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This directory contains the content and configuration for the re-frame website.

A production copy of the re-frame website can be viewed here:

This document describes how the website is built and how to do work on it.

Built Using

The re-frame website is largly built using a static site generator: which provides a Material UI theme for the mkdocs static site generator.

The website is built via Github actions whcih stich together the docs, the API and the klipse artifacts.

To Build Locally

For development purposes, you can get a hot reloading docs environment going via docker by using the following series of commands:

git clone
cd re-frame

Then (optionally) build the API documentation (if you want the API tab of the website work in your development session):

lein codox

Then, if using PowerShell on Windows:

docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 -v ${PWD}:/docs squidfunk/mkdocs-material

or, using linux:

docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 -v "%cd%":/docs squidfunk/mkdocs-material:5.1.1

Then, in a browser tab, load http://localhost:8000/. You should see the website Home page.

You can now edit the website's markdown in /docs and your changes will be hot reloaded into the brower tab for inspection.


The main configuration file for the static site generator is: ../mkdocs.yml

In that file you can nominate navigation, fonts, extensions, etc.

Look And Feel Adjustments

We've made various modifications to the base template supplied by the theme ...

Notably adds

  • Google Font stylesheets
  • klipse custom stylesheets and javascripts
  • our own stylesheets for overriding some styles

overrides/partials/footer.html Removes 'Made with Material for MkDocs' from footer. Attribution in documentation, not footer.

overrides/partials/nav.html Adds logo above left nav. (Deprecated?)

overrides/main.html htmltitle block Removes trailing dash in page title due to empty site name.

stylesheets/re-frame.css Our own custom styles.

stylesheets/codehilite-monokai.css Our own port of the monokai theme to codehilite.

stylesheets/codemirror.css Copy of with FiraCode removed.

Incls syntax highlighting 'theme' around lines ~100-130.

javascripts/klipse_plugin.js Copy of

Using Klipse

On some pages we use klipse for live coding. See docs/klipse/

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Mike Thompson, Shaun Mahood, Sameer Rahmani, Daniel Compton, Andrea Crotti, Isaac Johnston, day8, Dmitry Groshev & André de Jager
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cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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