Computation response is consisting of status and scheduler response. Status informs about how the response is related to the query asked to computation. :success <- it is as expected :no-next <- it is not what was asked, but it is impossible to continue further in simulation (e.g. model-end, no future events...) :timeout <- it is not what was asked and it can be continued to search, but it hit a limit of time as it may be endless simulation or question could never be answered :internal-error <- The response may be corrupted as there was some problem with execution itself
For diagram see
Computation response is consisting of status and scheduler response. Status informs about how the response is related to the query asked to computation. :success <- it is as expected :no-next <- it is not what was asked, but it is impossible to continue further in simulation (e.g. model-end, no future events...) :timeout <- it is not what was asked and it can be continued to search, but it hit a limit of time as it may be endless simulation or question could never be answered :internal-error <- The response may be corrupted as there was some problem with execution itself For diagram see 
(build status response)
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