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CircleCI Clojars Project

A Clojure/ClojureScript library for interacting with InterMine's web services.

Getting Started

Add the necessary dependency to your project:

Clojars Project

imcljs returns channels so you'll also want to include core.async

[org.clojure/core.async "0.2.395"]


With the exception of the fetch/registry function, all imcljs functions expect a map as their first parameter containing a mandatory :root key and two semi-optional keys, :token and :model.

(def flymine {:root  ""
              :token nil ; Optional parameter for authentication
              :model "genomic" ; Required by some functions, such as executing a query

We recommend fetching the model once and storing it in the above map for re-use across your application.


Fetching a list of InterMines from the Registry

(let [;fetch all mines except the dev/beta mines
      prod-mines (fetch/registry false)
      ;fetch all mines INCLUDING the dev/beta mines
      dev-and-prod-mines (fetch/registry true)]

        (let [prod (<! prod-mines )
              dev (<! dev-and-prod-mines)]
          ;; This should print true, so long as the sum of dev+prod mines is 
          ;; greater than the count of prod mines
          (.log js/console (< (count (:instances (:body prod)))
              (count (:instances (:body dev)))))

Fetching assets

; Fetch model (you'll need this for later.)
(go (log (<! (fetch/model flymine)))

; Fetch templates
(go (log (<! (fetch/templates flymine)))

; Fetch lists
(go (log (<! (fetch/lists flymine)))

; Fetch summary fields
(go (log (<! (fetch/summary-fields flymine)))

Fetching query results

Most result-fetching functions require that the :model key be present in their first parameter.

(ns my-app.core
  (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
  (:require [imcljs.fetch :as fetch]
            [cljs.core.async :refer [<!]]))

(def my-query {:from   "Gene"
              :select ["Gene.secondaryIdentifier Gene.symbol"]
              :where  [{:path  "Gene.symbol"
                        :op    "="
                        :value "a*"}]})

; Rows
(go (log (<! (fetch/rows flymine my-query))))

; Records
(go (log (<! (fetch/records flymine my-query {:size 10}))))

; Row Count
(go (log (<! (fetch/row-count flymine my-query))))



It's useful to have a live interactive environment to invoke imcljs when developing. You can get this by running:

$ lein repl
user=> (fig-start)
# Figwheel: Starting server at
# Open this URL in your browser.
user=> (cljs-repl)

You can now use require to test parts of imcljs and dependencies. Even better, if you install an nREPL plugin to your editor, you can load any namespace and evaluate arbitrary code all from your editor (src/cljs/imcljs/core.cljs has useful code for testing). Keep an eye on your browser devtool's Network and Console tabs; it's great for debugging requests and seeing the output when running code.

Running tests

Required dependency: phantomjs, to run the tests in a headless javascript engine. You'll need a recent version of node installed, perhaps via nvm. Once node is installed, run npm install -g phantomjs to install phantomjs.

Local biotestmine: The tests are run against a local biotestmine instance on port 9999 (can be changed in test/cljs/imcljs/env.cljs). If you're not familiar with building InterMine instances, we recommend using intermine_boot.

To run tests in the browser:

lein doo

To run tests in the JVM:

lein test

Releasing new versions (Clojars)

  1. Update the version number in project.clj
  2. Don't forget to add the new version with notes to
  3. Tag the release with a matching version number in git and push the tag to GitHub
  4. To push the release to Clojars, type lein deploy clojars. Note that you'll need to have a clojars account that is a member of the org.intermine team.

API Docs

API docs for IMCLJS are available at

These docs are automatically generated by CircleCI when anything is merged to dev.

If you would like to generate them locally, run lein codox and go to your target/docs folder.


Builds will fail unless your file is formatted correctly. Write code with whatever formatting you like - but before you commit and push, run lein format to auto-format your file to the required standards. The formatting is managed using the cljfmt package.

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Yo Yehudi, Joshua Heimbach, uosl & Herald
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