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Demo of prng use for the documentation.

Demo of `prng` use for the documentation.
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Exponential distribution based on inversion method.

See the wiki article.

Exponential distribution based on [inversion method](

See the [wiki article](
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Factory to create the distribution.

Factory to create the distribution.
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(registry) returns all distributions available in automaton-optimization.

They are all implementing the automaton-optimization.proba.distribution/Distribution protocol. Note that you can enrich them with your own distribution implementations if needed.

`(registry)` returns all distributions available in `automaton-optimization`.

They are all implementing the `automaton-optimization.proba.distribution/Distribution` protocol.
Note that you can enrich them with your own distribution implementations if needed.
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An uniform distribution, returning a double between a and b.

An uniform distribution, returning a double between `a` and `b`.
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An uniform distribution of integers.

An uniform distribution of integers.
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PRNG implementation built-in in your platform.

PRNG implementation built-in in your platform.
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A stateful prng definition.

Statefulness is important to ensure:

  • Each call to rnd is modifying the state of the prng.
  • it is thread safe to use.
A stateful prng definition.

Statefulness is important to ensure:
* Each call to `rnd` is modifying the state of the prng.
* it is thread safe to use.
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Creates a stateful prng based on a stateless one.

Creates a stateful prng based on a stateless one.
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Implements PRNG without state.

Use this protocol to wrap some stateless implementations of a prng. To use prng implementing protocol, wraps it again with PrngStatefulImpl.

Implements PRNG without state.

Use this protocol to wrap some stateless implementations of a `prng`.
To use prng implementing protocol, wraps it again with `PrngStatefulImpl`.
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Adapted from

Adapted from ``.
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PRNG stateless implementation based on xoroshoshiro128 algorithm.

See [xoroshiro128 repo](] for more details.

PRNG stateless implementation based on `xoroshoshiro128` algorithm.

See [xoroshiro128 repo](] for more details.
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A sample data stored in memory - a vector.

A sample data stored in memory - a vector.
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Functions manipulating set of numbers for probalistic analyzis.

Some functions are inspired from and optimization tips about

Functions manipulating set of numbers for probalistic analyzis.

Some functions are inspired from ``.
and optimization tips about ``.
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Pseudo random number generator. This protocol hides the complexity of the different random number generator. As many different implementations exists and none superseeds all others.

See notion page for the choice of generators.

Pseudo random number generator.
This protocol hides the complexity of the different random number generator. As many different implementations exists and none superseeds all others.

See [notion page]( for the choice of generators.
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No vars found in this namespace.


Contains a list of numerical data

It could be whatever implements the operators: +, *, /, -, 0

Contains a list of numerical data

It could be whatever implements the operators: +, *, /, -, 0
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time-based stores a value at a bucket in time.

A tb-var is a variable than stores one value for each bucket. You can choose among the following variant tb-var-additive-deltas, tb-var-additive-contiguous, tb-var-latest-deltas, tb-var-latest-contiguous, or even build you own as it implements the opt-tb-protocol.

The "bucket" concept is a natural integer (starting at 0) representing the time in the internals of the simulation. Bucket entity diagram

Some bucket of a tb-var can be grouped in bucket-aggregate, note that this bucket-aggregate will be seen as the bucket of the newly created tb-var. Bucket aggregate entity diagram

`time-based` stores a `value` at a `bucket` in time.

A `tb-var` is a variable than stores one `value` for each `bucket`. You can choose among the following variant `tb-var-additive-deltas`, `tb-var-additive-contiguous`, `tb-var-latest-deltas`, `tb-var-latest-contiguous`, or even build you own as it implements the `opt-tb-protocol`.

The "`bucket`" concept is a natural integer (starting at `0`) representing the time in the internals of the simulation.
![Bucket entity diagram](archi/time_based/bucket.png)

Some `bucket` of a `tb-var` can be grouped in `bucket-aggregate`, note that this `bucket-aggregate` will be seen as the `bucket` of the newly created `tb-var`.
![Bucket aggregate entity diagram](archi/time_based/bucket-aggregate.png)
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See for explanations on the tests.

See `` for explanations on the tests.
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An aggregate is a value object used to define a group of buckets that is homogeneously aggregated in bucket-aggregate.

  • start-bucket is the first bucket of the aggregate (start-bucket ∈ ℕ).
  • end-bucket is the last bucket concerned with that aggregate - end-bucket is excluded - (end-bucket ∈ ℕ or nil).
  • step is the number of buckets gathered in that aggregate, step ∈ ℕ*

Note that without knowing the other aggregate in the aggregates, the targeted bucket-aggregate are not fully defined.

Aggregate entity diagram

An `aggregate` is a value object used to define a group of `bucket`s that is homogeneously aggregated in `bucket-aggregate`.

