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Changes in 0.1.1

Changes visible to users of the library

Bug fixes:

  • Eliminate warning issued by ClojureScript compiler caused by use of a not-yet-defined type name CRRBV-24

Minor code cleanup:

  • Eliminate redundant require of a namespace commit


  • Created this change log.
  • Added new introductory text at beginning of README explaining briefly why someone might want to use this library.
  • Added doc/benchmarks/ document, with link from README, showing some benchmark results of this library versus several other implementations of vector data structures, some of which are based on RRB trees, some of which have only a linear time vector concatenation operation.
  • Added doc/ with links to other implementations of RRB trees, and papers and theses that have been written about them.

Changes relevant to those who test and develop the library itself

  • Added doc/use-transducers/ directory with README and proposed patch for speeding up some of the code by using transducers, which in the cases used provide a speedup by avoiding allocating multiple intermediate sequences.

Changes in 0.1.0

Changes visible to users of the library

Bug fixes:

  • Test case added that was failing before the fixes for other bugs listed below, but now works with those fixes, so likely its root cause has also been corrected CRRBV-12
  • Fixed bug that caused assoc and assoc! to fail when used on vectors of primitives CRRBV-13
  • Fixed bug where internal tree data structure gets too "tall and skinny", eventually exceeding the limits supported by the library's implementation CRRBV-14
  • Bug with similar root cause, and the same fix as, CRRBV-14 CRRBV-17
  • Fix incorrect condition check for when a subtree was full or not CRRBV-20
  • Fix of several bugs found during implementation and testing of other issues CRRBV-21
  • Fix off by one bug that caused incorrect results for pop and pop! operations on vectors of certain sizes CRRBV-22
  • Fix incorrect hash calculation for empty RRB vectors in ClojureScript implementation CRRBV-25
  • Fix potential data race for multi-threaded Clojure programs using this library where the hash value could be returned incorrectly as -1 instead of the correct value CRRBV-26


  • Support bootstrapped ClojureScript CRRBV-16

Changes relevant to those who test and develop the library itself

In order to continue to support Clojure 1.6.0, core.rrb-vector uses neither .cljc files nor transducers, for which Clojure added support in Clojure 1.7.0. However, in preparation for a future core.rrb-vector release that requires Clojure 1.7.0 or later, several test namespaces have been made nearly identical between their Clojure and ClojureScript versions, so that they can be replaced with a single .cljc file in the future, with only a few small uses of reader conditionals.

The implementation of core.rrb-vector still contains similar, but independent, implementations in Clojure and ClojureScript, and no attempt has been made to make their implementations so similar that merging them into a combined .cljc file would be reasonable. Replacing some or all of the Clojure implementation with Java source code may help improve the constant factors of the execution time enough to warrant such a change in a future version of this library.

  • Updated Maven pom.xml file, Leiningen project.clj file, and Clojure deps.edn files, so that any of them may be used for the purposes of developing and testing this library further. Added examples of commands for all of these tools for running this library's tests, and commands for Ubuntu Linux and macOS for installing two different JavaScript run time engines that can be used to test the ClojureScript implementation.
  • The ClojureScript tests are now run, using JDK's Nashorn JavaScript run time environment, on, in addition to the previous behavior of running the Clojure tests.
  • Rearranged tests in the test namespaces extensively, including some of their namespace names. There is now a test-common namespace that contains most of the tests, which can thus be run on both the Clojure and ClojureScript implementations. There are test-clj-only and test-cljs-only namespaces for tests unique to one of the implementations.
  • The clojure.core.rrb-vector.debug/dbg-vec function has been enhanced to support showing internal details of both the built in Clojure vectors, persistent and transient, as well as core.rrb-vector's data structures. The debug namespace also has several checking-* functions, e.g. checking-catvec, checking-subvec, etc. that behave the same as their non-checking counterparts, but perform significant sanity checking of their return values before they return, and while they have some configuration options, by default they throw exceptions if they find errors in the returned values. Any such exceptions are likely to be due to bugs in core.rrb-vector. These checking functions are significantly slower than the non-checking variants, and only intended for testing the core.rrb-vector library. The details of configuring their options are not intended to be stable, and thus likely to change in future releases of this library.

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