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Entity to triple mapping for the transaction api. This handles conversion of entities as well as managing updates.

Entity to triple mapping for the transaction api.
This handles conversion of entities as well as managing updates.
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(build-triples {graph :graph :as db} data)

Inputs: [{graph :graph, :as db} :- DatabaseType data :- [s/Any]] Returns: [(s/one [Triple] "Data to be asserted") (s/one [Triple] "Data to be retracted") (s/one #:s{Any s/Any} "ID map of created objects")]

Converts a set of transaction data into triples. Returns a tuple containing [triples removal-triples tempids]

Inputs: [{graph :graph, :as db} :- DatabaseType data :- [s/Any]]
Returns: [(s/one [Triple] "Data to be asserted") (s/one [Triple] "Data to be retracted") (s/one #:s{Any s/Any} "ID map of created objects")]

Converts a set of transaction data into triples.
Returns a tuple containing [triples removal-triples tempids]
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