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core.rrb-vector benchmarks

See the section "How the benchmarks were run" below for how the results were created.

Benchmark results

These benchmark results are based upon benchmark code written for the bifurcan library. The benchmarks published originally here include comparisons of data structures other than vectors, e.g. hash maps and sorted sets.

Note that for the data structures we care most about here, those results call them "lists" rather than "vectors". I will use "lists" here to be consistent with the bifurcan benchmarks. The portion of the bifurcan results relevant to lists can be found here.

The time measurements here were made on a different machine than the bifurcan results, so you should not infer anything from the absolute time measurements here vs. there. Only the relative time measurements between the libraries in one set of benchmark results.

As in the original benchmark results, construction times are quite consistent (at the scale shown in this graph) across different libraries, except for vavr. The graph below shows the results for all libraries except vavr, so that any differences between them become more apparent. Even at that finer scale the maximum differences above 100 element vectors appears to be at most 3x.

Without core.rrb-vector included, Zach Tellman's original comment on these results was "The mutable collections, which are stored contiguously, are only moderately faster than their immutable counterparts".

Note that the benchmark here creates a Java Iterator object from the collection, and then in a loop uses that interface's hasNext and next methods to traverse the entire collection until hasNext returns false. The more typical way to traverse collections in Clojure is to call seq on them (or use one of many functions that call seq for you under the covers), and then use rest or next to advance one step.

core.rrb-vector version 0.1.0 is significantly slower, primarily because it has less optimized code for its Java Iterator implementation than it has for its seq/rest/next implementation. The reason for the increases near 1K elements and 32K elements are most likely because those are the sizes where the 32-way tree data structure gets one level deeper.

The graph below shows the results for all except the core.rrb-vector library, so any differences between those libraries can be seen. Several of them show at least some change in run time when crossing the 1K and 32K element points.

Zach's comment on the original results, which are nearly identical to those shown above: "The mutable collections are O(1) while their immutable counterparts are unmistakably O(log N)."

Zach's comment on the original results: "Concatenation is O(N) for every library except Paguro and Bifurcan, which are O(log N) due to their use of RRB trees."

I know for a fact that clojure.PersistentVector does not use RRB trees, and concatenation takes at least linear time (multiplied by some small log factor) in the length of the second vector. This appears to be the case for vavr.Vector and java.ArrayList as well.

I would have guessed that scala.Vector used RRB trees as well, but have not checked the implementation yet to verify. If it does use RRB trees, it is by far the slowest of the ones that do, at least for vectors 100K in size and larger -- perhaps the scala.Vector authors chose to implement some more extensive tree rebalancing than other RRB implementers did, in order to preserve faster run times for other operations?

The next graph shows the results with only the 4 libraries that are the fastest for concatenation. Unlike the previous graphs, the vertical axis is the elapsed time, not "elapsed time per vector element". RRB trees should enable O(log N) run time for concatenation.

core.rrb-vector is the slowest of these by a large factor, probably because of a concatenation implementation that has not been scrutinized for optimization opportunities yet.

The next graph shows only the 3 libraries that are the fastest for concatenation, to see any detail that might be of interest there. Like the previous one, the vertical axis is elapsed time, not elapsed time per vector element.

TBD: How can bifurcan.LinearList have pretty much a constant run time for all vector sizes?

How the benchmarks were run

To run benchmarks from the Bifurcan project, with small modifications that add core.rrb-vector to the list of libraries that are measured, follow these steps. Note that the version of the bifurcan.List data structure code used in these results has a few proposed bug fixes from the version of the code in the original bifurcan repository, but I do not believe they affect the performance in any noticeable way.

$ git clone
$ cd bifurcan
$ git checkout 457fd0346b78392f39e4c0e79f1e43b7847ea93b
$ ./benchmarks/

To copy the data and images produced as a result of the above, to where I copied them in this repository:

$ DST=/path/to/my/clone/of/core.rrb-vector/doc/benchmarks
$ mkdir $DST/images $DST/data
$ cp -p benchmarks/images/list*.png benchmarks/images/concat*.png $DST/images
$ cp -p benchmarks/data/benchmarks.edn benchmarks/data/concat.csv benchmarks/data/list*.csv $DST/data

The benchmark results here were measured on a system with these properties:

  • MacBook Pro model 11,2, 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7 with peak clock speed 3.6 GHz, 16 GB RAM
  • macOS 10.14.6
  • AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.4, 64-bit server build 11.0.4+11
  • Leiningen 2.9.1
  • To see the versions of the list libraries that were measured, look in the project.clj file of the bifurcan project at the commit mentioned above. For core.rrb-vector, the only measured library that is written in Clojure, that project.clj file currently specifies Clojure version 1.8.0. The other libraries are written in Java.

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