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Tips for using MASON with Clojure

Marshall Abrams

Where to start?

These notes don't provide introductions or tutorials for Clojure or MASON. MASON has a detailed PDF manual that begins with a tutorial and a example.

To read the MASON manual, you'll need to know a little bit of Java or have enough experience to figure it out as you read. (My "majure" repo includes some Clojure implementations of the Students example from the MASON tutorial.)

You will also have to learn a bit more about Clojure-Java interop than is usually necessary, but studying the source under masonclj's example directory with the MASON manual, the MASON classdocs tree, and good Clojure interop resources at hand might be a reasonable learning strategy.

Sequences, etc.

Any Java class that implements java.util.Collection can be used with Clojure sequence/list-oriented functions: map, reduce, filter, vec, etc. This is very convenient--for example for working with the contents of a MASON sim.util.Bag.

Clojure allows you to create Java arrays of primitives using functions such as double-array. You can set values in arrays of primitives efficiently using functions such as aset-double. You can access the values efficiently using aset with type hints.

Many Clojure functions generate lazy sequences. One has to be very careful with these when dealing with mutable state. Sometimes it's a good idea to wrap a result in doall to cause a lazy sequence to be realized immediately.

Setting the name in the title bar

How to do it

MASON sets the title of the main window by calling getName() in the subclass of GUIState, if that function exists. getName should return a string. If getName() is missing, MASON sets the window title to the (unqualified) class name of the subclass.

getName() is static in GUIState. You can't actually override a static method, normally, in the sense that the method to run would be chosen at runtime by the actual class used. Rather, with a static method, the declared class of a variable determines at compile time which method to call. But MASON uses reflection to figure out which method to call at runtime. Nevertheless, this means that we need a declaration in :methods, which you would not do for overriding non-static methods from a superclass. Also, the declaration should be declared static using metadata placed before the entire declaration vector.

    :methods [^:static [getName [] java.lang.String]]


(defn -getName [] "example app")

See for the syntax for declaring a method static in gen-class.

How not to do it

The preceding means that you don't have to and should not do the following (which would be natural in other contexts).

When a method has multiple arities in the super, you you can use a Clojure multiple-arity method. But if there are different types to the arguments, then you have to distinguish them by tacking type specifiers on to the name of the method!


(defn -getName-void [this] "free-agent") 

See:!topic/clojure/TVRsy4Gnf70 (in which Alex Miller of all people learns from random others)

Lessons from the Students model

The following remarks came from experiments implementing MASON's Students example in Clojure (see the majure repo). Specific versions of the Students model mentioned below can be found in that repo.

This document reflects my focus at the time on producing Clojure/MASON code that was as fast as possible. After the majure experiments, I applied what I'd learned in the intermittran repo. The resulting code in intermittran is not very idiomatic to Clojure, and unpleasant, imo. My current approach is to worry more about trying to write (relatively) idiomatic Clojure than trying to eke out as much speed from MASON as possible, but this document provides the background for my current approach.

Specifically, my goal was to see what's involved in writing a MASON simulation using only Clojure by using Clojure to rewrite the Students simulation in chapter 2 of the v18 MASON manual. In the majure git repo there are several versions of Students--each exploring different ways of writing the Students simulation.

These notes aren't intended to be self-explanatory to someone who's unfamiliar with Clojure or unfamiliar with MASON, and it may be that there are errors, since I'm not on expert on Clojure, Java, or MASON.


Note that while Clojure emphasizes pure functional programming, MASON is designed for routine use of mutable data structures. I didn't try to fight this aspect of MASON in my versions of the Students simulation, but I did try to make it clear in my code what parts were purely functional and what parts were not. It's important to have a clear view of this distinction; otherwise mixing with Clojure's lazy sequences are likely to cause problems at some point.

Clojure makes it very easy to call methods on Java classes using its Clojure's dot syntax. The notes below focus on less simple aspects of Clojure-Java interop, including more intimate Clojure-Java interoperability involving subclassing, interface implementation, and defining methods so that they can be found by MASON's Java classes.


There are four classes defined in the Students simulation:

  • Student, which implements sim.engine.Steppable
  • Students, which extends sim.engine.SimState
  • StudentsWithUI, which extends sim.display.GUIState.
  • An inner class in Students, which implements Steppable.

I tried out various methods to define these classes in Clojure. In the end, I settled on using the gen-class macro to define Students and StudentsWithUI, deftype to define Students, and reify to define the inner class. Other options are possible for the last two cases. See below for details.


There are five ways to make classes in Clojure:

  • defrecord
  • deftype
  • reify
  • proxy
  • gen-class

The alternativeStudentClasses version of my Students-in-Clojure program contains files illustrating alternative ways of defining the Student class using each of these options. See the file in that directory for information about their speed differences.

All of the five class creation macros allow implementing interfaces. but only proxy and gen-class allow you to extend a class (such as SimState). However, proxy is potentially the slowest of the five methods, because it uses an extra level of indirection to execute methods, and it's more limited than gen-class in many ways. I think that proxy is unlikely to be a good choice for use with MASON if you want optimal speed, but it might be useful in the GUI, if you don't care about optimal speed there. You can use reify instead, for example, to create a Clojure equivalent of an inner class, if the class doesn't need to extend a class. Neither reify nor proxy has built-in ways to store state, though you may be able to use a closure, perhaps with atoms or some other reference type, to associate state with a reify or proxy object.

Note that I tried using reify, proxy, and gen-class to define the inner class in Students. They were all equally fast. I suspect that the proxy version was no slower simply because this class doesn't do much. Note that proxy was much slower than reify when used to define the Student class in alternativeStudentClasses.

