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an experiment around simple int sequence development

an experiment around simple int sequence development
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(bounds s)


(contour s)


(contour-inversions x)


(contour-mirror x)


(gen-contour x)
(gen-contour x y)

Produce a contour vector of length 'x and height 'y

Produce a contour vector of length 'x and height 'y
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(gen-line {:keys [contour grow pick] :or {pick :rand}})

Generate a line by generating a contour, producing lines from it, picking one. options are:

  • :contour, a vector [contour-length contour-height].
  • :grow, a vector [min-grow max-grow] that is used to grow the generated contour.
  • :pick, a member-pick argument used to pick one line from generated ones. (default :rand)
Generate a line by generating a contour, producing lines from it, picking one.
options are:
- :contour, a vector [contour-length contour-height].
- :grow, a vector [min-grow max-grow] that is used to grow the generated contour.
- :pick, a member-pick argument used to pick one line from generated ones. (default :rand)
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(lines contour growth)

Given a contour vector,returns a seq of increasingly wide lines following it.

Given a contour vector,returns a seq of increasingly wide lines following it.
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(similars s extent)

Given a sequence of ints s, builds a list of sequences that follow the same contour. The extent argument is here to bound sequence height grow and shrink. e.g extent = [-2 3] means that resulting sequence can be taller by 3 and/or smaller by 2 than s.

Given a sequence of ints `s`, builds a list of sequences that follow the same contour.
The `extent` argument is here to bound sequence height grow and shrink.
e.g `extent` = [-2 3] means that resulting sequence can be taller by 3 and/or smaller by 2 than `s`.
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(size s)

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