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(ns simple.core (:require [reagent.dom] [re-frame.core :as rf] [clojure.string :as str])) (defn square [] [:svg {:width "400" :height "110"} [:rect {:width "300" :height "100"}]]) [square] (defn mount-ui [] (reagent/render [square] ;; mount the application's ui (js/document.getElementById "live-app"))) (mount-ui)
The live application should start here in 60 seconds ...

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(defn square 
   [colour size]
   [:div {:style 
            {:width (str (or size "20") "px")
             :height (str (or size "20") "px")
             :display "inline-block"
             :background-color colour}}])

[:div [square "blue" 40] [square "green"]]

XXX work from


Atoms are a clojure language concept. They provide a way to store a mutable value - a value which can change over time. This value in an atom might be an int or a map ... anything.

You used the function deref to o obtain the value held in an atom. So if a is an atom, then (deref a) will extrct the value. The shorthand is @a.

You can set the value of an atom with reset!, like this (reset! a :foo).

Alternatively, you canuse swap! to update the value in an atom. swap! takes a pure function as an argument which is to perform this update. It is expected to takes the current value in the atom as an argument, and to return the updated value to be put back in the atom.

For example (swap! a + 5 6) will call the function + with three values: the value in a and 5 and 6. So this will effectively add 11 to the value currently in a and store that value back into a.

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