Computation is responsible for execution/storage of scheduler so that it can respond to questions about simulation. This namespace consists of protocol that defines core questions to answer and use-case functions of that protocol
For diagram see
Computation is responsible for execution/storage of scheduler so that it can respond to questions about simulation. This namespace consists of protocol that defines core questions to answer and use-case functions of that protocol For diagram see 
Returns information about specific simulation that are useful for rendering
Returns information about specific simulation that are useful for rendering
(scheduler-response this)
(scheduler-response this stopping-criterias)
(scheduler-response this stopping-criterias iteration)
Return scheduler response when any of stopping-criteria is matched from stopping-criterias
Empty stopping-criterias
means that it will stop at first found.
is additional information to tell from which snapshot iteration to start looking for stopping-criterias
Return scheduler response when any of stopping-criteria is matched from `stopping-criterias` collection. Empty `stopping-criterias` means that it will stop at first found. `iteration` is additional information to tell from which snapshot iteration to start looking for stopping-criterias
(stopping-criterias this)
Returns all stopping-criteria that may occur in this simulation
Returns all stopping-criteria that may occur in this simulation
(iteration-n computation n)
Returns computation-scheduler-response
containing snapshot with iteration n
Returns `computation-scheduler-response` containing snapshot with iteration `n`
(model-end-iteration computation)
Returns scheduler response when model-end? stopping-criteria is reached
Returns scheduler response when model-end? stopping-criteria is reached
(not-next? stopping-causes)
Is next iteration possible?
Is next iteration possible?
(stopping-criteria-model-end? computation)
Returns true if simulation has model-end criterias defined
Returns true if simulation has model-end criterias defined
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