Overall, gen-class is the most flexible way to create classes in Clojure, but it's the most complicated method, as well. I used it define Students, subclassing SimState, and to define StudentsWithUI, subclassing GUIState. I don't think proxy can do everything needed for these cases.

defrecord is routinely used in Clojure. deftype provides similar basic functionality. Both can be used to define a named class that implements interfaces, but neither can extend another class. In my tests with Students, deftype was a lot faster than defrecord (2X-4X).

The reason for the speed difference between defrecord and deftype is interesting. defrecord and deftype are equally fast at (immutable) field access, and I see no reason to think they would differ in method invocation speed. However, defrecord automatically defines some associated functions that deftype does not. Among other things, defrecord defines Java equals() and hashCode() methods so that they will reflect the contents of a record's fields, and not just its bare identity. This means, for example, that two distinct records of the same type and the same field contents will be = in Clojure, while distinct deftype objects with the same contents will not. In addition, I believe, computing a hash code or equality for a record is more expensive than for a deftype object. Some of the MASON data structure objects used in the Students simulation, such as Continuous2D, use hashtables. I believe that's the reason that deftype is so much faster than defrecord in Students. (Note that although you can override some Object methods on records, you can't override hashCode() and equals().) The lesson is that if you need a named class that doesn't extend a class, and you are using something like Continuous2D that uses hashtables to store agents, then you have to decide whether you'd rather have the speed of deftype or the additional functionality of defrecord (e.g. the ability to initialize new instances from Clojure maps). [Steven Yi and others on the Clojure Google group helped me to understand all of this.] If your agents are stored on a grid with a finite number of cells, however, this difference between defrecord and deftype probably won't matter. MASON implements this kind of grid with Java arrays, and finding an object in arrays just involves indexing into them.

Note: You might also find Chas Emerick's Flowchart for choosing the right Clojure type definition form a useful heuristic, but note that there may be cases in which a different choice is warranted.

Mutable state

Only deftype allows mutable fields, and only using the :unsynchronized-mutable or :volatile-mutable keywords. (There is a scary warning about these options in the docstring for deftype, but my understanding is that these options are unproblematic as long as you're not going to have multiple threads accessing the same field.)

(gen-class allows you to define a single field using the :state keyword, but it's final in Java terms, which is to say that it can't be changed after it's initialized by the function that you declare using the :init keyword.)

One way to get an effect like multiple mutable fields with gen-class, defrecord, or non-mutable fields with deftype, is to use one of Clojure's reference types.

For example, to have mutable state with gen-class, you can store Clojure atoms in a Clojure defrecord object that's stored in the state variable.

Another alternative is to store a deftype object with mutable fields in the state variable. deftype with mutable fields was a little bit faster than defrecord with atoms; I used deftype to go from 50% of Java speed to 60% of Java speed. (Using deftype for this purpose is very verbose, though--I ended up with four similar signatures for each field. It might be worth writing a macro to generate all of the relevant code. This is a little tricky, though, if you want to use type hints--which you do, if you're going to the trouble of using mutable fields with deftype just for a small additional performance benefit.)

Another alternative is to store data in the state field using Java arrays, which you can create in Clojure using functions such as make-array and double-array.

Note that there's no problem with using fields inherited from a superclass defined in Java from within the same Clojure class definition (usually: the same namespace). They can be accessed as if they were Java methods called from Clojure, i.e. with expressions such as (.random students) to get the random number generator defined in the SimState superclass of the Students. You can modify these instance variables using set!.


The are three ways to define interfaces:

  • defprotocol
  • definterface
  • gen-interface

For use with MASON, it's not clear that it matters whether you use defprotocol or definterface. I've gotten the same speed with both. definterface requires that you use type specifications. Type hints are allowed but ignored on defprotocol. defprotocol provides more conveniences for use with Clojure.

gen-interface allows you to extend another interface, but this probably isn't needed. For example, it was easy to define Student implement both Steppable and an interface I defined. (definterface is a simple wrapper around gen-interface, and it's probably better style to use definterface if you don't need gen-interface's extra functionality. However, unlike gen-class, gen-interface is simple to use.)

Type hints

Type hints can sometimes make a huge difference in speed, when used to avoid reflection in code that executes often. (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) will turn on reflection compilation warnings. I try to restrict type hints to use in and near parameter lists, but sometimes I've needed to stick them in the middle of a function's code. Sometimes you can avoid type hints using definterface or gen-interface (and maybe defprotocol--I'm not sure).

Cyclic dependencies

Clojure doesn't allow compile-time cyclic dependencies between classes. For example, without type hints, giving the Students and Student classes their own namespaces (in separate source files, as usual) worked fine. These classes refer to each other's methods and fields repeatedly, which is OK in Java. It's also OK in Clojure without type hints; Clojure figures it all out at runtime. However, that was very slow. When you add in type hints to get rid of all reflection, you end up with a compile time cyclic dependency. My solution was to define Student using defrecord (or deftype) in the same namespace (and file) as Students, also defining an interface for Student's methods. (I had to place one of Students' methods after the Student class definition in order to type hint it properly.)

Note: Sometimes if you modify and recompile a single Clojure source file, without recompiling the others, you might get away with a cyclic dependency. You've fooled the compiler by adding the dependency of class A on class B after B was already compiled. When B was compiled, there was no cycle, so this works. However, when you recompile all of the files, you'll either get a cyclic dependency exception, or you will not be able to find an ordering of classes/namespaces in the :aot specification in project.clj that will allow you to compile all of the source files. (It's even possible to get this effect with multiple classes in a single source file. Apparently, the compiler can reference a previously compiled version while recompiling a source file.)

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