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An aggregator-item enriches an aggregate with start-bucket-aggregate and end-bucket-aggregate. Many aggregator-item are contained in an aggregator.

Note that no test mechanisms are here to check values of the aggregator-item, the aggregate and aggregates are here to deal with these tests and are responsible to built some valid aggregator-item.

Aggregator-item entity diagram

An `aggregator-item` enriches an `aggregate` with `start-bucket-aggregate` and `end-bucket-aggregate`.
Many `aggregator-item` are contained in an `aggregator`.

Note that no test mechanisms are here to check values of the `aggregator-item`, the `aggregate` and `aggregates` are here to deal with these tests and are responsible to built some valid `aggregator-item`.

![Aggregator-item entity diagram](archi/time_based/aggregator-item.png)
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(bucket-aggregate {:automaton-optimization.time-based/keys [start-bucket
                   :as aggregator}

Returns the bucket-aggregate matching bucket in the aggregator.

Returns the `bucket-aggregate` matching `bucket` in the `aggregator`.
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(bucket-range {:automaton-optimization.time-based/keys
                 [start-bucket step start-bucket-aggregate end-bucket-aggregate]
               :as _aggregator}

Returns the range of bucket matching bucket-aggregate in the aggregator.

Returns the range of `bucket` matching `bucket-aggregate` in the `aggregator`.
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(bucket-to-bucket-aggregate {:automaton-optimization.time-based/keys
                               [start-bucket-aggregate step end-bucket-aggregate
                                start-bucket end-bucket]
                             :as _aggregator})

Returns an array matching the bucket to its bucket-aggregate based on aggregator definition. First element in the array is the bucket-aggregate of start-bucket, next is the bucket-aggregate of start-bucket+1, ...

Returns an array matching the `bucket` to its `bucket-aggregate` based on `aggregator` definition.
First element in the array is the `bucket-aggregate` of `start-bucket`, next is the `bucket-aggregate` of `start-bucket+1`, ...
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(build start-bucket-aggregate aggregator)

Buids and returns an aggregator, based on start-bucket-aggregate start-bucket end-bucket step.

Buids and returns an `aggregator`, based on `start-bucket-aggregate` `start-bucket` `end-bucket` `step`.
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  {:automaton-optimization.time-based/keys [end-bucket] :as aggregator})

Calculate the end-bucket-aggregate field in aggregator.

Calculate the `end-bucket-aggregate` field in `aggregator`.
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(concerns-bucket-aggregate? bucket-aggregate
                               [start-bucket-aggregate end-bucket-aggregate]
                             :as _aggregator})

Returns true if the bucket-aggregate is in the range of the bucket-aggregate definition. So it is between fields:

  • the start-bucket-aggregate field is mandatory in the definition
  • the end-bucket-aggregate field is optional as the aggregate could end at infinite
Returns `true` if the `bucket-aggregate` is in the range of the `bucket-aggregate` definition. So it is between fields:

* the `start-bucket-aggregate` field is mandatory in the definition
* the `end-bucket-aggregate` field is optional as the aggregate could end at infinite
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(concerns-bucket? bucket
                  {:automaton-optimization.time-based/keys [start-bucket
                   :as _aggregator})

Returns true if the bucket is between start-bucket and end-bucket. Note that the start-bucket field is mandatory in the definition, but the end-bucket field is optional.

If end-bucket is nil, it is interpretated as infinite.

Returns `true` if the `bucket` is between `start-bucket` and `end-bucket`.
Note that the `start-bucket` field is mandatory in the definition, but the `end-bucket` field is optional.

If `end-bucket` is `nil`, it is interpretated as infinite.
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