Main interface for saml20-clj SP functionality. The core functionality is broken out into several separate namespaces, but vars are made available here via Potemkin.
Main interface for saml20-clj SP functionality. The core functionality is broken out into several separate namespaces, but vars are made available here via Potemkin.
(->X509Certificate this)
Coerce something such as a base-64-encoded string or byte array to a
. This
class isn't used directly by OpenSAML; instead certificate must be coerced to an OpenSAML Credential
. See
Coerce something such as a base-64-encoded string or byte array to a ``. This class isn't used directly by OpenSAML; instead certificate must be coerced to an OpenSAML `Credential`. See `->Credential`.
(accept-response! this request-id)
Called whenever a new response from IdP is received. The state manager should verify that request-id
actually issued by us (e.g., one we've seen earlier when record-request!
), and (hopefully) that it is not too old;
if the response is not acceptable, it must throw an Exception. The state manager should remove the request from its
state a response with the same ID cannot be used again (e.g. to prevent replay attacks).
Called whenever a new response from IdP is received. The state manager should verify that `request-id` was actually issued by us (e.g., one we've seen earlier when `record-request!`), and (hopefully) that it is not too old; if the response is not acceptable, it must throw an Exception. The state manager should remove the request from its state a response with the same ID cannot be used again (e.g. to prevent replay attacks).
(assertions decrypted-response)
(assertions possibly-encrypted-response sp-private-key)
Returns the assertions (encrypted or not) of a SAML Response object
Returns the assertions (encrypted or not) of a SAML Response object
(decrypt-response response sp-private-key)
Decrypt response
using sp-private-key
if it has encrypted Assertions. If it does not have encrypted assertions,
return response
Decrypt `response` using `sp-private-key` if it has encrypted Assertions. If it does not have encrypted assertions, return `response` as-is.
(has-private-key? credential)
Will check if the provided keystore contains a private key or not.
Will check if the provided keystore contains a private key or not.
{:keys [request-id instant idp-url issuer user-email credential relay-state
:or {instant (t/instant) request-id (random-request-id) sig-alg -sig-alg}})
(idp-logout-redirect-response issuer user-email idp-url relay-state)
(idp-logout-redirect-response issuer user-email idp-url relay-state request-id)
Return Ring response for HTTP 302 redirect.
Return Ring response for HTTP 302 redirect.
(idp-redirect-response {:keys [request-id sp-name acs-url idp-url issuer
state-manager credential sig-alg relay-state
protocol-binding instant]
:or {instant (t/instant)
request-id (random-request-id)
sig-alg -sig-alg
protocol-binding :redirect}})
Return Ring response for HTTP 302 redirect.
Return Ring response for HTTP 302 redirect.
(in-memory-state-manager request-timeout-seconds)
(in-memory-state-manager request-timeout-seconds initial-state)
A simple in-memory state manager, suitable for a single instance. Requests IDs are considered valid for a minimum of
A simple in-memory state manager, suitable for a single instance. Requests IDs are considered valid for a minimum of `request-timeout-seconds`.
(logout-redirect-location & args)
Return only the URI of the logout redirect.
Return only the URI of the logout redirect.
(logout-success? response)
Return true if a LogoutResponse object has a SUCCESS SAML status element.
Return true if a LogoutResponse object has a SUCCESS SAML status element.
(metadata {:keys [app-name acs-url slo-url sp-cert requests-signed
:or {want-assertions-signed true requests-signed true}})
Return string-encoded XML of this SAML SP's metadata.
Return string-encoded XML of this SAML SP's metadata.
(record-request! this request-id)
Called whenever a new request to the IdP goes out. The state manager should record request-id
(and probably the
current timestamp as well) so it can be used for validating responses.
Called whenever a new request to the IdP goes out. The state manager should record `request-id` (and probably the current timestamp as well) so it can be used for validating responses.
(validate-logout req options)
(validate-logout req request-id issuer idp-cert)
Decode a ring request into a LogoutResponse SAML object and validate it.
Throws if validation fails
Decode a ring request into a LogoutResponse SAML object and validate it. Throws if validation fails
(validate-response response
{:keys [response-validators assertion-validators acs-url
request-id state-manager user-agent-address issuer
solicited? allowable-clock-skew-seconds]})
(validate-response response idp-cert sp-private-key)
Validate response. Returns decrypted response if valid. Options:
- optional. The validators to run against the <Response>
itself. Validators are
implemented as methods of validate-response
. If this is not passed, uses validators defined in
- optional. the validators to run against each <Assertion>
in the response. Validators are
implemented as methods of validate-assertion
. If this is not passed, uses validators defined in
- REQUIRED. Assertion consumer service URL. The :recipient
assertion validates this.
- optional. Validated by the :in-response-to
validator if passed.
- optional. An instance of StateManager
(such as in-memory-state-manager
) that can check
whether a Response with the given ID was already processed.
- optional. Address of the client. If present, the :address
validator will check that any
information in the <SubjectConfimrationData>
- optional. Unique identifier for the IdP. If passed, the :issuer
validators will validate any
information present on the <Response>
, and the Issuer
of each <Assertion>
is required for
- optional. Whether this request is the result of an SSO login flow initiated by the SP (us). If
this is false
, the :in-response-tovalidator checks that the
- optional. By default, 3 minutes. The amount of leeway to use when validating
and NotBefore
Validate response. Returns decrypted response if valid. Options: * `:response-validators` - optional. The validators to run against the `<Response>` itself. Validators are implemented as methods of `validate-response`. If this is not passed, uses validators defined in `default-validation-options`. * `:assertion-validators` - optional. the validators to run against each `<Assertion>` in the response. Validators are implemented as methods of `validate-assertion`. If this is not passed, uses validators defined in `default-validation-options`. * `:acs-url` - REQUIRED. Assertion consumer service URL. The `:recipient` assertion validates this. * `:request-id` - optional. Validated by the `:in-response-to` validator if passed. * `:state-manager` - optional. An instance of `StateManager` (such as `in-memory-state-manager`) that can check whether a Response with the given ID was already processed. * `:user-agent-address` - optional. Address of the client. If present, the `:address` validator will check that any `Address` information in the `<SubjectConfimrationData>` passes. * `:issuer` - optional. Unique identifier for the IdP. If passed, the `:issuer` validators will validate any `Issuer` information present on the `<Response>`, and the `Issuer` of each `<Assertion>` (`Issuer` is required for Assertions). * `:solicited?` - optional. Whether this request is the result of an SSO login flow initiated by the SP (us). If this is `false`, the :in-response-to` validator checks that the `request-id` in `nil`. * `:allowable-clock-skew-seconds` - optional. By default, 3 minutes. The amount of leeway to use when validating `NotOnOrAfter` and `NotBefore` attributes.
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