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'stem' is a simple templating library for clojure. stem was created to offer a simpler, light weight alternative to template rendering.

Notice of relocation

'stem' is moving to a new organisation and moving to a 'sane' versioning system. The library now uses sci to render expressions.

[sats/stem "0.1.0-alpha1"]

Backward compatibility

The previous version of the API is available in the stem.deprecated.core namespace. Just require this namespace instead of stem.core. This namespace will be removed in future releases, and the new API has powerful features.


[satssats/stem "0.1.0-alpha1"]

;; In your namespace:
(ns my.ns
    (:require [sats.stem.core :refer :all]))

Rendering a stem template

stem template supports variables and expressions.


Variables in the template must be wrapped within {{ }}. For eg: {{ name }}. stem substitues variables with values supplied in the data map.

(render-string "Hello {{ name }}" {:name "sathya"})
; => "Hello sathya"


Expressions must be wrapped within {% %}. Expressions are valid clojure expression supported by the sci library. Variables can be used inside expressions.

(render-string "Hello {% (capitalize {{ name }}) %}"
               {:name "sathya"}
               {'capitalize clojure.string/capitalize})
; => Hello Sathya

(render-string "{% (capitalize {{ name }}) %} lives in {% (get {{ country-names }} {{ country-code }}) %}."
               {:user-name :sathya, :country-code :uk :country-names {:uk "United Kingdom"}}
               {'capitalize clojure.string/capitalize})
; => Sathya lives in United Kingdom


  • Useful functions to make template authoring easier.
  • Render files.
  • Caching and speed improvements.


Copyright © 2015-2017 Sathyavijayan Vittal

Distributed under the Apache License v 2.0 (

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