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Model Element Selection By Criteria

Model elements can be selected based on criteria. Criterias are given as a map where each key/value pair specifies a criterium for the selection. An element is selected, if it matches all criteria in the map (logical conjunction).

Criterias can also be given as a vector of criteria maps. An element is selected, if it is selected by any of the critria maps (logical disjunction).


keytypeexample valuesdescription
:key?vector[:tech true]elements for which the check for the key returns the value (useful for custom keys)
:keyvector[:tech "Clojure"]elements for which the lookup of the key returns the value (useful for custom keys)
:elkeyword:systemelements of the given type
:elsset of keywords#{:system :person}elements with one of the given types
:namespacestring"org.soulspace"elements with the given id namespace
:namespacesset of strings#{"org.soulspace"}elements with one of the given id namespaces
:namespace-prefixstring"org"elements with the given id namespace prefix
:from-namespacestring"org.soulspace"relations with the given id namespace of the from reference
:from-namespacesset of strings#{"org.soulspace"}relations with one of the given id namespaces of the from reference
:from-namespace-prefixstring"org"relations with the given id namespace prefix of the from reference
:to-namespacestring"org.soulspace"relations with the given id namespace of the from reference
:to-namespacesset of strings#{"org.soulspace"}relations with one of the given id namespaces of the from reference
:to-namespace-prefixstring"org"relations with the given id namespace prefix of the from reference
:id?booleantrue, falseelements for which the id check returns the given value
:idkeyword:org.soulspace/overarchthe element with the given id
:fromkeyword:org.soulspace/overarchrelations with the given from id
:tokeyword:org.soulspace/overarchrelations with the given to id
:subtype?booleantrue, falsenodes for which the subtype check returns the given boolean value
:subtypekeyword:queuenodes of the given subtype
:subtypesset of keywords#{:queue :database}nodes of one of the given subtypes
:maturity?booleantrue, falseelements for which the maturity check returns the given boolean value
:maturitykeyword:proposed, :deprecatedelements of the given maturity
:maturitiesset of keywords#{:implemented :deprecated}elements of the given maturities
:external?booleantrue, falseelements of the given external state
:name?booleantrue, falseelements for which the name check returns the given value
:namestring/regex"Overarch CLI"elements for which the name matches the given value
:desc?booleantrue, falseelements for which the description check returns the given value
:descstring/regex"CLI" "(?i).CLI."elements for which the description matches the given value
:doc?booleantrue, falseelements for which the documentation check returns the given value
:docstring/regex"CLI" "(?i).CLI."elements for which the documentation matches the given value
:tech?booleantrue, falseelements for which the technology check returns the given value
:techstring"Clojure"elements of the given technology
:techsset of strings#{"Clojure" "Java"}elements with one or more of the given technologies
:all-techsset of strings#{"Clojure" "Java"}elements with all of the given technologies
:tags?booleantrue, falseelements for which the tags check returns the given value
:tagstring"critical"elements with the given tag
:tagsset of strings#{"Clojure" "Java"}elements with one or more of the given tags
:all-tagsset of strings#{"Clojure" "Java"}elements with all of the given tags
:refers?booleantrue, falsenodes for which the check for refers returns the given value
:referred?booleantrue, falsenodes for which the check for referred returns the given value
:refers-tokeyword:org.soulspace/overarchnodes which refer to the node with the given id
:referred-bykeyword:org.soulspace/overarchnodes which are referred by the node with the given id
:child?booleantrue, falsenodes for which the check for child returns the given value
:child-ofkeyword:org.soulspace/overarchnodes which are children of the node with the given id
:descendant-ofkeyword:org.soulspace/overarchnodes which are descendants of the node with the given id
:parent?booleantrue, falsenodes for which the check for children returns the given value
:parent-ofkeyword:org.soulspace/overarchnode which is the parent of the node with the given id
:ancestor-ofkeyword:org.soulspace/overarchnodes which are ancestors of the node with the given id

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