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An in-memory graph implementation with full indexing.

An in-memory graph implementation with full indexing.
raw docstring


Lookup an index in the graph for the requested data and count the results based on a transitive index.

Lookup an index in the graph for the requested data and count the results based on a transitive index.
sourceraw docstring




Lookup an index in the graph for the requested data. Returns a sequence of unlabelled bindings. Each binding is a vector of binding values.

Lookup an index in the graph for the requested data.
Returns a sequence of unlabelled bindings. Each binding is a vector of binding values.
sourceraw docstring




(index-add idx a b c)

Inputs: [idx :- #:s{Any #:s{Any #{s/Any}}} a :- s/Any b :- s/Any c :- s/Any] Returns: #:s{Any #:s{Any #{s/Any}}}

Add elements to a 3-level index

Inputs: [idx :- #:s{Any #:s{Any #{s/Any}}} a :- s/Any b :- s/Any c :- s/Any]
Returns: #:s{Any #:s{Any #{s/Any}}}

Add elements to a 3-level index
sourceraw docstring


(index-delete idx a b c)

Inputs: [idx :- #:s{Any #:s{Any #{s/Any}}} a :- s/Any b :- s/Any c :- s/Any] Returns: (s/maybe #:s{Any #:s{Any #{s/Any}}})

Remove elements from a 3-level index. Returns the new index, or nil if there is no change.

Inputs: [idx :- #:s{Any #:s{Any #{s/Any}}} a :- s/Any b :- s/Any c :- s/Any]
Returns: (s/maybe #:s{Any #:s{Any #{s/Any}}})

Remove elements from a 3-level index. Returns the new index, or nil if there is no change.
sourceraw docstring

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