* `start-bucket` is the first `bucket` of the aggregate (`start-bucket ∈ ℕ`).
* `end-bucket` is the last `bucket` concerned with that aggregate - `end-bucket` is excluded - (`end-bucket ∈ ℕ` or `nil`).
* `step` is the number of `bucket`s gathered in that `aggregate`, `step  ∈ ℕ*`

Note that without knowing the other `aggregate` in the `aggregates`, the targeted  `bucket-aggregate` are not fully defined.

![Aggregate entity diagram](archi/time_based/aggregate.png)
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Aggregates defines how an aggregator will be able to turn a bucket into a bucket-aggregate. It is a list of aggregate automatically sorted with their start-bucket. This list is used by a aggregator-item to create the aggregator.

See the [[aggregator]] function, for details about the aggregation rules.

Aggregates entity diagram

Aggregates defines how an `aggregator` will be able to turn a `bucket` into a `bucket-aggregate`.
It is a list of `aggregate` automatically sorted with their `start-bucket`.
This list is used by a `aggregator-item` to create the `aggregator`.

See the [[aggregator]] function, for details about the aggregation rules.

![Aggregates entity diagram](archi/time_based/aggregates.png)
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An aggregator aggregates bucket into bucket-aggregate and the way back.

It is composed of aggregator-item, matching but completing the data aggregate.

Aggregator entity diagram

An `aggregator` aggregates `bucket` into `bucket-aggregate` and the way back.

It is composed of `aggregator-item`, matching but completing the data `aggregate`.

![Aggregator entity diagram](archi/time_based/aggregator.png)
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An aggregator-item enriches an aggregate with start-bucket-aggregate and end-bucket-aggregate. Many aggregator-item are contained in an aggregator.

Note that no test mechanisms are here to check values of the aggregator-item, the aggregate and aggregates are here to deal with these tests and are responsible to built some valid aggregator-item.

Aggregator-item entity diagram

An `aggregator-item` enriches an `aggregate` with `start-bucket-aggregate` and `end-bucket-aggregate`.
Many `aggregator-item` are contained in an `aggregator`.

Note that no test mechanisms are here to check values of the `aggregator-item`, the `aggregate` and `aggregates` are here to deal with these tests and are responsible to built some valid `aggregator-item`.

![Aggregator-item entity diagram](archi/time_based/aggregator-item.png)
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Strategies to store data in tb-var.

Note: get-exact and get-measures are redundant functionaly but are here to optimize performance.

Strategies to store data in `tb-var`.

Note: `get-exact` and `get-measures` are redundant functionaly but are here to optimize performance.
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Stores data in a contiguous data structure.

Adding an element outside the initial capacity will add chunk-size element, plus what's missing to store the element.

Stores data in a contiguous data structure.

Adding an element outside the initial capacity will add chunk-size element, plus what's missing to store the element.
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Stores data in a collection of time / data pair fashion.

Stores data in a collection of time / data pair fashion.
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tb-var that stores additive informations over time buckets.

  • default-value is the default value for new or empty buckets, it should be the "0".
  • If a value is set to an empty bucket, the value is replacing the default-value.
  • If a value is already stored in that bucket, it will be added to the existing value.
  • The values should be numerical to support +.

Aggregate entity diagram

`tb-var` that stores additive informations over time buckets.

* `default-value` is the default value for new or empty buckets, it should be the "`0`".
* If a value is set to an empty bucket, the value is replacing the `default-value`.
* If a value is already stored in that bucket, it will be added to the existing value.
* The values should be numerical to support +.

![Aggregate entity diagram](archi/time_based/tb_var_additive.png)
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A tb-var storing data through an aggregator.

Note that the storage strategy and the way values are aggregated is the repsonsability of the tb-var.

tb-var-aggregated entity diagram

A `tb-var` storing data through an aggregator.

Note that the storage strategy and the way values are aggregated is the repsonsability of the `tb-var`.

![tb-var-aggregated entity diagram](archi/time_based/tb_var_aggregated.png)
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A tb-var that stores a measure m done at bucket b that is true for all subsequent buckets after b unless a new measure is done, at a later bucket.

  • Each update of an already existing value is overwritten.
  • The get-measure is returning the value at bucket b or the value at the earlier non nil date (as this latest is still available according to this time based).
  • The values can be whatever, as no operation is done on it.

For instance, a stock level is such, since a new stock level will be recorded at that moment. Note that the order of the measures is not significant.

tb var latest entity diagram

A `tb-var` that stores a measure `m` done at bucket `b` that is true for all subsequent buckets after `b` unless a new measure is done, at a later `bucket`.

* Each update of an already existing value is overwritten.
* The get-measure is returning the value at bucket `b` or the value at the earlier non nil date (as this latest is still available according to this time based).
* The values can be whatever, as no operation is done on it.

For instance, a stock level is such, since a new stock level will be recorded at that moment.
Note that the order of the measures is not significant.

![tb var latest entity diagram](archi/time_based/tb_var_latest.png)
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Time-based measures. This namespace could be used to creates new time-based implementation.

Time-based measures.
This namespace could be used to creates new `time-based` implementation.
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