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1.5.0 (2021-12-17)

  • New :put-body method, primarily for to avoid hitting query param payload limit
    • legacy? flag added to use for IM<5.0.4 which don't read the PUT body
  • Make imcljs.query/->xml support generating XML for templates to be uploaded
    • BREAKING: This means template-specific constraint attributes like editable and switchable are no longer ignored, and InterMine will respond with an error if these are present within a regular query
    • Includes comprehensive escaping for attribute value characters not compatible with XML
  • Handle :query with a value of string, in which case it will be passed on instead of throwing
  • New methods for template-related web services
    • save/template
    • save/delete-template
    • fetch/template-tags
    • save/template-add-tags
    • save/template-remove-tags
    • fetch/precompute IM 5.0.4
    • fetch/summarise IM 5.0.4
    • save/precompute IM 5.0.4
    • save/summarise IM 5.0.4

1.4.5 (2021-06-28)

  • Support new entity representation web service with fetch/entity-representation

1.4.4 (2021-05-20)

  • Support for /list/chart widget with fetch/chart-widget
  • Support for /list/table widget with fetch/table-widget

1.4.3 (2021-03-02)

  • Support new elinks webservice with fetch/external-links

1.4.2 (2021-02-03)

  • Avoid throwing when generating PathQuery XML with nil attributes (likely model name)
    • Bug introduced with query/escape-attribute in 1.4.0

1.4.1 (2021-01-29)

  • CLJ: Always return body for successful response when no xform (makes behaviour consistent with CLJS)

1.4.0 (2021-01-28)


  • Changes to query/sterilize-query
    • Handle loop constraint loopPath as value
    • Remove value/values from IS NULL and IS NOT NULL constraints
  • Escape invalid characters in XML attribute value when generating PathQuery XML
  • Support more webservices fetch/semantic-markup and save/feedback
  • Rename query/stringiy-map typo to query/stringify-map

1.3.2 (2021-01-20)


  • New password reset webservices auth/request-password-reset and auth/password-reset
  • Create token (specifically for type=api) with auth/create-token
  • Handle ID resolution job for TO_UPGRADE lists, when fetch/resolve-identifiers is passed list name instead of identifiers
  • Upgrade TO_UPGRADE list by passing list name and new object IDs to save/im-list-upgrade

1.3.1 (2020-12-15)

  • Support permanent-url webservice to generate a URL to access an object even when its object ID has changed

1.3.0 (2020-11-25)


  • Support more webservices
    • fetch/lists-containing for getting lists that contain an object
    • fetch/branding to get logo and colors of mine
  • Support new bluegenes-properties webservice
    • fetch/bluegenes-properties
    • save/bluegenes-properties
    • save/update-bluegenes-properties
    • save/delete-bluegenes-properties
  • Fix GET parameters not passed when used from JVM
  • Support OAuth2 via Intermine backend (see auth/oauth2*)
  • Fixes and improvements to imcljs.path
    • Rewrite path/walk to support walking properties
    • Fix path/split-path not returning vector as documented
    • Make path/display-name work with subclasses
    • More tests for path/walk
  • Fix save/im-list not able to pass more than one identifier

1.2.0 (2020-10-06)

  • Support subclasses by passing type-constraints with model #51
    • Enables imcljs.path/walk to traverse subclasses specified via type constraints, and enables other functions dependent on it to handle subclasses correctly
  • Do not add constraint code to type constraints when sterilizing query #51

1.1.0 (2020-02-20)

  • Support new web services #42
    • save/im-list-remove-tag for removing a tag
    • auth/login for logging in and merging lists
    • auth/logout for invalidating token
    • save/im-list-update for updating list descriptions
    • auth/change-password for setting new password
    • auth/register for registering a new user
    • fetch/preferences for fetching user preferences
    • save/preferences for saving user preferences
    • save/delete-preference for deleting user preferences
    • auth/deregistration for acquiring a deregistration token
    • auth/delete-account for deleting a user account with a deregistration token
    • fetch/saved-queries for fetching saved queries
    • save/query for saving queries
    • save/delete-query for deleting saved queries
  • Changes to sterilize-query #42
    • Rename :orderBy to :sortOrder if the latter is missing in PathQuery XML
    • Enforce :sortOrder being a vector instead of a list
  • Make path/walk handle path vector with string values #42

1.0.2 (2019-11-01)

  • Error handling for fetch/resolve-identifiers #39
  • Fix response body being returned on erroneous requests when xform is not specified #39
  • Fix fetch/fetch-id-resolution-job-status throwing ArityException when used from Clojure #39
  • Improve efficiency of fetch/unique-values #40
  • Fix warnings caused by path/class and path/class? #41 Thanks to @BadAlgorithm

1.0.1 (2019-10-09)

  • Use https by default instead of http #38

1.0.0 (2019-09-24)

  • Change implementation of imcljs.fetch/registry so it returns instances directly #36
  • Run assertions on arguments to give a helpful error message if they are invalid #35
  • Update dependencies #37

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