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Command Line Interface

Overarch CLI
   Reads your model and view specifications and renders or exports
   into the specified formats.

   For more information see

Usage: java -jar overarch.jar [options].


  -m, --model-dir PATH              models     Models directory or path
  -r, --render-format FORMAT                   Render format (all, graphviz, markdown, plantuml)
  -R, --render-dir DIRNAME          export     Render directory
      --[no-]render-format-subdirs  true       Use subdir per render format
  -x, --export-format FORMAT                   Export format (json, structurizr)
  -X, --export-dir DIRNAME          export     Export directory
  -w, --watch                       false      Watch model dir for changes and trigger action
  -s, --select-elements CRITERIA               Select and print model elements by criteria
  -S, --select-references CRITERIA             Select model elements by criteria and print as references
      --select-views CRITERIA                  Select and print views by criteria
  -T, --template-dir DIRNAME        templates  Template directory
  -g, --generation-config FILE                 Generation configuration
  -G, --generation-dir DIRNAME      generated  Generation artifact directory
  -B, --backup-dir DIRNAME          backup     Generation backup directory
      --[no-]model-warnings         true       Returns warnings for the loaded model
      --[no-]model-info             false      Returns infos for the loaded model
      --plantuml-list-sprites       false      Lists the loaded PlantUML sprites
  -h, --help                                   Print help
      --debug                       false      Print debug messages

CLI Examples

To render all views for all models, use

> java -jar ./target/overarch.jar -r all


> java -jar ./target/overarch.jar -r all --debug

To render all views for all models with a directory watch to trigger rerendering on changes, use

> java -jar ./target/overarch.jar -r all -w --debug

To export the models to JSON, use

> java -jar ./target/overarch.jar -x json

To query the model for all containers, use

> java -jar ./target/overarch.jar -s '{:el :container}'


> java -jar ./target/overarch.jar -S '{:el :container}'

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