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(counts->lengths data
                 {:keys [total-as-max? datamin-as-min?]
                  :or [total-as-max? false datamin-as-min? false]})

Produces a linear mapping [0,max-count] -> [0, max-length], for data which is a vector, each element a map with key :count. If total-asmax?, then linear map is [0,total-count] -> [0, max-length].

Produces a linear mapping [0,max-count] -> [0, max-length], for data which
is a vector, each element a map with key :count. If total-asmax?, then
linear map is [0,total-count] -> [0, max-length].
sourceraw docstring


(evenly-spaced-bins answers bins type*)

Given a list of answers, returns each one as a bin, in string form. nil is mapped to nil. The bins, in order, are returned as metadata. eg. (evenly-spaced-bins [1 2 10] 5 'int') => ['1 to 2' '1 to 2' '9 to 10'] metadata of this above value would be: {:bins ['1 to 2', '3 to 4', '5 to 6', '7 to 8', '9 to 10']}

Given a list of answers, returns each one as a bin, in string form.
nil is mapped to nil. The bins, in order, are returned as metadata.
eg. (evenly-spaced-bins [1 2 10] 5 'int') => ['1 to 2' '1 to 2' '9 to 10']
metadata of this above value would be:
{:bins ['1 to 2', '3 to 4', '5 to 6', '7 to 8', '9 to 10']}
sourceraw docstring


(extract-nil chart-data)

Removes nil from Ona API chart data; adds nil- and non-nil-count metadata. ex. Input: {:field_xpath 'D' :data [{:D nil :count 5} {:D 1 :count 10}]} Output: {:field_xpath 'D' :data [{:D 1 :count 10}]} w/ metadata: {:nil-count 5 :non-nil-count 10}

Removes nil from Ona API chart data; adds nil- and non-nil-count metadata.
ex. Input:  {:field_xpath 'D' :data [{:D nil :count 5} {:D 1 :count 10}]}
    Output: {:field_xpath 'D' :data [{:D 1 :count 10}]}
            w/ metadata: {:nil-count 5 :non-nil-count 10}
sourceraw docstring


(int->str typ & {:keys [digits] :or {digits 1}})

Converts integers to strings, for type (int|date). Optional digits parameter = number of digits after decimal, default is 1.

Converts integers to strings, for type (int|date).
Optional digits parameter = number of digits after decimal, default is 1.
sourceraw docstring


(label-count-pairs chart-data)
(label-count-pairs chart-data language)

Take chart-data from the ona API, returns label->count map. eg. Input: {:field_xpath 'D' :data [{:count 2 :D ['Option_1']}]} Output: {:Option_1 2} eg. Input: {:field_xpath 'D' :data [{:count 1 :D ['O1' 'O_2'] :count 2 :D ['O1']}]} Output: {:Option_1 3 :O_2 1}

Take chart-data from the ona API, returns label->count map.
eg. Input: {:field_xpath 'D' :data [{:count 2 :D ['Option_1']}]}
Output: {:Option_1 2}
eg. Input: {:field_xpath 'D' :data [{:count 1 :D ['O1' 'O_2']
:count 2 :D ['O1']}]}
Output: {:Option_1 3 :O_2 1}
sourceraw docstring


(make-chart chart-data)
(make-chart chart-data language)

Make chart depending on datatype.

Make chart depending on datatype.
sourceraw docstring




(numeric-chart chart-data & {:keys [data-type] :or {data-type "int"}})

Create numeric (or date) chart out of some chart-data from ona API.

Create numeric (or date) chart out of some chart-data from ona API.
sourceraw docstring


(parse-date date-string)


(parse-int st)

Parse an integer from a string.

Parse an integer from a string.
sourceraw docstring


(parse-time time-string)

Remove the colon in a time string String -> String

Remove the colon in a time string
String -> String
sourceraw docstring


(range->str [minimum maximum] typ)

Converts a range of typ (int|date) to a string.

Converts a range of typ (int|date) to a string.
sourceraw docstring


(str->int typ)

Converts string to integer, for typ (int|date).

Converts string to integer, for typ (int|date).
sourceraw docstring


(table-chart-h data nil-count non-nil-count field_type)

Create category bar chart out of some data + count data. Data of form: {'Label1' 1 'Label2' 2}, etc. where the numbers are counts.

Create category bar chart out of some data + count data. Data of form:
{'Label1' 1 'Label2' 2}, etc. where the numbers are counts.
sourceraw docstring


(time->string time)

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