively simple bits of code. What's interesting about ABMs is seeing what happens when a lot of agents interact over time. That's a vague description of the paradigm, but the boundaries of the category are necessarily vague. I've seen ABMs in which the agents represent people, or entities within minds, or companies, or associations of villages in Bali, or proteins within E. coli, etc. Those are ones that come to mind.

Often ABMs have a graphical component, so that you can watch the agents interacting over time. This isn't essential, but being able to watch the simulation play out helps you understand what happens, fine tune the model, and investigate particular model runs in more detail. (Often there are random elements in ABM simulations, and any good ABM system will use a pseudorandom number generator that allows you record PRNG seeds and use them to replay particular runs.) On the other hand, once you know what you are doing with a model, you might want to perform a series of runs and record data from them. This will be faster if you can turn off the graphical component.

(If you want to get a feel for common patterns in agent-based modeling, experiment with some of the models in NetLogo's models library. NetLogo is a very popular modeling environment and language for agent-based modeling. The language is pretty easy to learn, and it has many features designed to make agent-based modeling easy.)

FP and ABMs: general challenges

A central idea of agent-based models is that agents persist over time, and that their internal states change, or their relationships to each other and the environment change, or all of the above. For example, a model might include organisms with internal energy levels that change, and that move around in an environment.

There's no reason in principle that this can't be handled in a purely functional manner. A method that I like, other things being equal, is to define a "next-population-state" function and then throw that and an initial state into iterate. Then you can take as many time steps as you want, or map functions through the sequence to create side-effects such as writing data to a file. You can back up and look at earlier stages at any point.

However, it is very natural to model agents as persistent data structures with internal states that are imperatively modified. There are various ways to do just this in Clojure, but you lose a lot of the conveniences of that Clojure provides. For example, you can define agents as deftypes that are set up to be imperatively modified, or you can put atoms in the fields of a defrecord, but deftypes are less convenient that defrecords, and constantly swaping on atoms clutters your code. (See item 2 in the discussion of MASON below for an additional challenge that can arise with defrecords.)

In many ABMs, agents move on a grid. If your model includes this sort of behavior, you will probably want to use one or more matrices or two-dimensional array structures to represent the field on which agents move. If all agents are, theoretically, moving simultaneously, then you can update the matrices functionally--in the sense that a matrix goes into a function, and a new, modified matrix comes out (although within the function you probably need to use imperative methods to fill the new matrix).

However, in many models agents move sequentially or move at different times for other reasons. You don't have to allow such "asynchronous" movement, but it might be a more accurate way to model some systems, and it could be slightly easier to code. (With simultaneous movement, you may need to manage agents that want to move to the same spot.) If you try to do this purely functionally, you would probably have to create a new matrix for every movement by a single agent, even though most of the matrix is unchanged. So for this kind of model, imperative updating of a single matrix be significantly more efficient. (Fortunately, there are good matrix libraries for Clojure, or you can use Java data structures.)

Agent-based modeling libraries for Clojure?

You can write an ABM in any language, of course, but it's nicer if you have a library or environment that's designed for ABMs. This is why, although I have written an ABM in pure Clojure, I probably won't do that often.

AFAIK there are no ABM libraries written in Clojure. I don't expect to see any soon, since the intersection of those interested in Clojure and in ABMs seems small.

However, there are a few Java ABM libraries, and at least one Javascript (Coffeescript, actually) ABM library. So one can consider using them with Clojure. I have not spent time researching every library that might possibly be useful. Rightly or wrongly, I don't bother examining libraries that do not seem to be widely used and regularly maintained. (Someone else may want to cast a wider net, and might find something very worthwhile to use, but I haven't have time. I'm open to suggestions, though.)

Some available ABM libraries and environments are listed here: comparison_of_agent-based_modeling_software. Some of the tools seem to be designed for special, narrow purposes, and I suspect that some (e.g. Swarm?) may be old and not well maintained.

A browser-based ABM library: Agentscript

This is an ABM library written in Coffeescript. I have experimented a little bit with using it with Clojurescript. That seemed pretty easy once I figured out how Agentscript worked. (The docs were not ideal.) Agentscript seems like a nice library, but I decided I wanted more than it offered, and I decided to use a Java library.

Java ABM libraries:

Using my very crude search heuristic (see above), there appear to be exactly two Java ABM libraries worth considering for use with Clojure: Repast, and MASON. Both seem to be used quite a bit in the ABM community.


I investigated Repast a little bit, and the design and documentation didn't appeal to me. It seemed more difficult to use with Clojure than MASON. I might be wrong about that, and I know that Repast has fans, but I decided to use MASON. If you're interested in Repast, please feel free to try it, and let me know what you think if you feel like it.


MASON is a well thought out, well-designed, very flexible ABM library. It has many advanced capabilities.

Clojure is a well thought out, well-designed, very flexible language. (It is a lot of fun, too, which is intimately tied how easy it is to get a lot done with Clojure.)

However, MASON's design uses a lot of inheritance, and has some other features that make it a bit awkward to use with Clojure. Some of the difficulties are due to the the FP-orientation of Clojure, and the fact that there's no reason that a Java ABM library should worry about FP concerns. Some of the difficulties come from the fact that some of the ways in which Clojure is "opinionated" mean that it is not intended to make it easy to deal with certain kinds of common Java designs.

