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A minimal implementation of Datalog.

A minimal implementation of Datalog.
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(q query kb)
(q query kb rules)

Queries a knowledge base or a set of relations given a vector form of a query and an optional set of rules.

A query takes the form:

[:find find-spec :where clauses]

A find-spec can be any number of lvars like:

[:find ?e ?v :where ...]

or a tuple containing a mix of lvars and grounds which is used to build output tuples from the query results:

[:find [?e :an/attribute ?v] :where ...]

The :where clauses are any number of tuples containing a mix of lvars and grounds:

[:find ... :where [?e :an/attribute ?v] [?e :another/attr 42]]

:where clauses may also contain filters defined as calls to predicates used to constrain the values that may bind to lvars:

[:find ... :where [?e :an/attribute ?v] (= ?v 42)]

The possible filter predicates are: =, not=, <, >, <=, >=

rules are a vector of lists where each list defines a rule with a single head tuple followed by any number of rule clauses:

([?p :relationship/parent ?c] [?p :relationship/father ?c])

The rule above defines a syntheic relation called :relationship/parent defined in terms of another relation relationship/father. Rules describe synthetic relations derived from real relations in the data or other synthetic relations derived from previous rule applications.

Queries a knowledge base or a set of relations given a vector
form of a query and an optional set of rules.

A query takes the form:

[:find find-spec :where clauses]

A find-spec can be any number of lvars like:

[:find ?e ?v :where ...]

or a tuple containing a mix of lvars and grounds which is used to
build output tuples from the query results:

[:find [?e :an/attribute ?v] :where ...]

The :where clauses are any number of tuples containing a mix of
lvars and grounds:

[:find ...
 [?e :an/attribute ?v]
 [?e :another/attr 42]]

:where clauses may also contain filters defined as calls to predicates
used to constrain the values that may bind to lvars:

[:find ...
 [?e :an/attribute ?v]
 (= ?v 42)]

The possible filter predicates are: =, not=, <, >, <=, >=

rules are a vector of lists where each list defines a rule with a
single head tuple followed by any number of rule clauses:

([?p :relationship/parent ?c] [?p :relationship/father ?c])

The rule above defines a syntheic relation called
`:relationship/parent` defined in terms of another relation
`relationship/father`. Rules describe synthetic relations derived
from real relations in the data or other synthetic relations
derived from previous rule applications.
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(query->map query)

Accepts the vector form of a Datalog query and outputs a map of the component sections as keyword->seq mappings.

Accepts the vector form of a Datalog query and outputs a map
of the component sections as keyword->seq mappings.
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