($ x f)
(abs x)
(all-paths m)
(all-paths x at)
given a nested map, returns a seq of the form: ([path val]*)
given a nested map, returns a seq of the form: ([path val]*)
(copy-file file name)
(dbg & xs)
(deep-check m)
Deeply checks if all values in a map are truthy.
Deeply checks if all values in a map are truthy.
(deep-find data x)
(deep-merge x y)
(defn* & form)
Like defn but last argument is bound variadicaly. it defines two functions,
Like defn but last argument is bound variadicaly. it defines two functions, - one that binds the last ARGV pattern to variadic arguments. - one (postfixed by *) that expect it as a seq. This is somehow analogous to #'list and #'list*
(defreduction name x & xs)
(dist a b)
(divmod mod x)
(ensure-directory x)
(ensure-file name)
(f_ ret)
(f_ x & xs)
Unary lambda with threading body. arity 1: simple unary lambda with arg bound to _ arity 2+: shorthand for: (fn [x] (as-> x _ ...)).
Unary lambda with threading body. arity 1: simple unary lambda with arg bound to _ arity 2+: shorthand for: (fn [x] (as-> x _ ...)).
(factorize num)
(flagged flag value)
(flagged flag1 flag2 value)
(flagged flag1 flag2 flag3 value)
(flagged flag1 flag2 flag3 flag4 & rest)
add some flags into metadata
add some flags into metadata
(flagged? flag)
(flagged? flag value)
(hm->defs ns hm)
takes an hashmap of type (named x) -> any, and def all in the given ns
takes an hashmap of type (named x) -> any, and def all in the given ns
(hm-leaves m)
(hm-nodes x)
(hm-nodes x from acc)
(index-of s x)
(lazy-map xs f)
(lazy-primes current known-primes)
(linear-interpolation from to steps)
not sure about the name
not sure about the name
(map-vals f m)
(parse-defn [name x & xs])
(parse-file-path n)
(pp & xs)
(pretty-str x)
(prob & xs)
(rand-int-between a b)
return an integer between a and b (inclusive).
return an integer between a and b (inclusive).
(reduction f)
Turn a binary fn 'f into a variadic function that use 'f and reduce to produce a result, shortcircuiting on first nil intermediate result
Turn a binary fn 'f into a variadic function that use 'f and reduce to produce a result, shortcircuiting on first nil intermediate result
(round x)
(rounded-div n d)
(scale-range in [in-min in-max] [out-min out-max])
(scale-range x in-min in-max out-min out-max)
Scales a given input value within the specified input range to a corresponding value in the specified output range using the formula:
(out-max - out-min) (x - in-min)
f (x) = -------------------------------- + out-min in-max - in-min
Scales a given input value within the specified input range to a corresponding value in the specified output range using the formula: (out-max - out-min) (x - in-min) f (x) = -------------------------------- + out-min in-max - in-min
(serialize-to-base64 obj)
(str->keyword name)
(sums total size steps)
(sums total size steps floor ceil)
(t e)
(t sym e)
artity 2: assign type sym to e arity 1: get the type tag of e
artity 2: assign type sym to e arity 1: get the type tag of e
(t= x & xs)
check if all given args are of same type (tag)
check if all given args are of same type (tag)
(t? sym)
(t? sym e)
check if e is of type (type tag) sym
check if e is of type (type tag) sym
(template x)
(throw* & xs)
(unserialize-from-base64 s)
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