Of the four MASON/Clojure issues listed below, I've written helper functions and macros to address the first three. (The third is unlikely to be a problem for most models in any event.) The fourth could make a model slow, but only with certain kinds of models.

Issue 1: If you add some Bean-style accessors for model parameters, MASON will automatically tie them to GUI elements, so that you can control the model from the GUI. This is very nice. However, the accessors have to be tied to data that would normally be stored in a subclass of MASON's SimState class. In addition, it appears that the only way to get all of the effects of subclassing that are needed is to use the poorly documented, black art of genclass. (proxy, reify, defrecord, and deftype are not enough.) What this means is that for each model parameter that you want controlled from the GUI, you will probably want:

  1. A map, defrecord, etc. that you place in the single instance variable allowed by genclass, containing a data element for each parameter.

  2. An instances state initialization function that initializes each of those data elements.

  3. At least two accessors functions for each data element.

  4. A declaration for each of these functions in the :methods element of the genclass map.

If you also want to be able to set these parameters from the command line, then you'll also need:

  1. Corresponding elements in your configuration for or whatever method you use for processing command line options.

When you add or change anything concerning model parameters, you may have to update all of the above at the same time. (I defined a big macro, defparams, to write all of this code and keep it coordinated.)

Issue 2: The natural thing to do is to define your agents using defrecord. This can work quite well. It means that when you you are doing functional and not imperative updating to agents' internal states, but you can just update the arrays that MASON expects agents to live in, and it will dutifully display the agents in the GUI, ignoring the fact that you removed an old agent and inserted a brand new one that represents the same entity, as far as you are concerned.

However, this will break down if you want to use MASON's built-in method for displaying an agent's internal state while it runs. You can double-click on an agent in the GUI, and it will be highlighted and you will see its internal variables in another window. This is very useful sometimes. This doesn't work out of the box with defrecord agents because when you decide to "watch" an agent, MASON stores a pointer to it, and when you do a functional update of the defrecord, the pointer now points to the old version of the agent, which will never change. You could instead use a deftype, but then you lose the many conveniences of defrecords, and Clojure becomes less fun, ... and less Clojurely. (Since one of the main reasons I wanted to use MASON with Clojure was that I wanted the convenience and fun of working Clojure, this is not an option I like.)

Fortunately, MASON provides a workaround for this situation; you can define a method that MASON can call to get the current state of an agent, but it's a bit of work to write. I defined a function make-properties and a macro defagent to do most of the work for you.

Issue 3: If you add type hints to avoid reflection for the sake of speed, and you're not careful, you can get cyclic dependencies that won't compile. The design of MASON can make it easy to end up in this situation. (Java doesn't prevent cyclic dependencies in the way that Clojure does, so there would be no reason to expect MASON's design to reflect concerns about cyclic dependencies.) One feature in defparams attempts to make it easier to avoid cyclic dependencies with type hints. However, if your model is fast enough without type hints, or type hints would be unlikely to speed it up, then there's no reason to worry about this anyway.

Issue 4: Another issue with defrecords occurs if you want your agents to move with continuous coordinates rather than on a grid. MASON implements continuous coordinates with a hashtable, using the hashCode() method, defined originally by the Java Object class. However, defrecord overrides the normal pointer-identity hashCode method, defining a defrecord's hashCode and equals methods over all of the contents of the defrecord instance's fields. That is, defrecord objects have the same hash code if and only if they have the same fields with the same contents; it doesn't matter whether they are physically distinct. Hashing on all of the field contents is slow compared to hashing on a pointer, so a MASON/Clojure model with continuous coordinates using defrecords might be a lot slower than the same model written in Java. You can speed things up by using deftypes that are defined to be updated imperatively, but your code will be less idiomatic, and you'll have to work harder to write it (it won't be as fun). However, many ABMs use movement on a grid--or don't use movement at all--and don't need continuous coordinates, in which case defrecords' hashCode function shouldn't slow things down. (It's possible to override some of the Object methods defined for defrecords by Clojure, but not the equals and hashCode methods. This is undocumented afaik. Try it.)

Netlogo? No.

Could you use NetLogo from Clojure? NetLogo is written in Java and Scala, so in theory you could call it from Clojure. There are a few well-defined ways to interact with NetLogo from external code, too. You could write custom extensions in Clojure, for example. However, what one really wants is a general interface between Clojure and the NetLogo language, since that DSL is the interface to all of NetLogo's ABM capabilities. Implementing a Clojure-to-NetLogoDSL interface would be a lot of work. It's easier to use Clojure with an ABM library that's designed to allow you to write models in Java itself. Or to use NetLogo's own language.

Other resources

There are some books on agent-based modeling.

Journals that routinely include agent-based modeling papers include Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, Artificial Life, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Ecological Modeling, and Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling. Those are just a few that occur to me given my interests and experience; no doubt there are many others. Also, many other scientific journals, as well as philosophy of science journals, include ABM-based papers regularly, though not necessarily in most issues.

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