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A cljs dataview from Ona.


This library is a work-in-progress to package up much of the dataview used in Ona's new product. It provides a set of Om components that can be used to visualize a dataset that has a schema attached to it.


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Terminology used below:

  • data is a vector of records
  • flat-form is a vector of fields
  • Each field is a map, containing keys name, type, full-name, label at the very least.
  • fields with type repeats are special; we will not go into detail about them for now.
  • Each record is also a map. Each key in a record should correspond to the full-name of some field.

General overview of state, shared-state, etc.

app-state has the following structure:

   {:data []
   :map-page {:submission-clicked {:data nil}
              :geofield {}}
    :table-page {:submission-clicked {:data nil}}
    :chart-page {:visible-charts []
                 :chart-data {}}
    :dataset-info {}
    :languages {:current nil :all []}}

The meaning of the state is as follows:

  • :data should be all of the data for this dataset. A list of records, each record being a submission.
  • :dataset-info is what is available via the /forms/ endpoint. Inside here, there should be things like form metadata, num_of_submissions and instances_with_geopoints, enketo_url, enketo_preview_url and such.
  • languages stores the set of languages labels in this form are written in inside of :all, the currently selected language (default English) is store in :current. This part of the app-state is used by the reference cursor language-cursor.
  • :map-page, :table-page, and :chart-page contain the state necessary for each of those pages.
    • :submission-clicked stores data about the record which is clicked.
    • visible-charts is the list of all charts that the user has called up on this page. chart-data is a map that stores the raw chart API data for all of the fields that the user has requested charts on.

User has the responsibility of updating :data, :dataset-info and :flat-form by fetching them; the utility flatten-form is available to convert what you get from Ona into a flat form..

Note: for speed of decoding, it is assumed for now that the keys for data are plain strings, not keywords. data is exceptional in this way; other maps are expected to contain plain clojure(script) keywords.

shared-state needs:

  {:flat-form []
   :view-type :ona-default}

exposed cursors:


To render the dataview into your application, you'll need something like the following. The app-state can be updated once constructed, and generally the right thing will happen. Shared state cannot be updated.

(om/root tabbed-dataview
          {:target ...
           :shared {:flat-form _your-form_
                    :view-type _your-view-type_}})

(Future: flat-form will be moved to app-state, since it does need to be updated sometimes).

Component Hierarchy

  • tabbed-dataview
    • dataview-infobar
    • map-page (cursor: map-page, dataset-info)
      • map-and-markers (cursor: map-page)
      • geofield-chooser (cursor: map-page geo-field)
      • view-by-legend (cursor: map-page view-by, dataset-info)
        • view-by-menu (cursor: dataset-info)
        • view-by-answer-legend (cursor: view-by)
      • submission-legend (cursor: map-page geo-field, map-page submission-clicked)
        • single-submission/submission-view
    • table-page
      • label-changer (cursor: nil, works on shared cursor language-cursor
      • single-submission/submission-view
    • chart-page
      • chart-chooser (cursor: nil)
      • list-of-charts (cursor: chart-page)
        • single-chart (cursor: chart-page chart-data >element)
    • settings-page (cursor: dataset-info)
      • (settings-page will be super basic; it will just display the name / description / active-inactive status, and not allow for any editing of data)

Hatti structure (proposal)

Hatti will primarily provide a set of Om components that are meant to be used in a dataview such as Zebra. All of Hatti's Om components should be over-rideable, you should be able to over-ride any of the Internal Hatti components easily and have a new dataview that incorporates such over-riding. As such, here is the basic proposal for how Hatti's components should be written:

Components in Hatti should be multi-methods. By default, the dispatch value will be :view-type [1] stored in the application shared state.

(defmulti map-page
  (fn [_ owner & _]
    (om/get-shared owner :view-type)))

(defn map-page :ona-default
  [cursor owner]
  ; actual map-page definition

This will allow any user to include the map-page in their view. Now say that they want to change the way the map view-by menu is rendered. They would do this by providing a value to correspond to ::view-type in the om/root call, and then overriding whatever component or subcomponent they want implemented differently.

(derive :my-view :ona-default)
(om/root map-page atom {:target ...
                        :shared {:view-type :my-view}})
(defn view-by-menu :my-view
  [cursor owner]
  ; the view-by-menu definition specific to :my-view

There may be some components which also need some special treatment within other views, eg. a submission-view which is different for the map and the table page. These should be implemented as multi-methods with a different dispatch function that still incorporates the shared ::view-type, An example could be:

(defmulti single-submission-view
  (fn [cursor owner & _]
    [(om/get-shared owner :view-type) (-> cursor :selected-view)]))
(defmethod single-submission-view [:ona-default :map]
  (fn [cursor owner opts]
(defmethod single-submission-view [:ona-default :table]
  (fn [cursor owner opts]

[1] - It will actually be the namespace-qualified ::view-type, but I need to do a bit more research to figure out how to use it properly.


Hatti is released under the Apache 2.0 License.

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