(assert-signature-valid-when-present object credential)
Attempts to validate any signatures in a SAML object. Raises if signature validation fails.
Attempts to validate any signatures in a SAML object. Raises if signature validation fails.
(authenticated? msg-ctx)
True if the MessageContext's PeerEntity subcontext has isAuthenticated set
True if the MessageContext's PeerEntity subcontext has isAuthenticated set
(handle-signature-security msg-ctx issuer credential & [request])
Uses OpenSAMLs security handlers to verify the signature of an incoming request for both GET and POST-based SAML flows.
Returns the verified MessageContext for the request.
The SAMLPeerEntityContext subcontext of the MessageContext will have a method isAuthenticated that returns true if the signature verification succeeded.
It will raise if the verification fails and a signature was provided.
It will return the message context if no sigature was provided but isAuthenticated will be false.
Uses OpenSAMLs security handlers to verify the signature of an incoming request for both GET and POST-based SAML flows. Returns the verified MessageContext for the request. The SAMLPeerEntityContext subcontext of the MessageContext will have a method isAuthenticated that returns true if the signature verification succeeded. It will raise if the verification fails and a signature was provided. It will return the message context if no sigature was provided but isAuthenticated will be false.
(has-private-key? credential)
Will check if the provided keystore contains a private key or not.
Will check if the provided keystore contains a private key or not.
(recursive-decrypt! sp-private-key element)
Mutates a SAML object to decrypt any encrypted Assertions present.
Mutates a SAML object to decrypt any encrypted Assertions present.
(signed? object)
Returns true when an xml object has a top-level Signature Element
Returns true when an xml object has a top-level Signature Element
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