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(anticommutator o p)


(commutator o p)


(exp op)

Returns an operator represented by a Taylor series expansion of $e^x$, applied to op. This expanded series of operators is itself an operator that applies each element to its argument.

Put another way: (exp g) to an operator g means forming the power series

I + g + 1/2 g^2 + ... + 1/n! g^n

where (as elsewhere) exponentiating the operator means n-fold composition.

Returns an operator represented by a Taylor series expansion of $e^x$, applied
to `op`. This expanded series of operators is itself an operator that applies
each element to its argument.

Put another way: `(exp g)` to an operator g means forming the power series

I + g + 1/2 g^2 + ... + 1/n! g^n

where (as elsewhere) exponentiating the operator means n-fold composition.
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(expn op)
(expn op n)

Similar to exp, but takes an optional argument n that defines an order for each term of the taylor series expansion.

Similar to `exp`, but takes an optional argument `n` that defines an order for
each term of the taylor series expansion.
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(make-operator o name & {:as context})



(operator? x)

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